EOP 205
October 17
October 17, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
Graham got a call for another interview for an assistant principal positon for the next page. Later in the afternoon, he received an email from Albuquerque Public Schools regarding the principal position he applied for. There were many other qualified candidates and he didn’t get the job. “What do they want?” he wondered.
He picked up his daughter from the airport and they hung out for the day. In the evening he had a call with SolGuruz - more progress.
Graham called his Queen’s computer programmer, Daniel. They talked about the Dream Story app. Graham told him he couldn’t wait to hear the dreams of all those who participated in the many shared dreams. It sounded like Daniel was too busy and he was only a one-man show. Somehow Graham suspected that Daniel could pull it off. Graham knew Daniel would need help. How fun would it be to work on a project that projected dreams from all over the world.
Graham could see clearly now that the best way to get Dream Story rolling was by having their students post their shared dreams, and perhaps their personal dreams. He wanted to see what others thought was awesome, beautiful, and worth dreaming.
He previously thought that he would get some traction on the Prezervation, but it apparently wasn’t the right time and Graham could feel that. He couldn’t do it on his own. Maybe there were other people, other schools to be the first to pick it up. He wanted it to spread by schools. What is the purpose of education? As a school principal of 20 years, Graham has come with strong belief that the purpose of education is to help the dreams of staff and students to work on their evolving dreams. Students would also to include the dreams of their parents, grandparents, and ancestors. He found the same with his The Mercy School. They were educators, not web developers. They could take the final control of Dream Story “business,” but that too needed to flow well. When the Indians told him it would take only 8-10 weeks to develop, his eyes lit up. “Ready for the Storm” played on Pandora as he wrote. It was a selection on the Lisa Therot station.
He stopped at a gas station, initially to get an “Easy Pay” card. It would get him 10 cents off each gallon. They were out. Instead, he said, “I could use a million dollars,” I’ll take one Powerball and 1 Mega Millions.
It had to be ready for millions to subscribe. Who would develop this Dream Story app? Graham couldn’t promise a lot, but he could promise that they would be named in The Book of Love, vol 1. Volume one had only 4320 pages. He wanted to list everyone alive and those who passed on who inspired him in his story, but there wasn’t enough time or space. There were 8 Billion people. How could he list them all? Maybe the other dreamers could list them. With this app, all 8 billion people could list their dreams.
Maybe Daniel would like what he read and maybe that would trigger something. Maybe he would see how it all came together as people all over the world listed their dreams. Imagine that, over 99% of the dreams are positive. “….What a Wonderful World…” hummed through his thoughts.
Graham got a call for another interview for an assistant principal positon for the next page. Later in the afternoon, he received an email from Albuquerque Public Schools regarding the principal position he applied for. There were many other qualified candidates and he didn’t get the job. “What do they want?” he wondered.
He picked up his daughter from the airport and they hung out for the day. In the evening he had a call with SolGuruz - more progress.
Graham called his Queen’s computer programmer, Daniel. They talked about the Dream Story app. Graham told him he couldn’t wait to hear the dreams of all those who participated in the many shared dreams. It sounded like Daniel was too busy and he was only a one-man show. Somehow Graham suspected that Daniel could pull it off. Graham knew Daniel would need help. How fun would it be to work on a project that projected dreams from all over the world.
Graham could see clearly now that the best way to get Dream Story rolling was by having their students post their shared dreams, and perhaps their personal dreams. He wanted to see what others thought was awesome, beautiful, and worth dreaming.
He previously thought that he would get some traction on the Prezervation, but it apparently wasn’t the right time and Graham could feel that. He couldn’t do it on his own. Maybe there were other people, other schools to be the first to pick it up. He wanted it to spread by schools. What is the purpose of education? As a school principal of 20 years, Graham has come with strong belief that the purpose of education is to help the dreams of staff and students to work on their evolving dreams. Students would also to include the dreams of their parents, grandparents, and ancestors. He found the same with his The Mercy School. They were educators, not web developers. They could take the final control of Dream Story “business,” but that too needed to flow well. When the Indians told him it would take only 8-10 weeks to develop, his eyes lit up. “Ready for the Storm” played on Pandora as he wrote. It was a selection on the Lisa Therot station.
He stopped at a gas station, initially to get an “Easy Pay” card. It would get him 10 cents off each gallon. They were out. Instead, he said, “I could use a million dollars,” I’ll take one Powerball and 1 Mega Millions.
It had to be ready for millions to subscribe. Who would develop this Dream Story app? Graham couldn’t promise a lot, but he could promise that they would be named in The Book of Love, vol 1. Volume one had only 4320 pages. He wanted to list everyone alive and those who passed on who inspired him in his story, but there wasn’t enough time or space. There were 8 Billion people. How could he list them all? Maybe the other dreamers could list them. With this app, all 8 billion people could list their dreams.
Maybe Daniel would like what he read and maybe that would trigger something. Maybe he would see how it all came together as people all over the world listed their dreams. Imagine that, over 99% of the dreams are positive. “….What a Wonderful World…” hummed through his thoughts.
Banner Photo by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-island-during-golden-hour-1119973/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025