EOP 176
September 18
Graham worked on applications for the UNM. He read through some previous writings and published them on DreamStory.org. He sent some app feedback to SolGuruz, went on a bike ride, and had a Zoom full-moon meditation session with Shamans in Peru.
Graham was happy to see his post of 2023. There was a lot of growth. The app was becoming a real thing, from idea to now in the testing phase on iOS, Android, and web, all integrated. He was working with SolGuruz to try it and test it. They told him it should be done by the middle of October, 2024.
There is no way to communicate the feeling of the vision in words. It seems like it is impossible to explain the vision, a world full of dreamers, excited about creating and making the world a better place.
Whatever people need to learn, they will have a chance to learn it by experience, and then they will move on to the next thing, the next lesson. There is not really anything as an “easy” lesson, no matter what walk of life.
There is the need, the constant need for the next piece. There’s no concept as “made it,” meaning I got to the level I am happy with and I am just going to stay here.” No one expects to be stagnant. This is not the reason for coming into this life. What is that reason? One reason is to create and take actions towards making our creations a real thing. It is not a simple process.
No matter what, every day, every individual, has a story, even if it is he/she stayed home all day watching TV. If that was so, color it in with the happy, interesting, fun, quotes or scenes. Every individual carries with him or her, every day, many stories, many dreams, many relationships. All of these are ongoing stories that help make the fabric of one’s story of life.
He started re-reading his Ascension handbook. He liked the quote, “Not only is my being composed of energy, but anything I conceive of is manifested through further organization of energy units. Whenever I create anything, from an atom to a galaxy, I first project a receptive field analogous to space, and then transmit or radiate energy units into it, organized according to my intent or thoughtforms.
The only way that anything can be created is by organizing this unlimited supply of energy units according to intent.”
What if this is true? What is your intent here on Earth? What is it that you want to do to make this world a better place? Maybe it is your truth that others will like. It is possible to like the “truths” of 100 people because all 100 are on separate paths to truth and each is discovering something new. This is the way the universe works. It is foolish to believe that there is only one Truth, one True way to the infinite. Look, at, for example, all the Christian churches. They are all interpretations. Their spiritual leaders are expected to make more time to meditate and learn more about the infinite so that they can bring back simplified lessons for their people. What questions do our spiritual leaders have about the infinite. When the questions are asked and pursued, this will bring in energy. When visions of the congregation are established and then pursued. This will bring in the energy. Will the congregations also help our future generations by helping to clean up the seas and get their countries out of debt? . There are definite laws and social expectations to follow, but When it comes to human behavior, there are some ways of living that are better than others. People do not like judgements, so we will try our best as humanly possible NOT to offer our judgements. When it comes to violations of our laws, we will leave the judgements up to our public servants. Let’s just say that there are ways of living that will accelerate your growth. You are here to learn many lessons. How fast do you want to go?
The Ascension Handbook continued, “So, the being that I know as myself, plus all that I create or destroy, is composed of energy. Again, this energy is not the heat or light that you know, but a more subtle energy, akin to the energy of a thought that you might have.”
2023 - Graham continued to work on his website. In his always desperate search for more time, he wanted to commit to an hour each day with this story, and eventually get that time down to 30 minutes. Dreamstory.org was still in the development stage. He envisioned when it is an app that it will take no longer than an Instagram or Facebook post. He was looking forward to that day. He wanted to share dreams and to know what other grandparents, parents, teachers, and students were dreaming about. Where would he be in 360 pages?
Graham worked on applications for the UNM. He read through some previous writings and published them on DreamStory.org. He sent some app feedback to SolGuruz, went on a bike ride, and had a Zoom full-moon meditation session with Shamans in Peru.
Graham was happy to see his post of 2023. There was a lot of growth. The app was becoming a real thing, from idea to now in the testing phase on iOS, Android, and web, all integrated. He was working with SolGuruz to try it and test it. They told him it should be done by the middle of October, 2024.
There is no way to communicate the feeling of the vision in words. It seems like it is impossible to explain the vision, a world full of dreamers, excited about creating and making the world a better place.
Whatever people need to learn, they will have a chance to learn it by experience, and then they will move on to the next thing, the next lesson. There is not really anything as an “easy” lesson, no matter what walk of life.
There is the need, the constant need for the next piece. There’s no concept as “made it,” meaning I got to the level I am happy with and I am just going to stay here.” No one expects to be stagnant. This is not the reason for coming into this life. What is that reason? One reason is to create and take actions towards making our creations a real thing. It is not a simple process.
No matter what, every day, every individual, has a story, even if it is he/she stayed home all day watching TV. If that was so, color it in with the happy, interesting, fun, quotes or scenes. Every individual carries with him or her, every day, many stories, many dreams, many relationships. All of these are ongoing stories that help make the fabric of one’s story of life.
He started re-reading his Ascension handbook. He liked the quote, “Not only is my being composed of energy, but anything I conceive of is manifested through further organization of energy units. Whenever I create anything, from an atom to a galaxy, I first project a receptive field analogous to space, and then transmit or radiate energy units into it, organized according to my intent or thoughtforms.
The only way that anything can be created is by organizing this unlimited supply of energy units according to intent.”
What if this is true? What is your intent here on Earth? What is it that you want to do to make this world a better place? Maybe it is your truth that others will like. It is possible to like the “truths” of 100 people because all 100 are on separate paths to truth and each is discovering something new. This is the way the universe works. It is foolish to believe that there is only one Truth, one True way to the infinite. Look, at, for example, all the Christian churches. They are all interpretations. Their spiritual leaders are expected to make more time to meditate and learn more about the infinite so that they can bring back simplified lessons for their people. What questions do our spiritual leaders have about the infinite. When the questions are asked and pursued, this will bring in energy. When visions of the congregation are established and then pursued. This will bring in the energy. Will the congregations also help our future generations by helping to clean up the seas and get their countries out of debt? . There are definite laws and social expectations to follow, but When it comes to human behavior, there are some ways of living that are better than others. People do not like judgements, so we will try our best as humanly possible NOT to offer our judgements. When it comes to violations of our laws, we will leave the judgements up to our public servants. Let’s just say that there are ways of living that will accelerate your growth. You are here to learn many lessons. How fast do you want to go?
The Ascension Handbook continued, “So, the being that I know as myself, plus all that I create or destroy, is composed of energy. Again, this energy is not the heat or light that you know, but a more subtle energy, akin to the energy of a thought that you might have.”
2023 - Graham continued to work on his website. In his always desperate search for more time, he wanted to commit to an hour each day with this story, and eventually get that time down to 30 minutes. Dreamstory.org was still in the development stage. He envisioned when it is an app that it will take no longer than an Instagram or Facebook post. He was looking forward to that day. He wanted to share dreams and to know what other grandparents, parents, teachers, and students were dreaming about. Where would he be in 360 pages?
Banner Photo by S Migaj: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-photography-of-person-standing-on-green-grass-in-front-of-mountains-during-golden-hour-746386/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025