EOP 178
September 20
Graham Worked on the DreamStory.org website, adding shared dreams. He wrote the intro and added the first 10 shared dreams. How many would there be after just a couple more 360 spirals?
We have one of the most unique spaceships of all time, Spaceship Earth. It is powered by the Sun, an external energy source. Spaceship Earth travels at incredible speeds - rotating at 1,000 mph, orbiting the Sun at 67,000 mph. Flying together with the Sun, planets and other objects in our solar system around our own galaxy at 450,000 mph, and then moving with our galaxy through space at 1.300,000,000 mph.
Best of all, we do not have to live in a cramped little metal spaceship always having to worry about mechanical failure, food, water, and oxygen levels. We can roam anywhere on Spaceship Earth without a spacesuit, and we breathe in fresh air, drink clean water, and eat good food. We haven't reached perfection. We are all learning. We are asking questions of the Great Mystery of life. We all must maintain our Earth spaceship so that future generations may also flourish.
There is a time for everything. And now, this is
a time to live
a time to reap
a time to heal
a time to laugh
a time to build
a time to cast away stones
a time of love
a time of peace
a time to hug
a time to gain
a time to sow
a time to dance
a time to smile
Turn! Turn! Turn! to your dreams and the dreams of your family. Find your purpose. This is one of the most exhilarating mysteries and journeys. Live you purpose. Don't give up on finding answers. You can imagine, work on your creations, and pursue your questions all at the same time. Dream Story and similar apps will help you to keep your focus and share your stories and experiences. We swear it is not too late
(Adapted Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and the song by the Byrds)
Won't you share these dreams with us?
The passion of The Master Storytellers LLC, Dream Story, Dream Story Live and all of its affiliates is the help clean the seas. When you pay your subscription fees, not only will you have a platform that will help you keep all your personal and shared dreams alive, but you will be helping with the grand ocean clean up.
He listed the 10 shared dreams.
1. Clean and Thriving Seas
2. Climate Solutions
3. Plastic Solutions
4. Garbage Solutions
5. Moving to "Not an Endangered Species"
6. Water Solutions
7: Toxic Waste Solutions
8. More of this Please
9. Rich Story Experiences
10. Piecing together the Infinite Mastodon.
On his way to Sam’s for groceries,, he listened to “Showdown” by Stick Figure. He liked many lines like the following:
“The world’s a dream, you said to me.”
“Never lose sight, never lose focus.”
“An endless sea, we're forever free.”
“All we need is a little focus.”
“We are the power of the Sun.”
But he never imagined a showdown. There doesn’t have to be a showdown. If there were a showdown, this would only slow all of us down and put us further into debt. He wanted to remind everyone that we are all in this together. We can move cautiously together, taking the time to build trust by looking at the actions. Actions speak louder than words. There are ways that even the Democrats and Republicans in the United States can work together. We must follow the laws, go through the time embedded process of changing the laws we want to change, and be patient before we vote someone out of office. Give our public service politicians time. Find out what their accomplishments are, the projects they are working on, the visions of their party, and what they are doing to reduce the debt of the United States. What advice are politicians giving its citizens about debt. Debt is sucking the life out of many of its citizens. They have become slaves again. The citizens must take responsibility. They are the true leaders in the free world. What are the politicians, the public servants, doing to help its citizens to achieve their dreams? What will they do to unite its citizens? Make war and new bombs and weapons to unite people out of fear? How will they unite its citizens? What visions to the political parties have. Don't both parties share in the shared dreams on Dream Story and similar sites? Are they listening to the people?
Graham Worked on the DreamStory.org website, adding shared dreams. He wrote the intro and added the first 10 shared dreams. How many would there be after just a couple more 360 spirals?
We have one of the most unique spaceships of all time, Spaceship Earth. It is powered by the Sun, an external energy source. Spaceship Earth travels at incredible speeds - rotating at 1,000 mph, orbiting the Sun at 67,000 mph. Flying together with the Sun, planets and other objects in our solar system around our own galaxy at 450,000 mph, and then moving with our galaxy through space at 1.300,000,000 mph.
Best of all, we do not have to live in a cramped little metal spaceship always having to worry about mechanical failure, food, water, and oxygen levels. We can roam anywhere on Spaceship Earth without a spacesuit, and we breathe in fresh air, drink clean water, and eat good food. We haven't reached perfection. We are all learning. We are asking questions of the Great Mystery of life. We all must maintain our Earth spaceship so that future generations may also flourish.
There is a time for everything. And now, this is
a time to live
a time to reap
a time to heal
a time to laugh
a time to build
a time to cast away stones
a time of love
a time of peace
a time to hug
a time to gain
a time to sow
a time to dance
a time to smile
Turn! Turn! Turn! to your dreams and the dreams of your family. Find your purpose. This is one of the most exhilarating mysteries and journeys. Live you purpose. Don't give up on finding answers. You can imagine, work on your creations, and pursue your questions all at the same time. Dream Story and similar apps will help you to keep your focus and share your stories and experiences. We swear it is not too late
(Adapted Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and the song by the Byrds)
Won't you share these dreams with us?
The passion of The Master Storytellers LLC, Dream Story, Dream Story Live and all of its affiliates is the help clean the seas. When you pay your subscription fees, not only will you have a platform that will help you keep all your personal and shared dreams alive, but you will be helping with the grand ocean clean up.
He listed the 10 shared dreams.
1. Clean and Thriving Seas
2. Climate Solutions
3. Plastic Solutions
4. Garbage Solutions
5. Moving to "Not an Endangered Species"
6. Water Solutions
7: Toxic Waste Solutions
8. More of this Please
9. Rich Story Experiences
10. Piecing together the Infinite Mastodon.
On his way to Sam’s for groceries,, he listened to “Showdown” by Stick Figure. He liked many lines like the following:
“The world’s a dream, you said to me.”
“Never lose sight, never lose focus.”
“An endless sea, we're forever free.”
“All we need is a little focus.”
“We are the power of the Sun.”
But he never imagined a showdown. There doesn’t have to be a showdown. If there were a showdown, this would only slow all of us down and put us further into debt. He wanted to remind everyone that we are all in this together. We can move cautiously together, taking the time to build trust by looking at the actions. Actions speak louder than words. There are ways that even the Democrats and Republicans in the United States can work together. We must follow the laws, go through the time embedded process of changing the laws we want to change, and be patient before we vote someone out of office. Give our public service politicians time. Find out what their accomplishments are, the projects they are working on, the visions of their party, and what they are doing to reduce the debt of the United States. What advice are politicians giving its citizens about debt. Debt is sucking the life out of many of its citizens. They have become slaves again. The citizens must take responsibility. They are the true leaders in the free world. What are the politicians, the public servants, doing to help its citizens to achieve their dreams? What will they do to unite its citizens? Make war and new bombs and weapons to unite people out of fear? How will they unite its citizens? What visions to the political parties have. Don't both parties share in the shared dreams on Dream Story and similar sites? Are they listening to the people?
Banner Photo by Simon Berger: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-mountains-1323550/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025