EOP 167
September 9
September 9, 2024, South.
To My Children,
Do you remember Your mother and I saying, “We want you to have a better education, better finances, and a better life than us?” It seems to me that there were such good connections we had when we were together. Perhaps it was because we were all together as a family until we split and went our own ways. We had to split, didn’t we? Maybe we decided to split and then come back together as a family, telling each other what we found out about The Great Mystery of life. That would be my number one dream. I will edit this on my dream list. We can listen to each other knowing that none of us, even those who went to college, will not have the whole picture, but we will each have pieces. The pieces are not right or wrong, they are just pieces, conclusions you all have come to or a path of many of you are taking with lots of questions. We are truly multi-talented. What we do is reserve slots of time throughout our day to do what we want or need to do. How do you color in your day? It would be recommended to spend your free time coloring in your current page with your dreams, with beauty, awesome and love.
So what is truth? There’s a lot of truth. Look at a list of emotions and personality traits. What emotions and personality traits are part of your dreams? How many dreams do you have? How many dreams have you listened to? This is my dream. I am putting this out not only for you but for the whole world to see. This is just my piece. You can use the soon to be released DreamStoryLive.com as a place for listing your dreams, visions, and bucket lists and to connect with others, or use a similar app or in your notebooks. It is a place where all of us can connect and share the positivity associated with dreams.
Soon you will see, that every part of your life is because of your dreams and you will see that you are in the middle of all your dreams and relationships. This is why I call it “Live.” After time, you realize you are living your dreams. You dreams are “Live.” When you start telling your story, the story of your dreams, you will see the magic take place and it will be fun because it is like playing a game where we respect each other and follow the laws and work on changing the laws that we do not like. There is a process for changing laws, which means that it takes time. How fast are you willing to go? Others may not be going as fast as you are so be patient with them. Most of all, have fun.
From what I have imagined my app will serve as a very popular, maybe extremely popular, platform that will help transform our world and all that that means is that people begin to shift their focus. The best focus, in my opinion, is to focus on those wonderful kindergarten student, elementary students. What is it that our families want for their children? Do our families share their dreams with each other? Then the idea is that we hear from so many other families who felt all the positivity, the good energy when they started not only telling their dreams but playing them out, spending time and energy on them. When this happens, the feeling will shift in the world and it could come quite fast, the way stories are told these days.
It is important that all families, all people follow the laws of their country at this time. If we rebel and want instant change, if there is war, then this will take away from our focus. How do we want to spend our time and energy? Isn’t it on the things that bring us joy? What is it that the majority of the people want? We can all be on the same page, telling different stories and also telling the stories of shared dreams.
your crazy father
September 9, 2024, South.
To My Children,
Do you remember Your mother and I saying, “We want you to have a better education, better finances, and a better life than us?” It seems to me that there were such good connections we had when we were together. Perhaps it was because we were all together as a family until we split and went our own ways. We had to split, didn’t we? Maybe we decided to split and then come back together as a family, telling each other what we found out about The Great Mystery of life. That would be my number one dream. I will edit this on my dream list. We can listen to each other knowing that none of us, even those who went to college, will not have the whole picture, but we will each have pieces. The pieces are not right or wrong, they are just pieces, conclusions you all have come to or a path of many of you are taking with lots of questions. We are truly multi-talented. What we do is reserve slots of time throughout our day to do what we want or need to do. How do you color in your day? It would be recommended to spend your free time coloring in your current page with your dreams, with beauty, awesome and love.
So what is truth? There’s a lot of truth. Look at a list of emotions and personality traits. What emotions and personality traits are part of your dreams? How many dreams do you have? How many dreams have you listened to? This is my dream. I am putting this out not only for you but for the whole world to see. This is just my piece. You can use the soon to be released DreamStoryLive.com as a place for listing your dreams, visions, and bucket lists and to connect with others, or use a similar app or in your notebooks. It is a place where all of us can connect and share the positivity associated with dreams.
Soon you will see, that every part of your life is because of your dreams and you will see that you are in the middle of all your dreams and relationships. This is why I call it “Live.” After time, you realize you are living your dreams. You dreams are “Live.” When you start telling your story, the story of your dreams, you will see the magic take place and it will be fun because it is like playing a game where we respect each other and follow the laws and work on changing the laws that we do not like. There is a process for changing laws, which means that it takes time. How fast are you willing to go? Others may not be going as fast as you are so be patient with them. Most of all, have fun.
From what I have imagined my app will serve as a very popular, maybe extremely popular, platform that will help transform our world and all that that means is that people begin to shift their focus. The best focus, in my opinion, is to focus on those wonderful kindergarten student, elementary students. What is it that our families want for their children? Do our families share their dreams with each other? Then the idea is that we hear from so many other families who felt all the positivity, the good energy when they started not only telling their dreams but playing them out, spending time and energy on them. When this happens, the feeling will shift in the world and it could come quite fast, the way stories are told these days.
It is important that all families, all people follow the laws of their country at this time. If we rebel and want instant change, if there is war, then this will take away from our focus. How do we want to spend our time and energy? Isn’t it on the things that bring us joy? What is it that the majority of the people want? We can all be on the same page, telling different stories and also telling the stories of shared dreams.
your crazy father
Banner Photo by Ray Bilcliff: https://www.pexels.com/photo/landscape-photo-of-forest-2055389/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025