EOP 183
September 25
Graham woke up, got his coffee, and went into his Dream Studio. It was time to imagine and feel and feel and imagine. He had a good life. He grew up in a family where everyone treated each other in an understanding and supportive manner. He grew up to believe this was the correct way to live and this is what he came to expect and even though he was almost 100 years old, he just kept finding people like this.
He turned on Spotify and chose “Waiting Between Worlds,” by Jack Hemsey to start off with. That would continue with all his songs he had in a collection called, “Music to Write By.” It was like writing a live movie. The background music was there and when he saw all the people opening up their apps and taking pictures, videos, and sharing their thoughts, he felt good. They saw the beauty too because they chose to look for it. They were creating their own beauty path. He knew people all over the world. He made a lot of friends during his almost 100 years. He learned that people all over the world have all of the emotions, the negative and the positive. Everyone learns about the negative emotions, what they feel like, that they don’t feel good and everyone has a chance to experience the positive emotions, how each one feels and which ones feel the best. Which emotions don’t you want to get stuck on? What emotions feel good to you? Which emotions drain your energy and which ones enhance your energy? Everyone has to have these experiences.
What about boredom? Everyone will experience boredom at sometime in his or her life, and the only way to experience that is through significant time. We are here on Spaceship Earth for only a short time. Do you want to stay in Boredom? Do you want to spend all your time on Earth in Boredom? This is entirely your decision. If you don’t know what to decide then start with asking your family and then close friends what they think. You may be so stuck in a fog of boredom that you do not even realize it. What is it that you want in your life that you would like to experience? Just know, there is always a path out from every emotion, it’s through the simple process of living all the dreams you wrote down and then telling that story every day. Every page is a page closer to a dream coming true.
By the time you are 100 years old, you will see how many dreams you completed in your life, and then the number of dreams you are currently working on will seem few in comparison. Then you will share with your grandchildren. You will look at all the dreams that they have listed and all the dreams they have completed. The completed dreams will seem few in comparison to all the listed dreams in progress; you all can do this, just one page at a time. The older people could look back at their colorful history, all their volumes of dream stories up on their shelves and smile and then look at all the dreams the youth have and see how they could help. They could always give the youth attention. On their dream pages they could write, “Look at this amazing Boyan Stat. How can I support him? And millions of people will find out about Boyan Slat and they all want to know how they can support him. The same is with the Richard Branson; what does he have to do with protecting the seas? What is the old man’s advice? Let’s give some of those folks attention. Look at those Youtubers - Belle Sisoski. She has huge potential. I wonder how much time and effort it took her to learn all the musical end electronic instruments. I wonder if she could do a collaboration on the Dream Story movie with Hanns Zimmer. What does the music of Dream Story Live sound like? It will be written from the Dream emotions. What about Cleo Abram? Would love to see some things about gravity, black holes, orbits, planet speeds, 360 and Pi. Are all the things said in Sonic Geometry true? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY74AFQl2qQ
The Master Storytellers all told of the same thing, that they were helping to clean the oceans in one way or another. By their subscription fees they were part of a huge community that was helping to clean the Seas. All the employees knew that with their help, they were also helping to clean the Seas, and after they felt their efforts had enough momentum in place, they would turn their time and attention to other efforts. There were many simultaneous efforts, all shared dreams, all supported by each other, all talking about the pieces to the great Mystery
There are so many things that we know from our religions. One thing we have all learned is that from our human perspective our world, our universe appears to be infinite. How do you measure that? The more that you learn, the more that you see there are just too many things to be able to know in one’s own lifetime even if he or she lives to be 100 years old. Even old people are full of wonder of the infinite and they continue to try and experience Spirit and Mystery.
We wonder, we learn and we write about it and it is truly beautiful. They were just ideas but they turned into a beautiful path. The best part is all the people you meet along the way. That is where all the beauty is. Beauty and abundance are always there if you look for it. What will happen if you look for it every day? You will find it and when you do, post it every day, and in just one spiral loop, you will have the most beautiful or amazing trail you have carved out of the mystery and left for your history. You will see your growth and the dreams you accomplished. You will feel that you are advancing to the next level, to what you dreamed about.
As he wrote, he saw the people trusting the people they employed, the caretakers, to take care of the downtrodden. Knowing the caretakers had difficult jobs and doing the best they could, the people, the dreamers, began to turn their faces towards the Infinite. The religious and spiritual leaders spent even more time in meditation, contemplation, and imagination. They connected to what seemed like Spirit, all exploring a different piece of the puzzle. What kind of world did they want for their people, for their families, for their world?
The principal wondered about the families of his students. What did the families want for their children? How could he know? In his movie, he quits his principal job to become principal of The Master Storytellers. He knew that with an app they could let him know what the dreams of the families were about. They could share their stories. They printed them out and brought in their stories to share with the teachers, classmates, and principals and their visions were grand, their histories beautiful, and their questions of the infinite stimulating. The teachers would tell their students and families, “We are here to help your dreams evolve.”
Graham knew he was getting in deep. It was new territory for him. He never ran a business before. He was always the one employed and doing a job, but now, the responsibility of doing the right things had certain legal requirements. He didn’t have time to study these and so he had a meeting with a legal company that specialized in intellectual property rights. What would happen as a result of that meeting? It was recommended that he might want to use a more unique name for his company. He began to think about using the (IM) name.
On the next page, Graham would be getting up early to meet the CEO of SolGuruz. Graham was hoping for a good long term relationship where they would both grow together.
“Honor” came on Spotify from the documentary “Score.” Graham had the idea of rejuvenated Spaceship Earth. It was the same people on the same spaceship but their focus changed. They understood they were all creators and they could write every day about their creations. They would understand that they are all Master Storytellers. They realized that no one was going to write their story for them and so they began to do it themselves, every user of Dream Story Live. They listed their dreams and they worked together. They simultaneously worked on their many dreams, including the shared dream of cleaning the seas and shores. What actors and politicians would step in to do this? Who will buy a PlastiKgas or Pyrogenesis machine for an Island? Who will buy sponsor a boat from the Ocean Clean up that will be placed at the mouth of a river to prevent the plastic from entering our seas? On all of these, whoever sponsors or buys, let’s plaster their names all over these contraptions and say thank you and take pictures and post them on Dream Story Live and similar kinds of apps. Who would help the Island get out of debt. Who will focus and adopt an Island, a country, or a school? Who will help to rejuvenate Spaceship Mother Earth and all the humans? It always starts at home.
Graham woke up, got his coffee, and went into his Dream Studio. It was time to imagine and feel and feel and imagine. He had a good life. He grew up in a family where everyone treated each other in an understanding and supportive manner. He grew up to believe this was the correct way to live and this is what he came to expect and even though he was almost 100 years old, he just kept finding people like this.
He turned on Spotify and chose “Waiting Between Worlds,” by Jack Hemsey to start off with. That would continue with all his songs he had in a collection called, “Music to Write By.” It was like writing a live movie. The background music was there and when he saw all the people opening up their apps and taking pictures, videos, and sharing their thoughts, he felt good. They saw the beauty too because they chose to look for it. They were creating their own beauty path. He knew people all over the world. He made a lot of friends during his almost 100 years. He learned that people all over the world have all of the emotions, the negative and the positive. Everyone learns about the negative emotions, what they feel like, that they don’t feel good and everyone has a chance to experience the positive emotions, how each one feels and which ones feel the best. Which emotions don’t you want to get stuck on? What emotions feel good to you? Which emotions drain your energy and which ones enhance your energy? Everyone has to have these experiences.
What about boredom? Everyone will experience boredom at sometime in his or her life, and the only way to experience that is through significant time. We are here on Spaceship Earth for only a short time. Do you want to stay in Boredom? Do you want to spend all your time on Earth in Boredom? This is entirely your decision. If you don’t know what to decide then start with asking your family and then close friends what they think. You may be so stuck in a fog of boredom that you do not even realize it. What is it that you want in your life that you would like to experience? Just know, there is always a path out from every emotion, it’s through the simple process of living all the dreams you wrote down and then telling that story every day. Every page is a page closer to a dream coming true.
By the time you are 100 years old, you will see how many dreams you completed in your life, and then the number of dreams you are currently working on will seem few in comparison. Then you will share with your grandchildren. You will look at all the dreams that they have listed and all the dreams they have completed. The completed dreams will seem few in comparison to all the listed dreams in progress; you all can do this, just one page at a time. The older people could look back at their colorful history, all their volumes of dream stories up on their shelves and smile and then look at all the dreams the youth have and see how they could help. They could always give the youth attention. On their dream pages they could write, “Look at this amazing Boyan Stat. How can I support him? And millions of people will find out about Boyan Slat and they all want to know how they can support him. The same is with the Richard Branson; what does he have to do with protecting the seas? What is the old man’s advice? Let’s give some of those folks attention. Look at those Youtubers - Belle Sisoski. She has huge potential. I wonder how much time and effort it took her to learn all the musical end electronic instruments. I wonder if she could do a collaboration on the Dream Story movie with Hanns Zimmer. What does the music of Dream Story Live sound like? It will be written from the Dream emotions. What about Cleo Abram? Would love to see some things about gravity, black holes, orbits, planet speeds, 360 and Pi. Are all the things said in Sonic Geometry true? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY74AFQl2qQ
The Master Storytellers all told of the same thing, that they were helping to clean the oceans in one way or another. By their subscription fees they were part of a huge community that was helping to clean the Seas. All the employees knew that with their help, they were also helping to clean the Seas, and after they felt their efforts had enough momentum in place, they would turn their time and attention to other efforts. There were many simultaneous efforts, all shared dreams, all supported by each other, all talking about the pieces to the great Mystery
There are so many things that we know from our religions. One thing we have all learned is that from our human perspective our world, our universe appears to be infinite. How do you measure that? The more that you learn, the more that you see there are just too many things to be able to know in one’s own lifetime even if he or she lives to be 100 years old. Even old people are full of wonder of the infinite and they continue to try and experience Spirit and Mystery.
We wonder, we learn and we write about it and it is truly beautiful. They were just ideas but they turned into a beautiful path. The best part is all the people you meet along the way. That is where all the beauty is. Beauty and abundance are always there if you look for it. What will happen if you look for it every day? You will find it and when you do, post it every day, and in just one spiral loop, you will have the most beautiful or amazing trail you have carved out of the mystery and left for your history. You will see your growth and the dreams you accomplished. You will feel that you are advancing to the next level, to what you dreamed about.
As he wrote, he saw the people trusting the people they employed, the caretakers, to take care of the downtrodden. Knowing the caretakers had difficult jobs and doing the best they could, the people, the dreamers, began to turn their faces towards the Infinite. The religious and spiritual leaders spent even more time in meditation, contemplation, and imagination. They connected to what seemed like Spirit, all exploring a different piece of the puzzle. What kind of world did they want for their people, for their families, for their world?
The principal wondered about the families of his students. What did the families want for their children? How could he know? In his movie, he quits his principal job to become principal of The Master Storytellers. He knew that with an app they could let him know what the dreams of the families were about. They could share their stories. They printed them out and brought in their stories to share with the teachers, classmates, and principals and their visions were grand, their histories beautiful, and their questions of the infinite stimulating. The teachers would tell their students and families, “We are here to help your dreams evolve.”
Graham knew he was getting in deep. It was new territory for him. He never ran a business before. He was always the one employed and doing a job, but now, the responsibility of doing the right things had certain legal requirements. He didn’t have time to study these and so he had a meeting with a legal company that specialized in intellectual property rights. What would happen as a result of that meeting? It was recommended that he might want to use a more unique name for his company. He began to think about using the (IM) name.
On the next page, Graham would be getting up early to meet the CEO of SolGuruz. Graham was hoping for a good long term relationship where they would both grow together.
“Honor” came on Spotify from the documentary “Score.” Graham had the idea of rejuvenated Spaceship Earth. It was the same people on the same spaceship but their focus changed. They understood they were all creators and they could write every day about their creations. They would understand that they are all Master Storytellers. They realized that no one was going to write their story for them and so they began to do it themselves, every user of Dream Story Live. They listed their dreams and they worked together. They simultaneously worked on their many dreams, including the shared dream of cleaning the seas and shores. What actors and politicians would step in to do this? Who will buy a PlastiKgas or Pyrogenesis machine for an Island? Who will buy sponsor a boat from the Ocean Clean up that will be placed at the mouth of a river to prevent the plastic from entering our seas? On all of these, whoever sponsors or buys, let’s plaster their names all over these contraptions and say thank you and take pictures and post them on Dream Story Live and similar kinds of apps. Who would help the Island get out of debt. Who will focus and adopt an Island, a country, or a school? Who will help to rejuvenate Spaceship Mother Earth and all the humans? It always starts at home.
Banner Photo by PUSCAU DANIEL FLORIN: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-asphalt-road-in-between-brown-orange-leaf-trees-during-daytime-217114/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025