EOP 173
September 15
Its because I see a huge shift in the consciousness of humans all over the world. They will soon see all the good things in this world. They must project themselves. They must list their visions on paper, Dream Story Live, or similar.
Perhaps the difference during the day is that there is this excitement, this looking forward, this sharing.
I might play the fool, but if that happens, then I shall be one of the happiest fools alive. Never have I seen a dream like DreamStoryLive.com - all those people creating a vision together, sharing their food, music, time and energy. Smiles on their faces.
This is what was going through Graham’s mind, before the Royal Marriage on page 207, and before the launch of DreamStoryLive.com into the cloud. In a way, we will be living in the cloud but sharing the good dream emotions, grounded.
That should be the pursuit, telling this story every day to others. It can even start with facebook. Friends on facebook. Start making those connections and you will all feel the anticipation. This is what I’m anticipating in the world. This will be a new direction for the entries, after family it is friends.
Graham knew there were billions of dreamers out there, all over the world, and soon they would be sharing their food, their dreams, and their questions. They all shared their pieces. All were putting pieces together. All were in their right place, until they were ready for their next piece. There, there is no such thing as piece envy. Every piece is perfect because it was colored in by the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers. We are all in this together, and we follow the laws, and we change the ones we don’t like. The ones that slow us down. Our consciousness evolves and we learn trust again. It takes many pages to build trust but it can be done, just one person, one family at a time.
If this DreamStoryLive.com app works, then I will tell you later how the ideas evolved. If it doesn’t work, then it is better not to know and to look for the actions of success somewhere else. Look for those who are putting together pieces. They can establish themselves as any identity, which means they have mastered many aspects of the 3D, but they still have many questions and it is these questions they pursue. Yes, someone can travel to Cabo for fun, but at the same time he or she carries the personal and shared dreams. They can tell you what they have done to help clean the oceans. Just by being a subscriber to DreamStoryLive.com one becomes part of the effort to clean our Seas.
What does it take for a dream to come true? This is what it takes - writing, filming, talking about it every day and feeling the passion as you get closer and once you get closer then there will be the new shift in focus to the next driving dream and in the past you felt vulnerable telling your dreams to others, but the power of I don’t care came through and the joy was in feeling the dreams with others. It was like their own secret. “I don’t care if they tell anyone else. That will only give the dream more time and energy.
Of course, I have visualized this being successful all over the world, but I have never done this before. It is the first time for me to contract with a company, and in this case, SolGuruz. I am trusting them. They are proving to me almost every day that they are working on it. I have tested part of it on three platforms and it works beautifully. I trust that they will complete it so that all may benefit, so that we may make the lives of our children, nieces and nephews, cousins, friends, neighbors, teachers, so much better. We can do that now, finally.
This is the story. As you will see, it moves slowly, but as you look back, you will see the beauty and awesome that you created and it will seem like it took no time at all. Achieve your dreams and move to the next level. What are your questions? No one knows everything. When our religious leaders say, “That is a good question. Let me explore it in my meditations and I will get back to you,” this is a very good thing. It shows us our religious leaders are also not all-knowing. They may be able to advise better on matters of the SOUL if they spend time in that Realm.
May your past be beautiful and a promise of tomorrow.
May your future be as beautiful as your past
May your future be as amazing as your past
May your future be as awesome as your past
Its because I see a huge shift in the consciousness of humans all over the world. They will soon see all the good things in this world. They must project themselves. They must list their visions on paper, Dream Story Live, or similar.
Perhaps the difference during the day is that there is this excitement, this looking forward, this sharing.
I might play the fool, but if that happens, then I shall be one of the happiest fools alive. Never have I seen a dream like DreamStoryLive.com - all those people creating a vision together, sharing their food, music, time and energy. Smiles on their faces.
This is what was going through Graham’s mind, before the Royal Marriage on page 207, and before the launch of DreamStoryLive.com into the cloud. In a way, we will be living in the cloud but sharing the good dream emotions, grounded.
That should be the pursuit, telling this story every day to others. It can even start with facebook. Friends on facebook. Start making those connections and you will all feel the anticipation. This is what I’m anticipating in the world. This will be a new direction for the entries, after family it is friends.
Graham knew there were billions of dreamers out there, all over the world, and soon they would be sharing their food, their dreams, and their questions. They all shared their pieces. All were putting pieces together. All were in their right place, until they were ready for their next piece. There, there is no such thing as piece envy. Every piece is perfect because it was colored in by the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers. We are all in this together, and we follow the laws, and we change the ones we don’t like. The ones that slow us down. Our consciousness evolves and we learn trust again. It takes many pages to build trust but it can be done, just one person, one family at a time.
If this DreamStoryLive.com app works, then I will tell you later how the ideas evolved. If it doesn’t work, then it is better not to know and to look for the actions of success somewhere else. Look for those who are putting together pieces. They can establish themselves as any identity, which means they have mastered many aspects of the 3D, but they still have many questions and it is these questions they pursue. Yes, someone can travel to Cabo for fun, but at the same time he or she carries the personal and shared dreams. They can tell you what they have done to help clean the oceans. Just by being a subscriber to DreamStoryLive.com one becomes part of the effort to clean our Seas.
What does it take for a dream to come true? This is what it takes - writing, filming, talking about it every day and feeling the passion as you get closer and once you get closer then there will be the new shift in focus to the next driving dream and in the past you felt vulnerable telling your dreams to others, but the power of I don’t care came through and the joy was in feeling the dreams with others. It was like their own secret. “I don’t care if they tell anyone else. That will only give the dream more time and energy.
Of course, I have visualized this being successful all over the world, but I have never done this before. It is the first time for me to contract with a company, and in this case, SolGuruz. I am trusting them. They are proving to me almost every day that they are working on it. I have tested part of it on three platforms and it works beautifully. I trust that they will complete it so that all may benefit, so that we may make the lives of our children, nieces and nephews, cousins, friends, neighbors, teachers, so much better. We can do that now, finally.
This is the story. As you will see, it moves slowly, but as you look back, you will see the beauty and awesome that you created and it will seem like it took no time at all. Achieve your dreams and move to the next level. What are your questions? No one knows everything. When our religious leaders say, “That is a good question. Let me explore it in my meditations and I will get back to you,” this is a very good thing. It shows us our religious leaders are also not all-knowing. They may be able to advise better on matters of the SOUL if they spend time in that Realm.
May your past be beautiful and a promise of tomorrow.
May your future be as beautiful as your past
May your future be as amazing as your past
May your future be as awesome as your past
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025