EOP 188
September 30th
2024 - A Principal's Diary
People want to believe in the Truth so badly. What is Truth? Is God Truth? Religious followers of God and Scriptures want to do the right thing in front of God. Who knows the whole Truth?
There are different kinds of Truth. There is the 3D truth, as in who stole the candy bar? “We have so and so on camera taking the candy bar, putting it in pocket and walking out without paying.” There is the truth of which family I was born into - these are my grandparents, my parents, my siblings, uncles and aunts, and cousins. These are my neighbors. These are my friends. It is only 25 mph through a residential zone. Killing another human is a punishable crime according to our laws. These are just a few examples of 3D truths. We learn these so we can get along with others on a day to day basis as we interact with each other in public spaces. Then there is the other big Truth, the Infinite Truth.
Who is our creator? How does our Creator keep tabs on us? Are we surrounded by spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and the like? Graham didn’t know the answer to these questions, but that didn’t stop him from asking and learning from others. Every day, one page at a time, he colored it in. Now, as an old man, he knew he didn’t have much time left on Spaceship Earth and he wanted to give back to the wonderful people and the planet as much as possible. He didn’t have a lot of money, but he could give his time and attention. How could he do that?
He could create a way for people from all around the world to Project lovE. What is love? It means so much to so many people. The emotion of Love is found with the upper spiral emotions. It is like the Sun. Love is like the Sun. Is the Sun conditional? Does the Sun not shine on people it doesn’t like? Does the Sun project equal energy to every human being, every living and non-living creature? If someone wants even more Sunshine, are they able to move to a different location?
We are telling a story. We are making a live movie. It is a story where we make our families the number one priority. We take care of each other and we listen to each other’s dreams and we help them to the best of our ability to achieve those dreams. We discuss whether or not we think the public servants will not only balance the budget but pay off some of the debt and if we think we should get better managers of the mansion of freedom in 4 years. “We will give them 4 years to listen to our dreams and we will see to whom they give their time and energy to.” Graham thought that if he were president, he would list at least one hero every day on his blog or Dream Story Live. This would be of a citizen in the United States and of a Global Citizen, like Boyan Slat.
Graham, in his humble opinion, thought that there must be a distinction in religion between the best moral way of living and the Infinite God.
Many scriptures of different faiths suggest commandments, criteria, examples from religious leaders for the best way of living. These may not cover all conditions that modern society comes up with, and so societies are left to devise laws when legal issues arise. Many times, even in one’s own religion, there are different interpretations to questions, and so cultures go forward to the best of their abilities. Families teach their children to the best of their ability and teach their children what they have learned.
In the United States, when it comes to morality, many people don’t like to be told what to do. They want to experiment. Many of the laws in the United States parallel the expectations listed in religious books. We must understand, in the United States that there are different perspectives when it comes to the issue of marriage.
In Graham’s humble opinion, it is important to have the following 3 understandings so that as a society, we may move on past this issue so that we may begin piecing together the pieces of the Great Mystery and begin working on our shared dreams. Graham was of the opinion that discussions of sex and marriage should start in the family and this should not be taught in public schools. It should be taught in families.
We understand we must follow the laws of our country, also on this topic in regards to sex and marriage and we respect each family’s, each person's decision.
Let us understand, the above 3 points and leave this discussion up to families, and move on because what lies ahead is this beautiful story that you can create, no matter what religion, nationality, identity, or color. There is too much to be done for our spaceship Earth and so much to learn about the infinite, and our role on our spaceship.
What is the correct way of living? Which morality is best? How do I protect my children from behaviors that are different than what my family practices? In the name of religion, folks through the ages have gotten into wars over these questions. These practices take time, energy and discussion amongst families. They share what they have learned and give their advice. It is in families that one builds trust and love. It is in families where one should be able to share the Truth they have found and listen to the Truth of others.
What is the Infinite Nature of God? No human knows this, but we can speculate. No human can even begin to fathom all the complexities of his or her own body, not to mention his or her own SOUL. There should be no wars over the discussion of the Infinite Nature of God because no one can claim they have the whole Truth. You were created for a reason. Seek to find out that reason. It may not be clear to you immediately, but you start by listing your dreams and questions and you will see your growth over the 360 pages, over each step of the Infinite Spiral. It is not time to fight over who has the correct piece of The Infinite Mastodon. It is time to put the pieces together and in that you will find the good Dream Emotions.
“Give me nothing but love and hope…” played in the background. “And still I dream…” And Graham imagined, dreamed, wrote and he felt the good dream emotions and he smiled again. The movie played, the people shared, and they hugged, cried, and reconciled, and then they began to share their dreams with their families and each other.
The Principal met the Princess at Chavez Dance studio in Albuquerque for a lesson. The instructors were amazing. Perhaps, in Graham’s human experience, dance was one of the most difficult challenges. He was uncomfortable, but he knew he was learning. He just didn’t like the time it took to learn. There were so many things that had to be done. In his notes he wrote, “Spend one hour a day practicing how to dance.” Dance, he was learning, was another way of communicating and he enjoyed communicating with the Princess in this way. He wanted to feel like they were floating with the music, the way their instructors demonstrated. It looked fun. They were nowhere near perfect, but they were learning and getting better on every page.
September 30, 2023
Did you ever think about traveling through space or going on a rocket ship? We are all astronauts traveling through space at incredible speeds and yet we do not even feel the effect of moving at these incredible speeds. Why is that?
________ How fast do you walk, run, drive, fly, or travel?
_______ How fast do people tell us the Mother Spaceship Earth is rotating on its axis?
________How fast do people tell us the Mother Spaceship Earth is orbiting around the Sun
________How fast do people tell us our engine, our energy, our Sun is being propelled around our Milky Way Galaxy?
+_______How fast do people tell us our universe is expanding?
________ = your speed. Do you feel it? Does the speed have any effects on your body? Aren’t you on a very sophisticated space ship traveling through unknown territory for us? This one, Our Mother Earth, is not made of metal and it has a potentially endless supply of clean air and water. We all have to work together to maintain your amazing rocket ship.
(insert youtube video illustrating how the Sun rockets around Our galaxy with the planets spiraling around their energy source.
Graham wanted to start the story. Of course he all ready started and paused many times. He usually blames his pauses on not having enough time. He knew that it went like that, an ambitious start and then a pause. It was a repeated cycle and he was in a way fighting, wanting to have no more pauses. He didn’t just want to start telling the story on paper, on the DreamStory.org website, he wanted to tell it to others. He was ready now to start telling about this new perspective that works to include everyone. He would start, get a few pages, and then stop. He wanted to not stop at all until the teachers took over, when they could continue telling their stories of growth every day. He knew that every day there would be at least one teacher who would tell the story of the teachers goals for our world
Why does our Mother Earth have a bandage on it? (insert photo from school with mural of our Spaceship Earth with bandage on it) Isn’t it time that we start to make it better?
My dream is to make an app where every day, someone can easily snap a picture and write a few words about what is driving them, about how they are growing in realizing their own dream.
I don’t exactly know what it is, but there does seem to be this one thing that really drives me. It’s the thing that I want to talk about each day. It’s giving people the ability to easily record their dreams. They can record 99 dreams or more. As one of his teachers said he also noticed the “Dreams are always positive.” How is this DreamStory app, movie, and book going to be made? It will be made just one page at a time. He would tell his students and teachers that in his “free time” he was writing a story about how the school created this story about how they helped to create this app so they could make the world a better place. And every day, grandparents, parents, students, teachers all around the world would record their dreams. He knew there would be at least one person out there recording their dreams together, on the same page, but not always the same dream.
One definition of Freedom for Graham was having free time to create.
What if 8 billion people around the world submitted their dreams? What if the majority were positive? Would the world leaders know what we want? What if the world leaders told us what their dreams are every day?
He liked to keep things simple. When he talked about dreams he said there are basically three kinds: shared, personal, and private.
1.Shared dreams are like having clean oceans, clean water, an environmentally friendly way of disposing of plastic and hazardous materials, (like Pyrogenesis?)
2.Personal dreams are things you don’t mind telling others and they are part of what makes you unique. One may have over 100 personal dreams and they are things like learning how to play a musical instrument, becoming excellent in a sport, reading a certain book, paying for a stranger groceries, or food at a restaurant, travelling to a new destination or building a Dream Story app.
3.Private dreams are dreams you want to keep private or aren’t ready to tell others. There was a time when Graham didn’t tell others about his dreams story because he knew it wasn’t complete yet. He was still working on it. It would be like an artist displaying a painting in a gallery that is not yet complete. Private dreams are never recorded on the Dream Story app. They are recorded in the hearts of each dreamer.
I know I am probably repeating myself in several places in this story. On the one hand, I don’t always remember where I wrote what, but on the other hand, it serves as an illustration of how one person’s mind works. These thoughts keep coming up for a reason. I know that as I grow, new thoughts will come in with my development and I will move on in a new directions. This feels like I’m exploring new territory of consciousness and so it is discovering the new paradigm that I see, that I see working really well because it is all inclusive.
As repetitive as it was, and somewhat mundane, I think the Audible book “Beyond the Known: Realization by Paul Selig had an impact on me. Sometimes I feel that I’m in the upper room and it is a very nice perspective and the trick is bringing that teaching and putting it into story format for everyone to experience the beauty of their own Dream Story and the Dream Stories of others.
He wanted to let his readers know that he knew his writing was still full of mistakes. He liked writing but he didn’t like taking more time to go back and correct his mistakes. He liked moving on, further and further into the Dream Story. He knew that he would often change tenses in the middle of his writing. He likes writing from third person perspective, and again, he didn’t always want to take time to go back and “correct” the perspective.
The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that the main purpose of education is to give students the practice in developing and working on their dreams. He was looking forward to sharing, by example, his own dream about how the town of Bethlehem somehow helped to make his Dream Story app available to all people around the world.
What is the purpose of education? He really liked the IB learner profile https://www.ibo.org/contentassets/fd82f70643ef4086b7d3f292cc214962/learner-profile-en.pdf
He couldn’t wait to hear the suggestions from families. He couldn't wait for the new discussions to begin.
People want to believe in the Truth so badly. What is Truth? Is God Truth? Religious followers of God and Scriptures want to do the right thing in front of God. Who knows the whole Truth?
There are different kinds of Truth. There is the 3D truth, as in who stole the candy bar? “We have so and so on camera taking the candy bar, putting it in pocket and walking out without paying.” There is the truth of which family I was born into - these are my grandparents, my parents, my siblings, uncles and aunts, and cousins. These are my neighbors. These are my friends. It is only 25 mph through a residential zone. Killing another human is a punishable crime according to our laws. These are just a few examples of 3D truths. We learn these so we can get along with others on a day to day basis as we interact with each other in public spaces. Then there is the other big Truth, the Infinite Truth.
Who is our creator? How does our Creator keep tabs on us? Are we surrounded by spirit guides, angels, ancestors, and the like? Graham didn’t know the answer to these questions, but that didn’t stop him from asking and learning from others. Every day, one page at a time, he colored it in. Now, as an old man, he knew he didn’t have much time left on Spaceship Earth and he wanted to give back to the wonderful people and the planet as much as possible. He didn’t have a lot of money, but he could give his time and attention. How could he do that?
He could create a way for people from all around the world to Project lovE. What is love? It means so much to so many people. The emotion of Love is found with the upper spiral emotions. It is like the Sun. Love is like the Sun. Is the Sun conditional? Does the Sun not shine on people it doesn’t like? Does the Sun project equal energy to every human being, every living and non-living creature? If someone wants even more Sunshine, are they able to move to a different location?
We are telling a story. We are making a live movie. It is a story where we make our families the number one priority. We take care of each other and we listen to each other’s dreams and we help them to the best of our ability to achieve those dreams. We discuss whether or not we think the public servants will not only balance the budget but pay off some of the debt and if we think we should get better managers of the mansion of freedom in 4 years. “We will give them 4 years to listen to our dreams and we will see to whom they give their time and energy to.” Graham thought that if he were president, he would list at least one hero every day on his blog or Dream Story Live. This would be of a citizen in the United States and of a Global Citizen, like Boyan Slat.
Graham, in his humble opinion, thought that there must be a distinction in religion between the best moral way of living and the Infinite God.
Many scriptures of different faiths suggest commandments, criteria, examples from religious leaders for the best way of living. These may not cover all conditions that modern society comes up with, and so societies are left to devise laws when legal issues arise. Many times, even in one’s own religion, there are different interpretations to questions, and so cultures go forward to the best of their abilities. Families teach their children to the best of their ability and teach their children what they have learned.
In the United States, when it comes to morality, many people don’t like to be told what to do. They want to experiment. Many of the laws in the United States parallel the expectations listed in religious books. We must understand, in the United States that there are different perspectives when it comes to the issue of marriage.
In Graham’s humble opinion, it is important to have the following 3 understandings so that as a society, we may move on past this issue so that we may begin piecing together the pieces of the Great Mystery and begin working on our shared dreams. Graham was of the opinion that discussions of sex and marriage should start in the family and this should not be taught in public schools. It should be taught in families.
We understand we must follow the laws of our country, also on this topic in regards to sex and marriage and we respect each family’s, each person's decision.
- We understand that followers of many religions believe that one should wait until marriage before having sex, and we should respect this. Sometimes this decision is made out of fear of God, social and family expectations, out of love or some other reason. And what is wrong with waiting until one finds that person and commits to seeing them through all the good and not so good until death do us part, happily ever after? Isn’t this one of the dreams? Let them live their dream in peace and move on.
- We understand that there are folks who want to experiment with multiple partners with sex before marriage, and we should respect this decision. Although some may not agree with their belief, as long as it is within the laws, we should understand this. Let them live their dreams in peace and move on.
Let us understand, the above 3 points and leave this discussion up to families, and move on because what lies ahead is this beautiful story that you can create, no matter what religion, nationality, identity, or color. There is too much to be done for our spaceship Earth and so much to learn about the infinite, and our role on our spaceship.
What is the correct way of living? Which morality is best? How do I protect my children from behaviors that are different than what my family practices? In the name of religion, folks through the ages have gotten into wars over these questions. These practices take time, energy and discussion amongst families. They share what they have learned and give their advice. It is in families that one builds trust and love. It is in families where one should be able to share the Truth they have found and listen to the Truth of others.
What is the Infinite Nature of God? No human knows this, but we can speculate. No human can even begin to fathom all the complexities of his or her own body, not to mention his or her own SOUL. There should be no wars over the discussion of the Infinite Nature of God because no one can claim they have the whole Truth. You were created for a reason. Seek to find out that reason. It may not be clear to you immediately, but you start by listing your dreams and questions and you will see your growth over the 360 pages, over each step of the Infinite Spiral. It is not time to fight over who has the correct piece of The Infinite Mastodon. It is time to put the pieces together and in that you will find the good Dream Emotions.
“Give me nothing but love and hope…” played in the background. “And still I dream…” And Graham imagined, dreamed, wrote and he felt the good dream emotions and he smiled again. The movie played, the people shared, and they hugged, cried, and reconciled, and then they began to share their dreams with their families and each other.
The Principal met the Princess at Chavez Dance studio in Albuquerque for a lesson. The instructors were amazing. Perhaps, in Graham’s human experience, dance was one of the most difficult challenges. He was uncomfortable, but he knew he was learning. He just didn’t like the time it took to learn. There were so many things that had to be done. In his notes he wrote, “Spend one hour a day practicing how to dance.” Dance, he was learning, was another way of communicating and he enjoyed communicating with the Princess in this way. He wanted to feel like they were floating with the music, the way their instructors demonstrated. It looked fun. They were nowhere near perfect, but they were learning and getting better on every page.
September 30, 2023
Did you ever think about traveling through space or going on a rocket ship? We are all astronauts traveling through space at incredible speeds and yet we do not even feel the effect of moving at these incredible speeds. Why is that?
________ How fast do you walk, run, drive, fly, or travel?
_______ How fast do people tell us the Mother Spaceship Earth is rotating on its axis?
________How fast do people tell us the Mother Spaceship Earth is orbiting around the Sun
________How fast do people tell us our engine, our energy, our Sun is being propelled around our Milky Way Galaxy?
+_______How fast do people tell us our universe is expanding?
________ = your speed. Do you feel it? Does the speed have any effects on your body? Aren’t you on a very sophisticated space ship traveling through unknown territory for us? This one, Our Mother Earth, is not made of metal and it has a potentially endless supply of clean air and water. We all have to work together to maintain your amazing rocket ship.
(insert youtube video illustrating how the Sun rockets around Our galaxy with the planets spiraling around their energy source.
Graham wanted to start the story. Of course he all ready started and paused many times. He usually blames his pauses on not having enough time. He knew that it went like that, an ambitious start and then a pause. It was a repeated cycle and he was in a way fighting, wanting to have no more pauses. He didn’t just want to start telling the story on paper, on the DreamStory.org website, he wanted to tell it to others. He was ready now to start telling about this new perspective that works to include everyone. He would start, get a few pages, and then stop. He wanted to not stop at all until the teachers took over, when they could continue telling their stories of growth every day. He knew that every day there would be at least one teacher who would tell the story of the teachers goals for our world
Why does our Mother Earth have a bandage on it? (insert photo from school with mural of our Spaceship Earth with bandage on it) Isn’t it time that we start to make it better?
My dream is to make an app where every day, someone can easily snap a picture and write a few words about what is driving them, about how they are growing in realizing their own dream.
I don’t exactly know what it is, but there does seem to be this one thing that really drives me. It’s the thing that I want to talk about each day. It’s giving people the ability to easily record their dreams. They can record 99 dreams or more. As one of his teachers said he also noticed the “Dreams are always positive.” How is this DreamStory app, movie, and book going to be made? It will be made just one page at a time. He would tell his students and teachers that in his “free time” he was writing a story about how the school created this story about how they helped to create this app so they could make the world a better place. And every day, grandparents, parents, students, teachers all around the world would record their dreams. He knew there would be at least one person out there recording their dreams together, on the same page, but not always the same dream.
One definition of Freedom for Graham was having free time to create.
What if 8 billion people around the world submitted their dreams? What if the majority were positive? Would the world leaders know what we want? What if the world leaders told us what their dreams are every day?
He liked to keep things simple. When he talked about dreams he said there are basically three kinds: shared, personal, and private.
1.Shared dreams are like having clean oceans, clean water, an environmentally friendly way of disposing of plastic and hazardous materials, (like Pyrogenesis?)
2.Personal dreams are things you don’t mind telling others and they are part of what makes you unique. One may have over 100 personal dreams and they are things like learning how to play a musical instrument, becoming excellent in a sport, reading a certain book, paying for a stranger groceries, or food at a restaurant, travelling to a new destination or building a Dream Story app.
3.Private dreams are dreams you want to keep private or aren’t ready to tell others. There was a time when Graham didn’t tell others about his dreams story because he knew it wasn’t complete yet. He was still working on it. It would be like an artist displaying a painting in a gallery that is not yet complete. Private dreams are never recorded on the Dream Story app. They are recorded in the hearts of each dreamer.
I know I am probably repeating myself in several places in this story. On the one hand, I don’t always remember where I wrote what, but on the other hand, it serves as an illustration of how one person’s mind works. These thoughts keep coming up for a reason. I know that as I grow, new thoughts will come in with my development and I will move on in a new directions. This feels like I’m exploring new territory of consciousness and so it is discovering the new paradigm that I see, that I see working really well because it is all inclusive.
As repetitive as it was, and somewhat mundane, I think the Audible book “Beyond the Known: Realization by Paul Selig had an impact on me. Sometimes I feel that I’m in the upper room and it is a very nice perspective and the trick is bringing that teaching and putting it into story format for everyone to experience the beauty of their own Dream Story and the Dream Stories of others.
He wanted to let his readers know that he knew his writing was still full of mistakes. He liked writing but he didn’t like taking more time to go back and correct his mistakes. He liked moving on, further and further into the Dream Story. He knew that he would often change tenses in the middle of his writing. He likes writing from third person perspective, and again, he didn’t always want to take time to go back and “correct” the perspective.
The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that the main purpose of education is to give students the practice in developing and working on their dreams. He was looking forward to sharing, by example, his own dream about how the town of Bethlehem somehow helped to make his Dream Story app available to all people around the world.
What is the purpose of education? He really liked the IB learner profile https://www.ibo.org/contentassets/fd82f70643ef4086b7d3f292cc214962/learner-profile-en.pdf
He couldn’t wait to hear the suggestions from families. He couldn't wait for the new discussions to begin.
Banner picture from Weebly Photo Library
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025