EOP 193
October 5
What if hope could spread like a letter in The Postman? “You give out hope like it was candy in your pocket,” she said in the film. What if hope turned into actions and things? What if people all over the world began to lower their guard? What if fear got a lot less attention? What if politicians engaged with people's hopes and dreams rather than their fears and insecurities? What if the public servants dreamed too?
It is a tricky thing, living in our Mansion of Freedom in the United States. If there were, at least in the old times, a brick and mortar mansion, let's say, somewhere in Europe, then there would be a definite head of the mansion and it certainly wouldn’t be the lead servant. In the United States, we do not have a lead family member. All of us are equals but some of us learn how to spread our voices, thoughts, and visions, and for those we support. We have all kinds of leaders, in art, education (like Hamish), literature, movies, and more. We take the pieces and we put them together. We keep seeking the pieces that resonate with our puzzle; those that will become part of our history. We look for those who seem to bring us a piece of truth. We can recognize them by the time and energy they put into their own creations, their dreams. They were all dreamers. How were they able to fulfill their dreams? What can we learn from them? Who is it that will take us to a new perspective? We have learned that it is not just one person who will do that but several, from family members to rock stars to teachers.
Don’t get us wrong. We are aware that the United States is no perfect place. There is a lot of dissension in our country and that is a negative. There is drug use, stealing, blame, debt, and lack of questions by many. They are not the only ones who have forgotten why they are on this magnificent spaceship. Many have stopped trying to remember why they are here. Many have given up on their purpose and accepted many things as a reality and this has made them stagnant. Sometimes they will have thousands who agree with those who are wearing blindfolds.
In a sense, all humans have blindfolds to the Greater Truths. Those who remain skeptical can see the others who remain skeptical, and this is a good thing. They share what they are learning. They share their questions and there is some kind of light shared between them and they smile and keep going forward as if they are at the head of the group. They look back to make sure everyone is okay, but they keep their faces forward into the mystery, knowing, as far as they knew, that the journey never ended in one’s lifetime. There was always something else to explore, or someone to help, someone who wanted to share their dreams. They kept running forward with their questions knowing that their work and questions would never be completed before they died. They found joy in each other's company as they ran together into the unknown. Who is behind it all they began to wonder. Of course it is the One Who is Known by 1000 names, but who, how, when, why, emotions, thoughts, spirit, infinity…? On their amazing journeys into the unknown while wearing a human suit, they developed traditions and stopped to celebrate - marriages, graduations, birthdays, and so much more. They took time for entertainment but they never stopped asking questions about the IM and sharing what they were learning.
Graham got up from his writing. He wanted or the thoughts wanted to take a different direction. He was more than willing. He paced the Dream Studio, blew his nose, stood in front of the incense and he imagined. He scrolled through his recent searches and found Rhymes and Reasons by John Denver. He liked the end of the song, “...a prayer to non believers, “Come and stand beside us, we can find a better way.” Graham was amazed at the song. He thought John Denver was one of the inspired artists. The Princess and The Principal were going to have their solo dance to “Annie’s Song.” They were practicing and getting lessons. Graham wanted the Principal to look like he was floating on the dance floor with his Princess. If they fell, they would get right up again. They were beginners and they liked that. It was just another part on the most amazing journey of life.
Music was a huge part of Graham’s meditation. He played Dream On by Rector. It would help to put him in a certain kind of mood. There was a time for everything in meditation. There was a time for silence and a time for music.
Graham recently started posting his pages as “A Principal’s Diary,” He was an American School and Business Principal. He had the freedom to do anything within the parameters of the law. One of his freedoms is freedom of thought and that comes out as speech, verbal, written, and art. It was in his diary, that he would record his progress through the Great Mystery of life. He would record it in his own account on Dream Story, the app, and until then, he recorded his progress, his thoughts which wondered in freedom, complete freedom, behind the closed door of his Dream Studio, behind the closed door of his Home, located just north of Bethlehem in New Mexico. He got the thoughts out their to the world. Readers also had complete freedom. They could choose what or not to read.
Looks like the story is going to have to be on DreamStory.org until we figure out how to get it on the Dream Story app. What will the farmboy do? Whas he getting in over his head? Of course he was. He needed help. He never liked asking people for money. He couldn’t, even from those who said they wanted to be investors. His investors would be his customers. They were investing in the dreams of our youth and in their own.
Spotify chose to play “Be Yourself” by Wilder Woods. It caught Graham’s attention and he followed the lyrics on his phone. Graham wished he could be one of the voices in a choir singing this song together, coming from the heart. Graham had heard the song before, but this time, as he followed along with the lyrics, the lines came up, “I’m in love with all your pages…” Graham got a huge smile on his face and a bit of laughter, and the water began to leak. “Be Yourself,” became part of Dream Story Live.
Graham thumbed through his Spotify account, went to his library, and chose “Arise” by Buhr. He imagined the Sun and with the music, the Power, and the questions, he waited. What would come next he wondered….and there was pause, many deep breaths. He closed his eyes to wait. There was always something that would come next from the thoughts he had learned. He knew he just had to wait…eyes closed…fingers off keyboard, three dots…,and a coma, and he waited with his eyes closed….
“Arise,” what does that mean? Graham considered Reinhardt Buhr one of his heroes. He called him RB for short on his Spotify Library. Graham was always in search of pieces to his infinite puzzle and RB was part of that. He inspired Graham and had used him much in his writing. “If RB was inspired, then I can be inspired by the RB inspiration. He got the feeling. Can you feel the feeling of this song? There is magic in it as it plays with the emotions. If that isn’t glorious, then I don’t know what is. And he was reminded of the song by MC Xander, Spaceship Earth which can be found on Bandcamp and YouTube.
Graham wished he could play this for his kindergarten students, but there was inappropriate language for parents and children. Perhaps MC Xander can make a kindergarten approved version. “We got to purify from the inside out,” that was good stuff along with the music of hope.
The next song was “Fight for Ascension,” an intriguing title. It caught Graham’s attention again, as it had on multiple occasions. “Perhaps MC Xander is on to something. Perhaps he found a good path too. He just has to make some parent approved versions.
They didn’t know it yet, but they were part of Dream Story Live? Who would be in your Dream Story Live movie?
He felt it was going to happen soon, but he recalled often, whenever he had this feeling that he felt the same way so many times, in the last 20 years and maybe more. That is how he knows that there are infinite paths, thoughts, and experiences.
He is beginning to feel what it will be like telling this story to teachers, students, and parents. He imagined carrying around one of his notebooks with a leather like cover that his Queen had given to him. As a character, this person carries around this book. He would tell the people that he is a storyteller and is looking for ideas that could be incorporated into the Dream Story. He could imagine himself beginning to tell this story every day, beginning as soon as tomorrow. He would carry his book. His Dream Story book. He would tell his people a story because he wanted to show others what it is like to illustrate one’s thought, one’s purpose. He wants to show the progress of his main dream. He needs to come up with a better name than a main dream, something like drive. It is what drives a person.
He was beginning to feel like he wants to tell others about his dream every day, like he can’t wait to tell them.
He feels like he is beginning to understand the upper room, although he doesn’t feel like he has come to the realization as described in “Realization.”
“What happens is I visualize/imagine things in my imagination and when I see it happening then a good feeling arises. What I see, works. I imagine myself walking down the halls of the great school and writing down some of the ideas and dreams of students, teachers, parents, and grandparents.
Would his school become a catalyst in cleaning up the oceans? Let’s Sea…..
What if hope could spread like a letter in The Postman? “You give out hope like it was candy in your pocket,” she said in the film. What if hope turned into actions and things? What if people all over the world began to lower their guard? What if fear got a lot less attention? What if politicians engaged with people's hopes and dreams rather than their fears and insecurities? What if the public servants dreamed too?
It is a tricky thing, living in our Mansion of Freedom in the United States. If there were, at least in the old times, a brick and mortar mansion, let's say, somewhere in Europe, then there would be a definite head of the mansion and it certainly wouldn’t be the lead servant. In the United States, we do not have a lead family member. All of us are equals but some of us learn how to spread our voices, thoughts, and visions, and for those we support. We have all kinds of leaders, in art, education (like Hamish), literature, movies, and more. We take the pieces and we put them together. We keep seeking the pieces that resonate with our puzzle; those that will become part of our history. We look for those who seem to bring us a piece of truth. We can recognize them by the time and energy they put into their own creations, their dreams. They were all dreamers. How were they able to fulfill their dreams? What can we learn from them? Who is it that will take us to a new perspective? We have learned that it is not just one person who will do that but several, from family members to rock stars to teachers.
Don’t get us wrong. We are aware that the United States is no perfect place. There is a lot of dissension in our country and that is a negative. There is drug use, stealing, blame, debt, and lack of questions by many. They are not the only ones who have forgotten why they are on this magnificent spaceship. Many have stopped trying to remember why they are here. Many have given up on their purpose and accepted many things as a reality and this has made them stagnant. Sometimes they will have thousands who agree with those who are wearing blindfolds.
In a sense, all humans have blindfolds to the Greater Truths. Those who remain skeptical can see the others who remain skeptical, and this is a good thing. They share what they are learning. They share their questions and there is some kind of light shared between them and they smile and keep going forward as if they are at the head of the group. They look back to make sure everyone is okay, but they keep their faces forward into the mystery, knowing, as far as they knew, that the journey never ended in one’s lifetime. There was always something else to explore, or someone to help, someone who wanted to share their dreams. They kept running forward with their questions knowing that their work and questions would never be completed before they died. They found joy in each other's company as they ran together into the unknown. Who is behind it all they began to wonder. Of course it is the One Who is Known by 1000 names, but who, how, when, why, emotions, thoughts, spirit, infinity…? On their amazing journeys into the unknown while wearing a human suit, they developed traditions and stopped to celebrate - marriages, graduations, birthdays, and so much more. They took time for entertainment but they never stopped asking questions about the IM and sharing what they were learning.
Graham got up from his writing. He wanted or the thoughts wanted to take a different direction. He was more than willing. He paced the Dream Studio, blew his nose, stood in front of the incense and he imagined. He scrolled through his recent searches and found Rhymes and Reasons by John Denver. He liked the end of the song, “...a prayer to non believers, “Come and stand beside us, we can find a better way.” Graham was amazed at the song. He thought John Denver was one of the inspired artists. The Princess and The Principal were going to have their solo dance to “Annie’s Song.” They were practicing and getting lessons. Graham wanted the Principal to look like he was floating on the dance floor with his Princess. If they fell, they would get right up again. They were beginners and they liked that. It was just another part on the most amazing journey of life.
Music was a huge part of Graham’s meditation. He played Dream On by Rector. It would help to put him in a certain kind of mood. There was a time for everything in meditation. There was a time for silence and a time for music.
Graham recently started posting his pages as “A Principal’s Diary,” He was an American School and Business Principal. He had the freedom to do anything within the parameters of the law. One of his freedoms is freedom of thought and that comes out as speech, verbal, written, and art. It was in his diary, that he would record his progress through the Great Mystery of life. He would record it in his own account on Dream Story, the app, and until then, he recorded his progress, his thoughts which wondered in freedom, complete freedom, behind the closed door of his Dream Studio, behind the closed door of his Home, located just north of Bethlehem in New Mexico. He got the thoughts out their to the world. Readers also had complete freedom. They could choose what or not to read.
Looks like the story is going to have to be on DreamStory.org until we figure out how to get it on the Dream Story app. What will the farmboy do? Whas he getting in over his head? Of course he was. He needed help. He never liked asking people for money. He couldn’t, even from those who said they wanted to be investors. His investors would be his customers. They were investing in the dreams of our youth and in their own.
Spotify chose to play “Be Yourself” by Wilder Woods. It caught Graham’s attention and he followed the lyrics on his phone. Graham wished he could be one of the voices in a choir singing this song together, coming from the heart. Graham had heard the song before, but this time, as he followed along with the lyrics, the lines came up, “I’m in love with all your pages…” Graham got a huge smile on his face and a bit of laughter, and the water began to leak. “Be Yourself,” became part of Dream Story Live.
Graham thumbed through his Spotify account, went to his library, and chose “Arise” by Buhr. He imagined the Sun and with the music, the Power, and the questions, he waited. What would come next he wondered….and there was pause, many deep breaths. He closed his eyes to wait. There was always something that would come next from the thoughts he had learned. He knew he just had to wait…eyes closed…fingers off keyboard, three dots…,and a coma, and he waited with his eyes closed….
“Arise,” what does that mean? Graham considered Reinhardt Buhr one of his heroes. He called him RB for short on his Spotify Library. Graham was always in search of pieces to his infinite puzzle and RB was part of that. He inspired Graham and had used him much in his writing. “If RB was inspired, then I can be inspired by the RB inspiration. He got the feeling. Can you feel the feeling of this song? There is magic in it as it plays with the emotions. If that isn’t glorious, then I don’t know what is. And he was reminded of the song by MC Xander, Spaceship Earth which can be found on Bandcamp and YouTube.
Graham wished he could play this for his kindergarten students, but there was inappropriate language for parents and children. Perhaps MC Xander can make a kindergarten approved version. “We got to purify from the inside out,” that was good stuff along with the music of hope.
The next song was “Fight for Ascension,” an intriguing title. It caught Graham’s attention again, as it had on multiple occasions. “Perhaps MC Xander is on to something. Perhaps he found a good path too. He just has to make some parent approved versions.
They didn’t know it yet, but they were part of Dream Story Live? Who would be in your Dream Story Live movie?
He felt it was going to happen soon, but he recalled often, whenever he had this feeling that he felt the same way so many times, in the last 20 years and maybe more. That is how he knows that there are infinite paths, thoughts, and experiences.
He is beginning to feel what it will be like telling this story to teachers, students, and parents. He imagined carrying around one of his notebooks with a leather like cover that his Queen had given to him. As a character, this person carries around this book. He would tell the people that he is a storyteller and is looking for ideas that could be incorporated into the Dream Story. He could imagine himself beginning to tell this story every day, beginning as soon as tomorrow. He would carry his book. His Dream Story book. He would tell his people a story because he wanted to show others what it is like to illustrate one’s thought, one’s purpose. He wants to show the progress of his main dream. He needs to come up with a better name than a main dream, something like drive. It is what drives a person.
He was beginning to feel like he wants to tell others about his dream every day, like he can’t wait to tell them.
He feels like he is beginning to understand the upper room, although he doesn’t feel like he has come to the realization as described in “Realization.”
“What happens is I visualize/imagine things in my imagination and when I see it happening then a good feeling arises. What I see, works. I imagine myself walking down the halls of the great school and writing down some of the ideas and dreams of students, teachers, parents, and grandparents.
Would his school become a catalyst in cleaning up the oceans? Let’s Sea…..
Banner Photo by Vincenzo Malagoli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grass-field-pathway-1211772/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025