Graham immersed himself in the world of the dream story app, envisioning The Master Storytellers united in their storytelling journey. Together, they delved into the depths of the IM, worked to preserve our oceans, and embraced the joy of mastering a musical instrument.
Graham had to pay bills in the morning. He felt worry because of loans and the job he didn’t have. How was he going to survive for the next two months? As he began writing with intense focus and imagining everyone working together to tell this story, his worries stopped. The thoughts reassured him that his finances wouldn’t be an issue, and so he continued to focus on testing the latest releases of Dream Story.
Graham thought about the Democrat and Republican Candidates. Graham enjoyed being “Independent.” He could listen to both sides. What made him feel best was that no matter who won the US presidential election, whether he liked the winner or not, he would support that person 100% and they would begin looking for the next best candidate for 2028. He believed that whoever the winner is, would start listening to not only the dreams the citizens of the United States but from people all around the world and he or she would give the dreamers time and attention - the dreamers who are just starting out, and the dreamers who have gotten a lot done, and even the media would turn their attention to the stories. In the meantime, the people would be holding the president accountable to ensure the children would not have to pay billions of dollars in debt interest just because of politics. The buck stopped with the president. If something didn’t work, he or she would have to try something else until they made progress towards rejuvenating the mansion. The U.S. President is expected not to put our Freedom Mansion further into debt. They are expected to pay off a good chunk of money owed. He wondered who they owe all the money to? At what interest rate were its citizens being charged? The U.S. President is expected to help its citizens achieve their dreams. The citizens are the dreamers, and the President can help even if it is by giving one minute of attention to a dreamer. The attention should go to the citizens, not to the public servants. Public servants are expected to work proudly behind the scenes, and the public servants, are after all, citizens and dreamers too.
My fellow Americans, Graham wrote. We need to understand that we will never completely know the IM, but we can also understand that there is a lot that we do know like our history, our laws, our curriculums. We need to work together and dream more. This is where your beautiful history meets the Great Mystery. We are anchored in our laws, the histories of our families and country, and our social expectations. We need adults to show the younger generation that adults still dream. What are their dreams and how have they evolved? Younger generations can learn from books and the older generations. They take the pieces that work from the older generations and they keep building the path into the infinite, one page at a time, and when the old person transitions into the next life, he or she will have completed 10,000 dreams and have 100 dreams in progress along with lots of unanswered questions about the Infinite. In the later part of their life, old people will feel good for all the children they helped because they adopted a local school, perhaps serving as security, collecting free books, helping with reading, or giving business advice. Local people came in and shared what they do for their work, and the adults would listen to the dreams of the students, and the students would listen to the dreams of the adults and they talked about the shared dreams and how much progress they are making, not only with cleaning the Seas, but by paving a path into the Infinite with their rich histories. They found the emotions, the trust, the truth, just one page at a time and they laughed together.
Graham immersed himself in the world of the dream story app, envisioning The Master Storytellers united in their storytelling journey. Together, they delved into the depths of the IM, worked to preserve our oceans, and embraced the joy of mastering a musical instrument.
Graham had to pay bills in the morning. He felt worry because of loans and the job he didn’t have. How was he going to survive for the next two months? As he began writing with intense focus and imagining everyone working together to tell this story, his worries stopped. The thoughts reassured him that his finances wouldn’t be an issue, and so he continued to focus on testing the latest releases of Dream Story.
Graham thought about the Democrat and Republican Candidates. Graham enjoyed being “Independent.” He could listen to both sides. What made him feel best was that no matter who won the US presidential election, whether he liked the winner or not, he would support that person 100% and they would begin looking for the next best candidate for 2028. He believed that whoever the winner is, would start listening to not only the dreams the citizens of the United States but from people all around the world and he or she would give the dreamers time and attention - the dreamers who are just starting out, and the dreamers who have gotten a lot done, and even the media would turn their attention to the stories. In the meantime, the people would be holding the president accountable to ensure the children would not have to pay billions of dollars in debt interest just because of politics. The buck stopped with the president. If something didn’t work, he or she would have to try something else until they made progress towards rejuvenating the mansion. The U.S. President is expected not to put our Freedom Mansion further into debt. They are expected to pay off a good chunk of money owed. He wondered who they owe all the money to? At what interest rate were its citizens being charged? The U.S. President is expected to help its citizens achieve their dreams. The citizens are the dreamers, and the President can help even if it is by giving one minute of attention to a dreamer. The attention should go to the citizens, not to the public servants. Public servants are expected to work proudly behind the scenes, and the public servants, are after all, citizens and dreamers too.
My fellow Americans, Graham wrote. We need to understand that we will never completely know the IM, but we can also understand that there is a lot that we do know like our history, our laws, our curriculums. We need to work together and dream more. This is where your beautiful history meets the Great Mystery. We are anchored in our laws, the histories of our families and country, and our social expectations. We need adults to show the younger generation that adults still dream. What are their dreams and how have they evolved? Younger generations can learn from books and the older generations. They take the pieces that work from the older generations and they keep building the path into the infinite, one page at a time, and when the old person transitions into the next life, he or she will have completed 10,000 dreams and have 100 dreams in progress along with lots of unanswered questions about the Infinite. In the later part of their life, old people will feel good for all the children they helped because they adopted a local school, perhaps serving as security, collecting free books, helping with reading, or giving business advice. Local people came in and shared what they do for their work, and the adults would listen to the dreams of the students, and the students would listen to the dreams of the adults and they talked about the shared dreams and how much progress they are making, not only with cleaning the Seas, but by paving a path into the Infinite with their rich histories. They found the emotions, the trust, the truth, just one page at a time and they laughed together.
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Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025