EOP 197
October 9
Graham began his morning preparing questions and thoughts to meet with a lawyer in downtown Albuquerque to discuss trademarks and copyrights.
On his way back he stopped by Cottonwood Mall to visit the Avanti shop. He needed a ruffle shirt for his Tuxedo. He was only 10 pages away from the Royal Wedding
When he returned, he looked for information at a school he was to interview at on the next page. He looked at their website, read the U.S. News and World report, and looked at sites like GreatSchools.org.
He then began to write. He was feeling like things were ramping up. There were a lot of things to do yet for the Dream Story app, the wedding, and the interview.
Graham was feeling like it was time for a shift in direction. He was done, for now, with the philosophy. Perhaps instead of spending 1-3 hours in meditation, he would keep his meditation shorter and start focusing on the work that had to be done for the wedding, Dream Story, their trip to Cabo.
He liked the vision statement of the school he was to interview at. The children will meet their world with vision, clarity, and purpose. This was part of the reason for Dream Story. It was so that folks all around the world could develop shared and personal visions by listing them, causing clarity and giving purpose to doing the things that they do.
October 9, 2023
It was Indigenous day. He had the day off. It was his day. He got up and let the chickens out. He went up on his balcony with a cup of coffee, greeted his Sun and thanked it for its unconditional energy. From his balcony, through the spaces between the giant green leafy cottonwoods in his backyard, he could see the balloons launching from Balloon Fiesta Park. How many he wondered. Google told him 600. “This would be a good time for the wedding.” He wanted his family to experience walking amongst the balloons as they were getting ready for takeoff. He would discuss it with his Queen
There was war between Russia and Ukraine and only two pages prior, it broke out again in the Middle East. He couldn’t believe that he was 60 and there are still men warring like this. He thought peace would have broken out on their rocket ship before he came into the age of responsibility. Didn’t all the adults know that they each had a responsibility to create a better world for themselves, their children, great grandchildren? Didn’t they know their dreams would lay that foundation for a better world more than 1000 years into the future? He would spend every free moment he could find to work on the Dream Story story so it could become an app and establish the foundation for dreamers all over the world to create and share the kind of world they want for themselves, their children and grandchildren. He wondered what the adults were dreaming about
As he wrote, he thought about his friends all around the world. They were good people. He thought about his Indigenous friends he had spent 4 years with seeing the world through their eyes. He thought about his friend Alberto Villoldo. He was one of his teachers. Graham was learning to dream the world into being. He knew his friends were also dreamers. He didn’t want corruption, war or disease to take the attention away from the storytelling dreams. He was building a web of connections throughout the rocket ship. Before the web, they were living in 200 separate compartments on the rocket ship. They would not talk to or see the other compartments, but they heard their neighbors from the other compartments and they too often became afraid. All of them, in all 200 compartments, they were afraid of each other and because they constantly lived in fear they would not spend their energy on their dreams and for many, their dreams died, especially the elderly, but not all of them. He would not let that happen to his children. He would teach them that they must never stop living their dreams. He told them that they will see war, disease, and corruption. He told them they had special people to deal with those issues in their compartment and he began hearing that they had them in other compartments as well. As he began developing the Dream Story, he began getting new thoughts and as a result he developed a new perspective. It felt like he was getting closer to the upper room.
In their compartments, the people not only produced their own food and industry, but this, of course, created a lot of garbage, both organic and toxic. They didn’t know what to do with the garbage and so they most often buried it in their own backyards and this created a series of unsightly mounds all over the 200 compartments. Sometimes they would toss garbage into their own water ways. They would see their garbage swept away, by streams and rivers, but they didn’t realize they were contaminating not only their own fresh water supply but supply, but the water supply of the entire rocket ship. They didn’t see that their wastes ran into huge sea tanks. They didn’t know that they were responsible for keeping the tanks clean.
What were the politicians dreaming about? What dreams were they trying to fulfill? How were they spending their energy? He hated to say it, but they were just public servants. He put them in charge of taking care of their compartment. If he didn’t like their work in helping with the shared dreams of the teachers, then he would vote for the next best dreamer. He could make fun of public servants because he was also a public servant. He worked in the school system by day and was a full-time storyteller by late afternoons and weekends. He spent all the extra precious minutes he could find working on the Dream Story, so that the Dream Story app could put all the Dreamers on the same page, even public servants who dreamed in their off hours. Were they defined or identified as a public servants, dreamers, or storytellers, or somehow all mixed together to form identities with drive? In their drive, on their journey, could they share their shared and personal dreams? Could they keep their private dreams to themselves and trusted family and friends? Could all the other travelers on the rocket ship mind their own business and not try to find out about the private home lives of people? Could the people thank the public servants who helped and protected the people in their compartments? Could the off-duty public servants also share their dream stories? Could we all be on the same page or even different page numbers? Could we all learn how to create our own Dream Story no matter what Dream Story service is used? We want to hear your dream story. What kind of world do you imagine? We would like to learn. We are diving into new territory. We will see and hear about war, disease, and corruption, but we will not let those stop us from dreaming. 1% inspiration. 99% perspiration. We are resilient and relentless dreamer.
What shared dreams do Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jews have? Can they at least agree that our Seas can be cleaner? Can we clean up our seas together? What dreams do the people have? They are free to dream about anything. They can keep their private dreams to themselves. They have that right, but what shared dreams do they have? How can we help each other?
Graham had spent almost 5 hours in the morning writing, meditating, visualizing Dream Story, feeling the enthusiasm of others as they began to tell their own dream stories. It was time for him to be vulnerable yet to move beyond the vulnerability and into running, chasing the dream and enjoying the companionship of the other dreamers along the way, all on the same page, but all having their unique stories to tell. They were so many on the same page of living in their dreams and yet there were never two stories that were identical. They were all unique and played a contributing effort to make the dreams materialize.
When Graham starts running, he knows he will seem strange to others. He wouldn’t say it is strange. He would call it focused. The focus is in hearing about all the dreams of students, teachers, parents and grandparents and public servants.
Graham worked throughout the day and he discovered a free gift. He watched the video and received it. It was a video on Youtube called "The Fight" by Taboo. He said, "The gift I'm giving is motivation, inspiration, hope, and movement. You gotta get up, get excited about living, and charged up for life." He was honored to have someone like Taboo to be part of his Dream Story.
Graham began his morning preparing questions and thoughts to meet with a lawyer in downtown Albuquerque to discuss trademarks and copyrights.
On his way back he stopped by Cottonwood Mall to visit the Avanti shop. He needed a ruffle shirt for his Tuxedo. He was only 10 pages away from the Royal Wedding
When he returned, he looked for information at a school he was to interview at on the next page. He looked at their website, read the U.S. News and World report, and looked at sites like GreatSchools.org.
He then began to write. He was feeling like things were ramping up. There were a lot of things to do yet for the Dream Story app, the wedding, and the interview.
Graham was feeling like it was time for a shift in direction. He was done, for now, with the philosophy. Perhaps instead of spending 1-3 hours in meditation, he would keep his meditation shorter and start focusing on the work that had to be done for the wedding, Dream Story, their trip to Cabo.
He liked the vision statement of the school he was to interview at. The children will meet their world with vision, clarity, and purpose. This was part of the reason for Dream Story. It was so that folks all around the world could develop shared and personal visions by listing them, causing clarity and giving purpose to doing the things that they do.
October 9, 2023
It was Indigenous day. He had the day off. It was his day. He got up and let the chickens out. He went up on his balcony with a cup of coffee, greeted his Sun and thanked it for its unconditional energy. From his balcony, through the spaces between the giant green leafy cottonwoods in his backyard, he could see the balloons launching from Balloon Fiesta Park. How many he wondered. Google told him 600. “This would be a good time for the wedding.” He wanted his family to experience walking amongst the balloons as they were getting ready for takeoff. He would discuss it with his Queen
There was war between Russia and Ukraine and only two pages prior, it broke out again in the Middle East. He couldn’t believe that he was 60 and there are still men warring like this. He thought peace would have broken out on their rocket ship before he came into the age of responsibility. Didn’t all the adults know that they each had a responsibility to create a better world for themselves, their children, great grandchildren? Didn’t they know their dreams would lay that foundation for a better world more than 1000 years into the future? He would spend every free moment he could find to work on the Dream Story story so it could become an app and establish the foundation for dreamers all over the world to create and share the kind of world they want for themselves, their children and grandchildren. He wondered what the adults were dreaming about
As he wrote, he thought about his friends all around the world. They were good people. He thought about his Indigenous friends he had spent 4 years with seeing the world through their eyes. He thought about his friend Alberto Villoldo. He was one of his teachers. Graham was learning to dream the world into being. He knew his friends were also dreamers. He didn’t want corruption, war or disease to take the attention away from the storytelling dreams. He was building a web of connections throughout the rocket ship. Before the web, they were living in 200 separate compartments on the rocket ship. They would not talk to or see the other compartments, but they heard their neighbors from the other compartments and they too often became afraid. All of them, in all 200 compartments, they were afraid of each other and because they constantly lived in fear they would not spend their energy on their dreams and for many, their dreams died, especially the elderly, but not all of them. He would not let that happen to his children. He would teach them that they must never stop living their dreams. He told them that they will see war, disease, and corruption. He told them they had special people to deal with those issues in their compartment and he began hearing that they had them in other compartments as well. As he began developing the Dream Story, he began getting new thoughts and as a result he developed a new perspective. It felt like he was getting closer to the upper room.
In their compartments, the people not only produced their own food and industry, but this, of course, created a lot of garbage, both organic and toxic. They didn’t know what to do with the garbage and so they most often buried it in their own backyards and this created a series of unsightly mounds all over the 200 compartments. Sometimes they would toss garbage into their own water ways. They would see their garbage swept away, by streams and rivers, but they didn’t realize they were contaminating not only their own fresh water supply but supply, but the water supply of the entire rocket ship. They didn’t see that their wastes ran into huge sea tanks. They didn’t know that they were responsible for keeping the tanks clean.
What were the politicians dreaming about? What dreams were they trying to fulfill? How were they spending their energy? He hated to say it, but they were just public servants. He put them in charge of taking care of their compartment. If he didn’t like their work in helping with the shared dreams of the teachers, then he would vote for the next best dreamer. He could make fun of public servants because he was also a public servant. He worked in the school system by day and was a full-time storyteller by late afternoons and weekends. He spent all the extra precious minutes he could find working on the Dream Story, so that the Dream Story app could put all the Dreamers on the same page, even public servants who dreamed in their off hours. Were they defined or identified as a public servants, dreamers, or storytellers, or somehow all mixed together to form identities with drive? In their drive, on their journey, could they share their shared and personal dreams? Could they keep their private dreams to themselves and trusted family and friends? Could all the other travelers on the rocket ship mind their own business and not try to find out about the private home lives of people? Could the people thank the public servants who helped and protected the people in their compartments? Could the off-duty public servants also share their dream stories? Could we all be on the same page or even different page numbers? Could we all learn how to create our own Dream Story no matter what Dream Story service is used? We want to hear your dream story. What kind of world do you imagine? We would like to learn. We are diving into new territory. We will see and hear about war, disease, and corruption, but we will not let those stop us from dreaming. 1% inspiration. 99% perspiration. We are resilient and relentless dreamer.
What shared dreams do Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jews have? Can they at least agree that our Seas can be cleaner? Can we clean up our seas together? What dreams do the people have? They are free to dream about anything. They can keep their private dreams to themselves. They have that right, but what shared dreams do they have? How can we help each other?
Graham had spent almost 5 hours in the morning writing, meditating, visualizing Dream Story, feeling the enthusiasm of others as they began to tell their own dream stories. It was time for him to be vulnerable yet to move beyond the vulnerability and into running, chasing the dream and enjoying the companionship of the other dreamers along the way, all on the same page, but all having their unique stories to tell. They were so many on the same page of living in their dreams and yet there were never two stories that were identical. They were all unique and played a contributing effort to make the dreams materialize.
When Graham starts running, he knows he will seem strange to others. He wouldn’t say it is strange. He would call it focused. The focus is in hearing about all the dreams of students, teachers, parents and grandparents and public servants.
Graham worked throughout the day and he discovered a free gift. He watched the video and received it. It was a video on Youtube called "The Fight" by Taboo. He said, "The gift I'm giving is motivation, inspiration, hope, and movement. You gotta get up, get excited about living, and charged up for life." He was honored to have someone like Taboo to be part of his Dream Story.
Banner Photo by Jeys Tubianosa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/trees-during-day-3020047/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025