“Au Revoir” by OneRepublic played in the background as Graham sat down to write in his Dream Studio. He didn’t know what to write. He just waited for the thoughts to come out of the silence. It was easy for him that way. He never had to rack his mind questioning whether or not something sounded right. What he was listening for were the ideas the thoughts. He liked being a writer for the thoughts because he got to experience new ideas and the good dream emotions that accompanied them.
The world leaders have a lot on their mind - their country's budget, the cost of the military, and most of all the well being of their citizens. How could they talk about nuclear weapons on the one hand and then talk about peace at the next news conference. Maybe they are worried the people would call them a hypocrite. Is a world leader any different than a librarian or physicist who works peacefully at their jobs but is a master in martial arts or in using a gun? Maybe if the people all around the world could show their leaders that they could live in peace, maybe just a little at a time, the world leaders could relax their grip on the triggers.
In the United States, we have our public servants who are there to do the jobs that we don’t want to do. We have our freedom in our mansion to practice those things that are interesting to us and we will pass on beautiful dreams to our children, but it takes work. Maybe our public servants are not working hard enough. Maybe our public servants don’t know what its citizens want. Can our public servants tell the people what they want, or do they think that the people should want what the lead public servant wants? How could the people let the public servants know what they want? Hmmmm………………………………………………
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel started playing next.
“Thank you," Graham said to the giver of the ideas. It was cool that he could walk into his dream studio with nothing on his mind and just be ready for the thoughts, the visions, the good feelings. The good music he listened to on his Spotify lists was at robertmond. “You will be This Legend” was playing. In a way, he was greedy for new thoughts, new perspectives, because they would get him further down the path and on to the next level, the next dreams. He found it easy to fill in each day with something new, something beautiful, to list his dreams, to mark his dreams complete. He was going to have to mark, “Travel to meet SolGuruz CEO,” as complete. He made sure that one of his dreams was to travel to India to meet his SolGuruz friends that he had been working with for over 180 pages.
Graham wondered what it would be like to visit his SolGuruz friends in India. He would want them to know that they were all helping to clean up the Seas, to make a better world for their very own children. He didn’t want to stay in hotels. He hoped that he and the princess could stay in their homes in a guest room or something that was made into a guest room and the principal and the princess would be able to share breakfast and dinner with them and sit on the floor or at the table to eat. It was Graham's preference to sit on the floor with friends and eat together with no technology, and they would speak of dreams, of flow, of the unknown, of the Infinite, of the IM.
Graham wanted his Co-Creators to know that he would be alway behind a 1 to few days for posting his story. He had to write, contemplate, and proof. To proof, he had to wait a day or two until he was in his editor mindset. They were all Storytellers. All of us are on the same page. We share our global dreams. And we all write our personal dreams on this journey into the infinite. We follow the rules of our governments because our governments are families too and in all families there is love, there are mothers, and there are connections to Great Spirit, the Infinine, God, and family. There is Love.
The Royal wedding was coming up soon. It was on page 207. It was the marriage of the Princess and the Principal. “Why do you want to get married? They were asked. It gave them something to think about. “Because we want to.” Was that enough of an answer?
“Paradise” by Stick Figured played while Graham wrote the thoughts. It was perfect. He wanted everyone to hear the lyrics, “give me nothing but hope and love,” and as Graham wrote, he felt the good emotions moving. What if there were 1 billion people writing their stories, the Master Storytellers, sharing their stories of how they are helping to clean the seas, and of all their other shared dreams, “Beyond the wonders and still I dream…” the emotions moved in Graham.
The artist were also leaders. They were the voices that weren’t heard in the mainstream news, but they created their craft in freedom and anyone who was looking for the Infinite found them.
Look! You are not alone in this journey. We are all in this river raft together. From our experience, the raft is constantly going around bends and we never know what is next, calm or rapids, but we are learning how to ride together, how to help each other, how to experience vulnerability…this is what I know, this is what I don’t know. These are my dreams. What are yours? And we smiled and laughed and understood that we are on this infinite journey together. We understood our hundreds of identities, stories, and dreams and we said, “I have another piece,” and we listened and we shared.
Connections were made. Dreams were listed, stories were told, dreamers printed their stories, laughter ensued, and love resigned. And the public servants took care of the downtrodden, until the downtrodden began dreaming on their own, taking care of their own story, and wondering about the Infinite.
Graham wanted all the Americans to live their American Dreams. Graham wanted SolGuruz to live their dreams. Graham wanted to play, according to the laws of his country and the laws of his teammates around the world. He wanted to dream together what was going to be the most exciting series ever to have been experienced because it was live, it was now, it was everything imagined, hoped for, dreamed of. It was about Truth. The Truth was difficult to explain, perhaps because it was infinite. So how does one live an infinite life? What does that mean? What does it mean to not know all the answers? What does it mean to keep questioning? What is reality? What if I share my questions with others? What if the whole world is a playground for our spirits, our SOULs. What if we are all related? What if we can hug? My arms are wide open and I will give anyone who falls into my arms a hug. “IM with you on this journey. Share with me what you have learned and I will share with you and I will be your friend as long as I live and together we will grow and learn and journey together. And you know what, I will love you forever, no matter what, like the sun shines every day, I will be shining on you, waiting to go into the Great Mystery together. We are explorers. What is in your journal? What are you learning? Can I read about your dreams? Can we share a meal? Can we laugh? Can I meet your family? Can we wonder about the infinite together, can we share our dreams. Can we love each other? I don’t know about you. My arms are open. I know I am vulnerable. All I want is a hug. Can you hug me?
Graham opened Spotify and played “Arise” by Reinhardt Buhr. He was in his Dream Studio. He wanted to be a Rabbi, a Priest, a Pastor, a Medicine Man, a Shaman. He wanted to know the Power, the Energy, the IM. He wanted to share the path to the most energy with his citizens. He wanted to empower them. “Don’t think about what your government can do for you. Think about what you can do for your people and public servants. Are they doing what you expect them to do? No families are the same, they can be similar, but never the same. You can always encourage the dreamers of those who are close to you and you can always share the dream of wanting to clean our seas. You can always share the dreams and hug. Perhaps there is not enough hugging. Perhaps you will understand that you all came to share a piece of the IM.
Graham would be the first to share. “Today, I added skeptical and dreamer to my identities. I now have almost 100 identities. On my path for Truth, I will share and I will listen and I will learn. I have enough data to know that my body will not live forever, but I still don’t know about the Infinite. I am trying to learn as much as I can and I am putting a lot of pieces of the puzzle together so that I may learn from others and they may learn from me and together we will create this magnificent picture this live movie of what we are learning. We will express this picture through music, art, video, apps, and of course, My Dream Story Live. Together, we will spiral into the Great Mystery, and together we will love, and share, and have dinner at Little Tijuana in Newark.
“Au Revoir” by OneRepublic played in the background as Graham sat down to write in his Dream Studio. He didn’t know what to write. He just waited for the thoughts to come out of the silence. It was easy for him that way. He never had to rack his mind questioning whether or not something sounded right. What he was listening for were the ideas the thoughts. He liked being a writer for the thoughts because he got to experience new ideas and the good dream emotions that accompanied them.
The world leaders have a lot on their mind - their country's budget, the cost of the military, and most of all the well being of their citizens. How could they talk about nuclear weapons on the one hand and then talk about peace at the next news conference. Maybe they are worried the people would call them a hypocrite. Is a world leader any different than a librarian or physicist who works peacefully at their jobs but is a master in martial arts or in using a gun? Maybe if the people all around the world could show their leaders that they could live in peace, maybe just a little at a time, the world leaders could relax their grip on the triggers.
In the United States, we have our public servants who are there to do the jobs that we don’t want to do. We have our freedom in our mansion to practice those things that are interesting to us and we will pass on beautiful dreams to our children, but it takes work. Maybe our public servants are not working hard enough. Maybe our public servants don’t know what its citizens want. Can our public servants tell the people what they want, or do they think that the people should want what the lead public servant wants? How could the people let the public servants know what they want? Hmmmm………………………………………………
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel started playing next.
“Thank you," Graham said to the giver of the ideas. It was cool that he could walk into his dream studio with nothing on his mind and just be ready for the thoughts, the visions, the good feelings. The good music he listened to on his Spotify lists was at robertmond. “You will be This Legend” was playing. In a way, he was greedy for new thoughts, new perspectives, because they would get him further down the path and on to the next level, the next dreams. He found it easy to fill in each day with something new, something beautiful, to list his dreams, to mark his dreams complete. He was going to have to mark, “Travel to meet SolGuruz CEO,” as complete. He made sure that one of his dreams was to travel to India to meet his SolGuruz friends that he had been working with for over 180 pages.
Graham wondered what it would be like to visit his SolGuruz friends in India. He would want them to know that they were all helping to clean up the Seas, to make a better world for their very own children. He didn’t want to stay in hotels. He hoped that he and the princess could stay in their homes in a guest room or something that was made into a guest room and the principal and the princess would be able to share breakfast and dinner with them and sit on the floor or at the table to eat. It was Graham's preference to sit on the floor with friends and eat together with no technology, and they would speak of dreams, of flow, of the unknown, of the Infinite, of the IM.
Graham wanted his Co-Creators to know that he would be alway behind a 1 to few days for posting his story. He had to write, contemplate, and proof. To proof, he had to wait a day or two until he was in his editor mindset. They were all Storytellers. All of us are on the same page. We share our global dreams. And we all write our personal dreams on this journey into the infinite. We follow the rules of our governments because our governments are families too and in all families there is love, there are mothers, and there are connections to Great Spirit, the Infinine, God, and family. There is Love.
The Royal wedding was coming up soon. It was on page 207. It was the marriage of the Princess and the Principal. “Why do you want to get married? They were asked. It gave them something to think about. “Because we want to.” Was that enough of an answer?
“Paradise” by Stick Figured played while Graham wrote the thoughts. It was perfect. He wanted everyone to hear the lyrics, “give me nothing but hope and love,” and as Graham wrote, he felt the good emotions moving. What if there were 1 billion people writing their stories, the Master Storytellers, sharing their stories of how they are helping to clean the seas, and of all their other shared dreams, “Beyond the wonders and still I dream…” the emotions moved in Graham.
The artist were also leaders. They were the voices that weren’t heard in the mainstream news, but they created their craft in freedom and anyone who was looking for the Infinite found them.
Look! You are not alone in this journey. We are all in this river raft together. From our experience, the raft is constantly going around bends and we never know what is next, calm or rapids, but we are learning how to ride together, how to help each other, how to experience vulnerability…this is what I know, this is what I don’t know. These are my dreams. What are yours? And we smiled and laughed and understood that we are on this infinite journey together. We understood our hundreds of identities, stories, and dreams and we said, “I have another piece,” and we listened and we shared.
Connections were made. Dreams were listed, stories were told, dreamers printed their stories, laughter ensued, and love resigned. And the public servants took care of the downtrodden, until the downtrodden began dreaming on their own, taking care of their own story, and wondering about the Infinite.
Graham wanted all the Americans to live their American Dreams. Graham wanted SolGuruz to live their dreams. Graham wanted to play, according to the laws of his country and the laws of his teammates around the world. He wanted to dream together what was going to be the most exciting series ever to have been experienced because it was live, it was now, it was everything imagined, hoped for, dreamed of. It was about Truth. The Truth was difficult to explain, perhaps because it was infinite. So how does one live an infinite life? What does that mean? What does it mean to not know all the answers? What does it mean to keep questioning? What is reality? What if I share my questions with others? What if the whole world is a playground for our spirits, our SOULs. What if we are all related? What if we can hug? My arms are wide open and I will give anyone who falls into my arms a hug. “IM with you on this journey. Share with me what you have learned and I will share with you and I will be your friend as long as I live and together we will grow and learn and journey together. And you know what, I will love you forever, no matter what, like the sun shines every day, I will be shining on you, waiting to go into the Great Mystery together. We are explorers. What is in your journal? What are you learning? Can I read about your dreams? Can we share a meal? Can we laugh? Can I meet your family? Can we wonder about the infinite together, can we share our dreams. Can we love each other? I don’t know about you. My arms are open. I know I am vulnerable. All I want is a hug. Can you hug me?
Graham opened Spotify and played “Arise” by Reinhardt Buhr. He was in his Dream Studio. He wanted to be a Rabbi, a Priest, a Pastor, a Medicine Man, a Shaman. He wanted to know the Power, the Energy, the IM. He wanted to share the path to the most energy with his citizens. He wanted to empower them. “Don’t think about what your government can do for you. Think about what you can do for your people and public servants. Are they doing what you expect them to do? No families are the same, they can be similar, but never the same. You can always encourage the dreamers of those who are close to you and you can always share the dream of wanting to clean our seas. You can always share the dreams and hug. Perhaps there is not enough hugging. Perhaps you will understand that you all came to share a piece of the IM.
Graham would be the first to share. “Today, I added skeptical and dreamer to my identities. I now have almost 100 identities. On my path for Truth, I will share and I will listen and I will learn. I have enough data to know that my body will not live forever, but I still don’t know about the Infinite. I am trying to learn as much as I can and I am putting a lot of pieces of the puzzle together so that I may learn from others and they may learn from me and together we will create this magnificent picture this live movie of what we are learning. We will express this picture through music, art, video, apps, and of course, My Dream Story Live. Together, we will spiral into the Great Mystery, and together we will love, and share, and have dinner at Little Tijuana in Newark.
Banner Photo by Cliford Mervil: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-person-standing-near-camping-tent-2398220/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025