October 14, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
Graham spent the day reviewing terms of service, privacy policy and he had to run his car over to Pep Boys to fix a flat. A nail was stuck in his tire. In the evening, he and The Princess met for their last dance lesson before the wedding. They were not near the perfection stage but it was good enough that they could have fun with it.
There were times when Graham worried about the money, the loans, not working for 4 months. He was quickly piling up the debt. The problem he had was there was this inner voice or feeling telling him that everything was going to be ok. It was a very subtle feeling, but he trusted it. He had gotten used to trusting that feeling. He was going to have to learn how to juggle funds. Maybe he would have to ask friends and family for help, or maybe he would trust that inner feeling and go with the flow for the fun ride down the river knowing, believing, having faith that everything was going to work out just fine.
SolGuruz was gearing up for the release. It was coming soon. He couldn’t wait until the people began to share their visions, talk about their dream lists, and share their stories with family, friends, and teachers, and the teachers shared theirs. Almost overnight, it seemed like a kinder and gentler world. Wars? Who wanted those? Is this what we came to planet Earth for? What is our purpose? Even if we don’t know our purpose, there is tremendous excitement and joy in finding out what it is. There is not enough time for any human to learn all that there is to learn in this life, but if the desire to learn, the desire to enhance one’s purpose is there, then that person is ready for a big adventure.
He looked at another journaling app. Their marketing material looked great, but he didn’t like the presentation of the app on his phone. He was in love with all the things Dream Story could do. All the entries were private, but if the users wanted to publish their work and send it to friends, they could. In the meantime, they could chat about how they were going to make the world a better place. They could ask questions about the Infinite Mastodon and they could get on with their journeys in the 3D without hesitation.
The music for the Dream Story began to play, sometimes it was the inspiration of the old songs and then it was the inspiration of the new songs, like those from The Greatest Showman. Then there was the talk in the coffee shops, “What does your Dream List look like?” How many of your dreams have you completed? Did you see the dreams of our political leaders? What dreams are you working on? Do you know why it is called Dream Story Live?
Sometimes tiny quotes can have a big impact. They often did on Graham. These were words from the greats. He ventured to climb onto their shoulders. He thought about Zig Ziglar’s quote often about the shower. If he ever forgot it he knew all he had to do was go to Google and type in “Zig Ziglar shower” and it would come up. “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” Graham thought about that many times and thought the same idea could be applied to dreams, goals, and visions.
What a wonderful way to enter the world, with clarity - a dream list. What a vision this dream list would provide. This clarity would give rise to purpose. It would help define who the person is and would record all of their progress. They would have a printout, perhaps a book of their Dream Story. Where in the movie, on what page, did they learn about Dream Story? On what page did they start telling their own Dream Story? Did they write or snap pictures of the beautiful and amazing? What were they learning on their Infinite Journey and their unique experience in the 3D? What were they learning about other dimensions and the Infinite itself? What pieces were they adding to the Infinite Puzzle.
Graham had the feeling that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, that everything would work out. That he could focus on the freedom he felt in his dream studio and not worry about the legalities, as there would be folks to help him with that. Perhaps this was the next level, where he could let go and let things work out as they needed to work out. Perhaps this would be the story of how the funds grew along with the feedback from users.
We recommend writing your story every day. What if you are here for a special journey, to learn or explore, or create, or for some other reason? You know that your time is limited. How are you going to maximize your time? Will it be for family first? This is a good start. Is it about listening, learning, projecting? What if we all tried to project lovE? What is lovE? 1st Corinthians 13 provides one good definition but love is difficult to describe. When one experiences it, it is something that one wants to pass on.
Graham spent the day reviewing terms of service, privacy policy and he had to run his car over to Pep Boys to fix a flat. A nail was stuck in his tire. In the evening, he and The Princess met for their last dance lesson before the wedding. They were not near the perfection stage but it was good enough that they could have fun with it.
There were times when Graham worried about the money, the loans, not working for 4 months. He was quickly piling up the debt. The problem he had was there was this inner voice or feeling telling him that everything was going to be ok. It was a very subtle feeling, but he trusted it. He had gotten used to trusting that feeling. He was going to have to learn how to juggle funds. Maybe he would have to ask friends and family for help, or maybe he would trust that inner feeling and go with the flow for the fun ride down the river knowing, believing, having faith that everything was going to work out just fine.
SolGuruz was gearing up for the release. It was coming soon. He couldn’t wait until the people began to share their visions, talk about their dream lists, and share their stories with family, friends, and teachers, and the teachers shared theirs. Almost overnight, it seemed like a kinder and gentler world. Wars? Who wanted those? Is this what we came to planet Earth for? What is our purpose? Even if we don’t know our purpose, there is tremendous excitement and joy in finding out what it is. There is not enough time for any human to learn all that there is to learn in this life, but if the desire to learn, the desire to enhance one’s purpose is there, then that person is ready for a big adventure.
He looked at another journaling app. Their marketing material looked great, but he didn’t like the presentation of the app on his phone. He was in love with all the things Dream Story could do. All the entries were private, but if the users wanted to publish their work and send it to friends, they could. In the meantime, they could chat about how they were going to make the world a better place. They could ask questions about the Infinite Mastodon and they could get on with their journeys in the 3D without hesitation.
The music for the Dream Story began to play, sometimes it was the inspiration of the old songs and then it was the inspiration of the new songs, like those from The Greatest Showman. Then there was the talk in the coffee shops, “What does your Dream List look like?” How many of your dreams have you completed? Did you see the dreams of our political leaders? What dreams are you working on? Do you know why it is called Dream Story Live?
Sometimes tiny quotes can have a big impact. They often did on Graham. These were words from the greats. He ventured to climb onto their shoulders. He thought about Zig Ziglar’s quote often about the shower. If he ever forgot it he knew all he had to do was go to Google and type in “Zig Ziglar shower” and it would come up. “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” Graham thought about that many times and thought the same idea could be applied to dreams, goals, and visions.
What a wonderful way to enter the world, with clarity - a dream list. What a vision this dream list would provide. This clarity would give rise to purpose. It would help define who the person is and would record all of their progress. They would have a printout, perhaps a book of their Dream Story. Where in the movie, on what page, did they learn about Dream Story? On what page did they start telling their own Dream Story? Did they write or snap pictures of the beautiful and amazing? What were they learning on their Infinite Journey and their unique experience in the 3D? What were they learning about other dimensions and the Infinite itself? What pieces were they adding to the Infinite Puzzle.
Graham had the feeling that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, that everything would work out. That he could focus on the freedom he felt in his dream studio and not worry about the legalities, as there would be folks to help him with that. Perhaps this was the next level, where he could let go and let things work out as they needed to work out. Perhaps this would be the story of how the funds grew along with the feedback from users.
We recommend writing your story every day. What if you are here for a special journey, to learn or explore, or create, or for some other reason? You know that your time is limited. How are you going to maximize your time? Will it be for family first? This is a good start. Is it about listening, learning, projecting? What if we all tried to project lovE? What is lovE? 1st Corinthians 13 provides one good definition but love is difficult to describe. When one experiences it, it is something that one wants to pass on.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025