EOP 196
October 8
Principal’s Diary, star page 196. Graham asked himself, “If today were a completely free page, an entirely free day without any worries, or responsibilities, what would you do? Graham thought it was a trick question. Of course the answer would be to spread hope and thus the feelings that accompany hope. He would spread it to everyone including every man in the world, including politicians. He knew that women and children were never far from hope and so they began turning to the men and watching them. He knew that women were a huge influence in their lives and they could ask their men, “What is your hope?” many replied, “To see all of the garbage out of the seas, all of us from all over the world to tackle this problem. This is my hope. It was a good start on the dream list, vision board, and bucket list.
Graham knew that this spread of this hope could not happen on just one page. Part of the fun of it is watching hope spread, person to person, family to family, until finally world leaders can see what their people really want. This would take many pages, and most likely a few steps in the spiral, but the most amazing thing happened. As hope spread, so did all the other dream emotions, like enthusiasm, curiosity, listening to understand, and love.
Graham wondered why he seemed to be cut off from the bigger vision. It was only when chores were done and he could close his door and go into his dream studio for an hour or two and sometimes more, to imagine and feel. He played in the dream emotions and this is when he imagined some good possibilities. If these paths felt good then he would continue to go down that path. He did this for several spiral steps and then started putting all the pieces together until the Dream Story Live app emerged, could be explained. He shared the idea with friends in an indirect manner. Indirect because there were many good pieces to this app but Graham had a hard time explaining it. He could visualize it and write about it in his Dream Studio, but outside his studio, he felt like his tongue was tied. It’s the same way he felt when he was hypnotized in front of an audience in his college days. He was sitting with 6 other students who agreed to be hypnotized. He told himself that he wasn’t going to fall for it. When it came his time, the hypnotist asked him a few questions and he answered with no problem. Then they hypnotist went up and put his palm and fingers on his throat, not in a choking manner, and he pulled his hand away and the hypnotist declared, as he looked at Graham, “Now I have your voice in my hand” and he raised his hand up in the air to show the audience. “How does that feel? As he turned back to look at Graham. Graham tried to let out his response and couldn’t speak. He looked truly dumbfounded to the Hypnotist and the audience. The hypnotist let Graham squirm and struggle for a bit to catch the sincerity of being amazed he couldn’t speak. He had come under the hypnotist spell. And then the hypnosis made a grand gesture, “I’m going to now put your voice back,” and he gestured with his hand to Graham’s throat as if putting his voice back. “How does that feel now,” And Graham began to speak with relief as if he could breathe after his passageway was blocked.
Outside of Graham’s studio, Graham felt sucked into the the 3D. Inside his studio, there was no limit to the imagination. Perhaps he had found the balance he was looking for, but it was something he had to do every single day, like taking a shower. He had to refresh and connect with his dreams, his story, and the people he was telling his story to. He would write his story every day, tell folks about it along the way, all the good people he was meeting and how he could see things getting better every day, the famous words of President Startsky.
It was a dream that they were all living. The fear was getting less attention and the families were given more and that is where love was found, pure honest love, it was in one's own family and they found gold and couldn’t wait to tell their ongoing stories. It wasn’t really a drama, it was more like a fun comedic play. Every person got their part to play, and the people began to play. They followed their laws, but they began to play more and share. Although they spent a lot of their time in their homes, they could still easily share with the rest of the world.
The Master Storytellers became examples of fine storytelling. They told their students. All you have to do is fill in one page at a time. It is about what you want to see happening in your world. What kind of world do we all want to create?
Graham went to the Balloon Festival with his Queen. There he met the artist of the wedding ring his Queen had chosen for him. It was made by Calvin Begay. He is Indigenous. Graham wished he had it with him so he could have gotten some background on it. Perhaps he would have to wait one revolution around the sun until their schedules would align once again. Graham was wearing his Rocket Point sweatshirt. Calvin commented on it saying he knew where it was. Graham was happy he made another connection.
Principal’s Diary, star page 196. Graham asked himself, “If today were a completely free page, an entirely free day without any worries, or responsibilities, what would you do? Graham thought it was a trick question. Of course the answer would be to spread hope and thus the feelings that accompany hope. He would spread it to everyone including every man in the world, including politicians. He knew that women and children were never far from hope and so they began turning to the men and watching them. He knew that women were a huge influence in their lives and they could ask their men, “What is your hope?” many replied, “To see all of the garbage out of the seas, all of us from all over the world to tackle this problem. This is my hope. It was a good start on the dream list, vision board, and bucket list.
Graham knew that this spread of this hope could not happen on just one page. Part of the fun of it is watching hope spread, person to person, family to family, until finally world leaders can see what their people really want. This would take many pages, and most likely a few steps in the spiral, but the most amazing thing happened. As hope spread, so did all the other dream emotions, like enthusiasm, curiosity, listening to understand, and love.
Graham wondered why he seemed to be cut off from the bigger vision. It was only when chores were done and he could close his door and go into his dream studio for an hour or two and sometimes more, to imagine and feel. He played in the dream emotions and this is when he imagined some good possibilities. If these paths felt good then he would continue to go down that path. He did this for several spiral steps and then started putting all the pieces together until the Dream Story Live app emerged, could be explained. He shared the idea with friends in an indirect manner. Indirect because there were many good pieces to this app but Graham had a hard time explaining it. He could visualize it and write about it in his Dream Studio, but outside his studio, he felt like his tongue was tied. It’s the same way he felt when he was hypnotized in front of an audience in his college days. He was sitting with 6 other students who agreed to be hypnotized. He told himself that he wasn’t going to fall for it. When it came his time, the hypnotist asked him a few questions and he answered with no problem. Then they hypnotist went up and put his palm and fingers on his throat, not in a choking manner, and he pulled his hand away and the hypnotist declared, as he looked at Graham, “Now I have your voice in my hand” and he raised his hand up in the air to show the audience. “How does that feel? As he turned back to look at Graham. Graham tried to let out his response and couldn’t speak. He looked truly dumbfounded to the Hypnotist and the audience. The hypnotist let Graham squirm and struggle for a bit to catch the sincerity of being amazed he couldn’t speak. He had come under the hypnotist spell. And then the hypnosis made a grand gesture, “I’m going to now put your voice back,” and he gestured with his hand to Graham’s throat as if putting his voice back. “How does that feel now,” And Graham began to speak with relief as if he could breathe after his passageway was blocked.
Outside of Graham’s studio, Graham felt sucked into the the 3D. Inside his studio, there was no limit to the imagination. Perhaps he had found the balance he was looking for, but it was something he had to do every single day, like taking a shower. He had to refresh and connect with his dreams, his story, and the people he was telling his story to. He would write his story every day, tell folks about it along the way, all the good people he was meeting and how he could see things getting better every day, the famous words of President Startsky.
It was a dream that they were all living. The fear was getting less attention and the families were given more and that is where love was found, pure honest love, it was in one's own family and they found gold and couldn’t wait to tell their ongoing stories. It wasn’t really a drama, it was more like a fun comedic play. Every person got their part to play, and the people began to play. They followed their laws, but they began to play more and share. Although they spent a lot of their time in their homes, they could still easily share with the rest of the world.
The Master Storytellers became examples of fine storytelling. They told their students. All you have to do is fill in one page at a time. It is about what you want to see happening in your world. What kind of world do we all want to create?
Graham went to the Balloon Festival with his Queen. There he met the artist of the wedding ring his Queen had chosen for him. It was made by Calvin Begay. He is Indigenous. Graham wished he had it with him so he could have gotten some background on it. Perhaps he would have to wait one revolution around the sun until their schedules would align once again. Graham was wearing his Rocket Point sweatshirt. Calvin commented on it saying he knew where it was. Graham was happy he made another connection.
Banner Photo by Valentin S: https://www.pexels.com/photo/autumn-hd-wallpaper-589808/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025