October 11, 2024 West Principal’s Diary
Graham woke up, grabbed his cup of coffee, and headed to his dream studio. It was the best part of his day, whenever he could be free in his dream studio. He was alone, but he felt he wasn't. It was like there was a loving presence with him, and he listened for thoughts and then the feelings that accompanied them. Although he wasn't sure which came first, the thoughts or the feelings, but he didn't really mind because either way, they worked so well with each other and they would switch on his imagination and then he could see as if he was really in that place.
He imagined himself at his new school. In the background "Pray" by David Tolk played. I've worked in many schools, and your school has one of the best visions I have ever seen. The vision is that you will go into the world with vision, clarity, and purpose.
“My wonderful and beautiful children, this is why our teachers are here. It is to help you see your visions come true. Your visions will evolve over time. Your visions are what helps you get to the next level. We will be working with your parents to help you develop your visions. It is your family who will help you the most to develop your visions and at school, it is your teachers who will help to give you the knowledge and skills for you to make your visions come true.”
(Music fades into “A Million Dream” by Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelled Williams)
“When you write down your visions, this will give you clarity. We will share your visions with you and your parents will share their visions, and your teachers will share theirs and together we will help to make the kind of world we want.”
The Principal would tell them about one of his dreams. My dream is to see all the actions, hear the music, and see the art and adults doing the hard work to clean the Seas. My dream was to make an app, a story, and the story told of how a million people shared this vision for cleaning the oceans.
“A million dreams for the world we’re going to make,” ( plays at the end of the paragraph)
After writing, Graham prepares for the wedding. He read 1 Corinthians 13. He especially liked the end, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
When he opened up the test version of the Dream Story app, the quote of the day was perfect.
"The first hope in our inventory - the hope that includes and at the same time transcends all others - must be that love is going to have the last word." - Anthony J. Toynbee
Graham woke up, grabbed his cup of coffee, and headed to his dream studio. It was the best part of his day, whenever he could be free in his dream studio. He was alone, but he felt he wasn't. It was like there was a loving presence with him, and he listened for thoughts and then the feelings that accompanied them. Although he wasn't sure which came first, the thoughts or the feelings, but he didn't really mind because either way, they worked so well with each other and they would switch on his imagination and then he could see as if he was really in that place.
He imagined himself at his new school. In the background "Pray" by David Tolk played. I've worked in many schools, and your school has one of the best visions I have ever seen. The vision is that you will go into the world with vision, clarity, and purpose.
“My wonderful and beautiful children, this is why our teachers are here. It is to help you see your visions come true. Your visions will evolve over time. Your visions are what helps you get to the next level. We will be working with your parents to help you develop your visions. It is your family who will help you the most to develop your visions and at school, it is your teachers who will help to give you the knowledge and skills for you to make your visions come true.”
(Music fades into “A Million Dream” by Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman and Michelled Williams)
“When you write down your visions, this will give you clarity. We will share your visions with you and your parents will share their visions, and your teachers will share theirs and together we will help to make the kind of world we want.”
The Principal would tell them about one of his dreams. My dream is to see all the actions, hear the music, and see the art and adults doing the hard work to clean the Seas. My dream was to make an app, a story, and the story told of how a million people shared this vision for cleaning the oceans.
“A million dreams for the world we’re going to make,” ( plays at the end of the paragraph)
After writing, Graham prepares for the wedding. He read 1 Corinthians 13. He especially liked the end, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
When he opened up the test version of the Dream Story app, the quote of the day was perfect.
"The first hope in our inventory - the hope that includes and at the same time transcends all others - must be that love is going to have the last word." - Anthony J. Toynbee
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025