EOP 175
September 17
September 17, 2024, South
Who is to blame? We don’t blame anyone. We just keep creating and communicating. From where do the ideas come in? How does he hear them? How does anyone hear the ideas that enter the brain? Whose thoughts do we hear? What emotions are these thoughts related to? What if all the ideas, in the beginning, are related to enthusiasm? There is a lot that one can get done with enthusiasm. For how many pages could enthusiasm be carried? What emotions would take over? Curiosity, Powerful, Service, Pleased?
He would be pleased to see the shift, the great shift, started for the good in the United States of America. Produced in Freedom, learned from many all over the world, providing for all the dreamers all around the world. All that I would like to see before I go is people, many people excited about their lives. I know children can be. Where are the leading adults who will tell us about their dreams? Will anyone listen to the leading adult dreamers and share their dreams, help to make them happen. And this adult leading dreamer will listen and help the other dreamers. Preferably, the leader of adult dreamers will be amongst the elders of the families. They will let us know that there is no risk in dreaming out loud.
If I were running for President of the United States of America in 2028, I would prepare for that by building an app that would enable my team and I to hear the dreams of people all over the world. "Really, is this what the children dream about?" Of course I would already know what children around the world dream about because I spent 10 years as a teacher and 20 years as a school principal. I know that the majority of parents want for their children, because I have listened to parents for 20 years. I know what is missing in education and I want to start a conversation, content vs standards. Can we have both? Can the emphasis be on content? I would start a discussion on education because I think it can be even better. We can prepare our children better. They need to know content, have background knowledge, not just be able to find it on the Internet.
I would like to start courses in storytelling and the use of imagination. I would like to see everyone using the DreamStoryLive.com app, or similar, because it is there my people will find the good dream emotions. As President, I want to see that happiness return to my people. I worked out a simple system of going through life’s spiral together, page by page. We keep each other's dreams alive. Will I as President of the United States help in keeping your dreams alive? I don’t know. How can I do that if I don’t know your dreams? As President of the United States of America, we will also be listening to the dreams of people from all over the world. We have a lot to do for our future generations and we need to work together on these shared dreams.
That is what I would say, If I were running for President of the United States, but I cannot run because we can get a lot more done this way, as free individuals, not tied to a job as a public servant. I would have a lot more restrictions on my time and energy by being President, and let’s just say, I can get a lot more done this way, as a dreamer doing the work.
For some reason, in the past, on a level that we are not consciously aware of we did connect and it was at the level of fear, and we existed that way for thousands of years. We learned, it doesn’t have to be based on fear. It can also be based on mutual feelings of the upper emotional spiral, a spiral that has no end. Together we feel that emotion of taking risks, of wanting to get to the next level with the others. We share the striving, the going forward and we share our dream lists and we keep each other's dreams alive. We ask about them. We listen and we share in their happiness, their excitement, their looking forward, their stories. We are family, we are friends, we are part of TheMasterStoryTellers.com, and similar sites. We are all storytellers.
Graham doesn’t want to really start telling friends about what he was working on till the app could be downloaded. He didn’t mind telling family because they knew that he was always working on something. Why couldn’t he tell his friends too? They would certainly understand. He would tell them his dreams. He would tell it to family, friends, and everyone else about his dream of telling his family the truth of all that he learned on his visit to the Earth. It was only his truth. He realized that there are as many truths as there are individuals on planet Earth.
They all began to tell their stories. They were all on the same page. They colored it in with heroes, beauty, awesome, and questions every single day. All different portraits, all beautiful, all waiting for tomorrow’s page. All traveling at the speed of our Spaceship Earth traveling around the Sun. We all acknowledge that if it wasn’t for our Sun, none of us would have this kind of energy. At the same time we question the Sun, and “Who created you?”
We could be telling this story every day. Will it work? Will SolGuruz finish the app in the middle of October? What will it be like when people start sharing their dreams? Will anyone else share the dream of having clean Oceans, Seas, and Shores for our grandchildren from all around the world? Won’t they share that dream? Won’t they start to tell what they did about that?
It is The Master Storytellers who will tell the story. It is a very good story, even safe. It is the story of how people from all over the world began to share their stories, their dreams and the majority of people all around the world dreamed of peace. Peace would give them even more freedom to dream, but these people, this generation, they were resilient. They learned resiliency and dream sharing from the Rebel School Principal Hamish Brewer. Hamish shared his 100 dreams. Hamish was an adult leader. He will be one of the first recruits. If he is still around and able, Mr. J.D. Hirsch will serve as an advisor to education. He already has many books prepared for the discussion.
How many levels could he go in his human existence? From his perspective, he could only see infinite levels and each new level was new and challenging. The trick was not to get lost. The trick was not to give up on dreams, but telling everyone one the story so the dreams could come true.
Call one shared goal, “More of this Please.”
it was midnight, and he couldn’t go to sleep. He tossed and turned and thought of solutions to help him fall asleep. His decision was to write. With that, perhaps he could get into the correct emotional state. He liked writing because it was something he no longer had to think about. The words seemed to literally flow through his fingers onto the pages. He didn’t have to say, “Hmmm, what do I write about next?” The ideas came, the words flowed.
Carry that excitement for it happening soon and it will spread, even if it takes 3 years. Keep telling that story. It is so close to coming out. You saw how beautifully it worked. It’s important that people see how “quickly” the ideas come, one page at a time, one page at a time colored in and full of hope, finding others who share the hope, share the dreams.
I am building a Dream Team. It will be huge. Together, we will clean our Seas, and when the Seas are cleaned, we will turn our attention to the next best thing. The mysterious will always be there, but there will be a next world wide action item. There will be many but this one will take the same intensity as the cleaning of the seas. These will be the action items of families, schools, governments, and companies all over the world. And together, we will clean up the trash and bring the planet back to life and we will bring the SOULS back to life. They will start to believe again. They will come to life once they learn that we are all in this together. The kids in Bethlehem, the students at Medina, the children in Rock Point, the children at Al-Noor, the students at the Advanced Math and Science Academy, the young people at the American University of Sharjah, the students at Sultan Qaboos University, and the students in Kuwait at the American Bilingual school. There were also the schools he attended - Midland, Twin Peaks, Poway High School, San Diego State University, Alliant University, Bridgewater State University, Capella University
This is the power of storytelling. It brings together people of all ages. The Principal was putting together his Dream Team. It’s not many people who will travel the world and live in different cultures to try to understand them. And he did understand. He understood that all human beings, all human beings have the full range of emotions, have an imagination, and have dreams for their families, want to share the dreams of their family, no matter how crazy they seem. You all helped your families to keep their dreams alive. How could you help your family with their dreams? Families first and everything else pretty much takes care of itself. Now there is the perspective. Now it is understood why we have laws and many public servants who are supposed to be taking care of us. If they are not meeting expectations, then We the People, vote them out. This was the dream of our ancestors. They didn’t anticipate that the servants would take over and put them in tremendous debt. It was time to start cleaning house. You want strange laws put in place? Follow the process. When the majority understand, then we will move forward. Let us all appreciate our public servants who protect us. If there is a bad police officer, for example, report him or her to the correct authorities and let them take care of it. I don’t personally want to see any more videos or pictures of police officers doing the wrong thing. We understand there will be a small minority of police officers that make human mistakes. This happens with almost any profession. Report it to the correct authorities but don’t make fun of my protectors. They are here to protect us. Appreciate them.
We are here to shift focus. That is all we will be doing. The people will begin to take back their country. They want politicians who will help them fulfill their dreams. The voters want a country that will not stress them with debt, war and addictions. The families do not want to have any debt. The families do not want to see war. The families do not want to see addictions. The families have turned their attention to the dreams and they once again felt free to focus on their dreams because the majority thought the people put in place would be the best for the world.
How would the people know what is best for them? Aren’t their dreams enough? Is there anything else that is needed? What can our families learn from us and what can we learn from our families?
September 17, 2024, South
Who is to blame? We don’t blame anyone. We just keep creating and communicating. From where do the ideas come in? How does he hear them? How does anyone hear the ideas that enter the brain? Whose thoughts do we hear? What emotions are these thoughts related to? What if all the ideas, in the beginning, are related to enthusiasm? There is a lot that one can get done with enthusiasm. For how many pages could enthusiasm be carried? What emotions would take over? Curiosity, Powerful, Service, Pleased?
He would be pleased to see the shift, the great shift, started for the good in the United States of America. Produced in Freedom, learned from many all over the world, providing for all the dreamers all around the world. All that I would like to see before I go is people, many people excited about their lives. I know children can be. Where are the leading adults who will tell us about their dreams? Will anyone listen to the leading adult dreamers and share their dreams, help to make them happen. And this adult leading dreamer will listen and help the other dreamers. Preferably, the leader of adult dreamers will be amongst the elders of the families. They will let us know that there is no risk in dreaming out loud.
If I were running for President of the United States of America in 2028, I would prepare for that by building an app that would enable my team and I to hear the dreams of people all over the world. "Really, is this what the children dream about?" Of course I would already know what children around the world dream about because I spent 10 years as a teacher and 20 years as a school principal. I know that the majority of parents want for their children, because I have listened to parents for 20 years. I know what is missing in education and I want to start a conversation, content vs standards. Can we have both? Can the emphasis be on content? I would start a discussion on education because I think it can be even better. We can prepare our children better. They need to know content, have background knowledge, not just be able to find it on the Internet.
I would like to start courses in storytelling and the use of imagination. I would like to see everyone using the DreamStoryLive.com app, or similar, because it is there my people will find the good dream emotions. As President, I want to see that happiness return to my people. I worked out a simple system of going through life’s spiral together, page by page. We keep each other's dreams alive. Will I as President of the United States help in keeping your dreams alive? I don’t know. How can I do that if I don’t know your dreams? As President of the United States of America, we will also be listening to the dreams of people from all over the world. We have a lot to do for our future generations and we need to work together on these shared dreams.
That is what I would say, If I were running for President of the United States, but I cannot run because we can get a lot more done this way, as free individuals, not tied to a job as a public servant. I would have a lot more restrictions on my time and energy by being President, and let’s just say, I can get a lot more done this way, as a dreamer doing the work.
For some reason, in the past, on a level that we are not consciously aware of we did connect and it was at the level of fear, and we existed that way for thousands of years. We learned, it doesn’t have to be based on fear. It can also be based on mutual feelings of the upper emotional spiral, a spiral that has no end. Together we feel that emotion of taking risks, of wanting to get to the next level with the others. We share the striving, the going forward and we share our dream lists and we keep each other's dreams alive. We ask about them. We listen and we share in their happiness, their excitement, their looking forward, their stories. We are family, we are friends, we are part of TheMasterStoryTellers.com, and similar sites. We are all storytellers.
Graham doesn’t want to really start telling friends about what he was working on till the app could be downloaded. He didn’t mind telling family because they knew that he was always working on something. Why couldn’t he tell his friends too? They would certainly understand. He would tell them his dreams. He would tell it to family, friends, and everyone else about his dream of telling his family the truth of all that he learned on his visit to the Earth. It was only his truth. He realized that there are as many truths as there are individuals on planet Earth.
They all began to tell their stories. They were all on the same page. They colored it in with heroes, beauty, awesome, and questions every single day. All different portraits, all beautiful, all waiting for tomorrow’s page. All traveling at the speed of our Spaceship Earth traveling around the Sun. We all acknowledge that if it wasn’t for our Sun, none of us would have this kind of energy. At the same time we question the Sun, and “Who created you?”
We could be telling this story every day. Will it work? Will SolGuruz finish the app in the middle of October? What will it be like when people start sharing their dreams? Will anyone else share the dream of having clean Oceans, Seas, and Shores for our grandchildren from all around the world? Won’t they share that dream? Won’t they start to tell what they did about that?
It is The Master Storytellers who will tell the story. It is a very good story, even safe. It is the story of how people from all over the world began to share their stories, their dreams and the majority of people all around the world dreamed of peace. Peace would give them even more freedom to dream, but these people, this generation, they were resilient. They learned resiliency and dream sharing from the Rebel School Principal Hamish Brewer. Hamish shared his 100 dreams. Hamish was an adult leader. He will be one of the first recruits. If he is still around and able, Mr. J.D. Hirsch will serve as an advisor to education. He already has many books prepared for the discussion.
How many levels could he go in his human existence? From his perspective, he could only see infinite levels and each new level was new and challenging. The trick was not to get lost. The trick was not to give up on dreams, but telling everyone one the story so the dreams could come true.
Call one shared goal, “More of this Please.”
it was midnight, and he couldn’t go to sleep. He tossed and turned and thought of solutions to help him fall asleep. His decision was to write. With that, perhaps he could get into the correct emotional state. He liked writing because it was something he no longer had to think about. The words seemed to literally flow through his fingers onto the pages. He didn’t have to say, “Hmmm, what do I write about next?” The ideas came, the words flowed.
Carry that excitement for it happening soon and it will spread, even if it takes 3 years. Keep telling that story. It is so close to coming out. You saw how beautifully it worked. It’s important that people see how “quickly” the ideas come, one page at a time, one page at a time colored in and full of hope, finding others who share the hope, share the dreams.
I am building a Dream Team. It will be huge. Together, we will clean our Seas, and when the Seas are cleaned, we will turn our attention to the next best thing. The mysterious will always be there, but there will be a next world wide action item. There will be many but this one will take the same intensity as the cleaning of the seas. These will be the action items of families, schools, governments, and companies all over the world. And together, we will clean up the trash and bring the planet back to life and we will bring the SOULS back to life. They will start to believe again. They will come to life once they learn that we are all in this together. The kids in Bethlehem, the students at Medina, the children in Rock Point, the children at Al-Noor, the students at the Advanced Math and Science Academy, the young people at the American University of Sharjah, the students at Sultan Qaboos University, and the students in Kuwait at the American Bilingual school. There were also the schools he attended - Midland, Twin Peaks, Poway High School, San Diego State University, Alliant University, Bridgewater State University, Capella University
This is the power of storytelling. It brings together people of all ages. The Principal was putting together his Dream Team. It’s not many people who will travel the world and live in different cultures to try to understand them. And he did understand. He understood that all human beings, all human beings have the full range of emotions, have an imagination, and have dreams for their families, want to share the dreams of their family, no matter how crazy they seem. You all helped your families to keep their dreams alive. How could you help your family with their dreams? Families first and everything else pretty much takes care of itself. Now there is the perspective. Now it is understood why we have laws and many public servants who are supposed to be taking care of us. If they are not meeting expectations, then We the People, vote them out. This was the dream of our ancestors. They didn’t anticipate that the servants would take over and put them in tremendous debt. It was time to start cleaning house. You want strange laws put in place? Follow the process. When the majority understand, then we will move forward. Let us all appreciate our public servants who protect us. If there is a bad police officer, for example, report him or her to the correct authorities and let them take care of it. I don’t personally want to see any more videos or pictures of police officers doing the wrong thing. We understand there will be a small minority of police officers that make human mistakes. This happens with almost any profession. Report it to the correct authorities but don’t make fun of my protectors. They are here to protect us. Appreciate them.
We are here to shift focus. That is all we will be doing. The people will begin to take back their country. They want politicians who will help them fulfill their dreams. The voters want a country that will not stress them with debt, war and addictions. The families do not want to have any debt. The families do not want to see war. The families do not want to see addictions. The families have turned their attention to the dreams and they once again felt free to focus on their dreams because the majority thought the people put in place would be the best for the world.
How would the people know what is best for them? Aren’t their dreams enough? Is there anything else that is needed? What can our families learn from us and what can we learn from our families?
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025