October 15, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
A lot of people talk about change. “We’re going to make America great again.” What does great mean? Does it mean justice?
Graham looked at the numbers of people killed on another part of the Spaceship - in just one small area of the Spaceship, over 40,000 in just the last year, and on another part, over 14,000. Graham was saddened. What could he do? They all came here for a reason, to help each other on the Spaceship. When will the hate and greed stop? When will enough be enough? When will the children be able to go back to school and learn? When will the world leaders shake hands, sit down with each other and smoke a peace pipe or something? Who can make the killing stop? Who will tell the stories, the history that includes both sides? Why are there sides?
We are all on this Spaceship Earth at this time for a reason. Over 1000s of years we have many had many leaders of areas and this has not worked out so well. Based on our experience, it would be even worse if there were one leader, “leading” the world.
Graham grew up in the United States of America. He could only speak as an US Citizen. He was free to speak. His was only one opinion amongst 300,000,000 US American people and one amongst 8 billion Spaceship people. It was his opinion that the President of the United States incorrectly received the title of “Leader” Instead of that title he believed it should be “manager.” He had no doubt that this was not an easy job because it carried a lot of responsibility. To be called “Leader” of The United States of America is like the head of the servants in a mansion being called the Leader of a mansion. In the mansion everyone would look to this leader for what to do, to solve all their problems, and the leader would say, “Yes I can help you solve your problems, just leave me a bunch of signed checks and I wiil solve all of your problems.” And in that mansion, even the head father and mother would listen to the main servant for advice and solutions, and all the while the leader of the mansion was passing out hopeful words, he was putting the mansion further into deep debt that would be passed on to the children of the mansion. As soon as a child of the mansion was born, they were not free. They were enslaved into debt which left the mansion in a cloud of darkness. They were enslaved to the servants. The leaders of the mansions were brilliant. The servants had quietly risen and turned all the people of the mansion into slaves.
One day, the children of the people of the mansion began to wake up. They began to wake up their other family members. They began to remember that they were the leaders of the mansion. They learned that even their news sources had different versions of truth and at that time, couldn’t be trusted. Who would they trust? Could they begin to trust their own family members and pull in pieces to the Great puzzle? Would they realize why they were in their mansion, why that mansion was there? The mansion was shared by many families. Would they treat each family member fairly? The family members realized that they were all leaders in the Great Mystery. They lead with their thoughts, music, art, and most of all with their actions. They kept some of the servants, but voted most of them out. It was time for a change. They began to evaluate the servants by their actions. What were they doing to make the mansion a joyful place to live? If the servants were causing division amongst family members, they were voted out immediately. If they were spending above the family budget, they were voted out immediately. The families were no longer listening to excuses. They made new tools to evaluate the actions of the servants. Were their servants having a positive impact? Were they helping the family to achieve their dreams? If the servants weren’t helping, they were voted out at the next election. Both the family and the servants agreed to follow the rules and processes of the mansion that were put in place.
The families taught their children all they knew about sex - what it means in their traditions, and what it means in the traditions, cultures, and religions of other families and then they moved on. They told their children their dreams. They told them all their unanswered questions about their very existence. They shared with them their journey to find their purpose and to create meaning in the mansion. The elders shared that there were many other mansions all around their Earth with so many other mansions. They told them that with many of the other thousands of families, they were not related biologically, but somehow connected at a SOUL level, perhaps even another equal or part of the same spirit, and instead of having 8 tentacles like an octopus, it had 8,000,000,000 tentacles each one driven by the same SOUL, and part of the same entity. The entity that was called by 1000 names. And the family members began to dream, to lead, and to spread joy, and the families and the teachers said, “We are here to help you achieve your dreams.” And the families and the servants worked together to make the mansion a happy place to live while they, as leaders of their own mansion, explored the Infinite together, and they all prayed, “We won’t get fooled again.” and they smiled and grinned at the change all around.
Graham was excited. In only 4 more pages, he would be marrying the princess. He had chosen. “Till death do us part.”
A lot of people talk about change. “We’re going to make America great again.” What does great mean? Does it mean justice?
Graham looked at the numbers of people killed on another part of the Spaceship - in just one small area of the Spaceship, over 40,000 in just the last year, and on another part, over 14,000. Graham was saddened. What could he do? They all came here for a reason, to help each other on the Spaceship. When will the hate and greed stop? When will enough be enough? When will the children be able to go back to school and learn? When will the world leaders shake hands, sit down with each other and smoke a peace pipe or something? Who can make the killing stop? Who will tell the stories, the history that includes both sides? Why are there sides?
We are all on this Spaceship Earth at this time for a reason. Over 1000s of years we have many had many leaders of areas and this has not worked out so well. Based on our experience, it would be even worse if there were one leader, “leading” the world.
Graham grew up in the United States of America. He could only speak as an US Citizen. He was free to speak. His was only one opinion amongst 300,000,000 US American people and one amongst 8 billion Spaceship people. It was his opinion that the President of the United States incorrectly received the title of “Leader” Instead of that title he believed it should be “manager.” He had no doubt that this was not an easy job because it carried a lot of responsibility. To be called “Leader” of The United States of America is like the head of the servants in a mansion being called the Leader of a mansion. In the mansion everyone would look to this leader for what to do, to solve all their problems, and the leader would say, “Yes I can help you solve your problems, just leave me a bunch of signed checks and I wiil solve all of your problems.” And in that mansion, even the head father and mother would listen to the main servant for advice and solutions, and all the while the leader of the mansion was passing out hopeful words, he was putting the mansion further into deep debt that would be passed on to the children of the mansion. As soon as a child of the mansion was born, they were not free. They were enslaved into debt which left the mansion in a cloud of darkness. They were enslaved to the servants. The leaders of the mansions were brilliant. The servants had quietly risen and turned all the people of the mansion into slaves.
One day, the children of the people of the mansion began to wake up. They began to wake up their other family members. They began to remember that they were the leaders of the mansion. They learned that even their news sources had different versions of truth and at that time, couldn’t be trusted. Who would they trust? Could they begin to trust their own family members and pull in pieces to the Great puzzle? Would they realize why they were in their mansion, why that mansion was there? The mansion was shared by many families. Would they treat each family member fairly? The family members realized that they were all leaders in the Great Mystery. They lead with their thoughts, music, art, and most of all with their actions. They kept some of the servants, but voted most of them out. It was time for a change. They began to evaluate the servants by their actions. What were they doing to make the mansion a joyful place to live? If the servants were causing division amongst family members, they were voted out immediately. If they were spending above the family budget, they were voted out immediately. The families were no longer listening to excuses. They made new tools to evaluate the actions of the servants. Were their servants having a positive impact? Were they helping the family to achieve their dreams? If the servants weren’t helping, they were voted out at the next election. Both the family and the servants agreed to follow the rules and processes of the mansion that were put in place.
The families taught their children all they knew about sex - what it means in their traditions, and what it means in the traditions, cultures, and religions of other families and then they moved on. They told their children their dreams. They told them all their unanswered questions about their very existence. They shared with them their journey to find their purpose and to create meaning in the mansion. The elders shared that there were many other mansions all around their Earth with so many other mansions. They told them that with many of the other thousands of families, they were not related biologically, but somehow connected at a SOUL level, perhaps even another equal or part of the same spirit, and instead of having 8 tentacles like an octopus, it had 8,000,000,000 tentacles each one driven by the same SOUL, and part of the same entity. The entity that was called by 1000 names. And the family members began to dream, to lead, and to spread joy, and the families and the teachers said, “We are here to help you achieve your dreams.” And the families and the servants worked together to make the mansion a happy place to live while they, as leaders of their own mansion, explored the Infinite together, and they all prayed, “We won’t get fooled again.” and they smiled and grinned at the change all around.
Graham was excited. In only 4 more pages, he would be marrying the princess. He had chosen. “Till death do us part.”
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025