EOP 166
September 8
Graham and the Princess met with friends for their monthly book club, this time they discussed the Beekeeper’s Apprentice. Not only was it an interesting story, but Graham liked how the characters grew in their relationships.
To My Children,
As you will see in some of my previous writings on DreamStory.org, I wrote in 3rd person, meaning I wrote about Graham and what he was doing and thinking. I’ve been writing a kind of diary since the early 2000s after I read Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way.” She talked about morning pages. She would write by hand every morning. I tried writing in first person and then 3rd person, and for whatever reason, I like writing in 3rd person the most. This story, Dream Story Live is not about me, however, the focus is always on others and what they are dreaming, imagining, envisioning for their lives and their family’s first.
I tried writing for different audiences, and you are my best audience. I feel like, “This is what I learned in life, how about you?” And we build our stories together. This is one of my dreams. Have a family story going. Like in the Infinite Mastodon, I would like to hear the pieces you have found out about this life. I would like your perspective on my dreams as we all journey into the unknown.
As I mentioned previously, you are my first audience, but this is for all of my family and friends. I also want to tell them what I have learned and I would like to hear their pieces of the puzzle and they, like you, would ask questions. We would ask each other a lot of questions. We would all know each other's dreams or things that are of interest. Unless I hear otherwise from you, I’m going to publish my letters to you on the DreamStory.org website, but I won’t include any personal information unless you tell me otherwise. We do this just one page, one day at a time, and after you have gone through many pages and you start telling your story, then you will see the magic happen.
Now, on the DreamStory.org website, we are coming around the spiral, full 360 pages, and I can read what I wrote in September 2023. I can see my growth. It was then I was only thinking about an app and now it is close to being launched.
We can share this dream of cleaning the seas, first, and then we will share other dreams, not only as a family but with families all around the world. I’m telling you this because this is what I have learned about life. Take from it what resonates and then venture on with your dreams. I will be there side by side with you.
Almost every day, I scan CNN and Fox News. I like seeing both perspectives. I don’t often click on the articles, I just want to know what their board members think is important. Is it propaganda? What is not propaganda is your drive, your enthusiasm, your love, your hope. Your family will know this. Not a single person in the world knows everything. We are moving forward into the Great Mystery. Do we have a map? Kind of. It is the spiral of the Gregorian Calendar. All past pages were recorded with beauty and awesome, There will be dreams that are shared amongst family members and it is the other family members who will help to take the steps, the actions, the time and energy to help make those dreams come true. Why do you think we are here, on the planet together at this time? Do you know how we can make a difference? We start telling the stories of our dreams. What emotions do these dreams have? These are very good emotions and personality traits. These are powerful. So powerful that they could shift the direction of consciousness of the planet, towards a much more positive outlook.
It is actually a very easy thing to do. Monitor what you are talking about. How much time and energy are you giving to whoever and whatever? This is part of who you become. This is what I have learned, and so, I am giving a lot of time and energy to the mystery, filling in each page with beauty and awesome. What will it be like when a billion people are filling in each day with beauty and awesome?
The news at that time showed all the negative in the world, as if that is the way it is, but they are missing all these other incredible stories. Now with Dream Story Live and similar applications, the people started listening to the dreams of others and the shared dreams and that is when the magic started to happen.
The principal shared the four kinds of dreams with his teachers and asked them, What are you dreaming about? One teacher said she would like to see her children succeed in school, another teacher said he would like to write a book, and yet another teacher said she would love to see people taking care of the planet. The principal said, "I would love to see seas clean of garbage all over the world.
Graham and the Princess met with friends for their monthly book club, this time they discussed the Beekeeper’s Apprentice. Not only was it an interesting story, but Graham liked how the characters grew in their relationships.
To My Children,
As you will see in some of my previous writings on DreamStory.org, I wrote in 3rd person, meaning I wrote about Graham and what he was doing and thinking. I’ve been writing a kind of diary since the early 2000s after I read Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way.” She talked about morning pages. She would write by hand every morning. I tried writing in first person and then 3rd person, and for whatever reason, I like writing in 3rd person the most. This story, Dream Story Live is not about me, however, the focus is always on others and what they are dreaming, imagining, envisioning for their lives and their family’s first.
I tried writing for different audiences, and you are my best audience. I feel like, “This is what I learned in life, how about you?” And we build our stories together. This is one of my dreams. Have a family story going. Like in the Infinite Mastodon, I would like to hear the pieces you have found out about this life. I would like your perspective on my dreams as we all journey into the unknown.
As I mentioned previously, you are my first audience, but this is for all of my family and friends. I also want to tell them what I have learned and I would like to hear their pieces of the puzzle and they, like you, would ask questions. We would ask each other a lot of questions. We would all know each other's dreams or things that are of interest. Unless I hear otherwise from you, I’m going to publish my letters to you on the DreamStory.org website, but I won’t include any personal information unless you tell me otherwise. We do this just one page, one day at a time, and after you have gone through many pages and you start telling your story, then you will see the magic happen.
Now, on the DreamStory.org website, we are coming around the spiral, full 360 pages, and I can read what I wrote in September 2023. I can see my growth. It was then I was only thinking about an app and now it is close to being launched.
We can share this dream of cleaning the seas, first, and then we will share other dreams, not only as a family but with families all around the world. I’m telling you this because this is what I have learned about life. Take from it what resonates and then venture on with your dreams. I will be there side by side with you.
Almost every day, I scan CNN and Fox News. I like seeing both perspectives. I don’t often click on the articles, I just want to know what their board members think is important. Is it propaganda? What is not propaganda is your drive, your enthusiasm, your love, your hope. Your family will know this. Not a single person in the world knows everything. We are moving forward into the Great Mystery. Do we have a map? Kind of. It is the spiral of the Gregorian Calendar. All past pages were recorded with beauty and awesome, There will be dreams that are shared amongst family members and it is the other family members who will help to take the steps, the actions, the time and energy to help make those dreams come true. Why do you think we are here, on the planet together at this time? Do you know how we can make a difference? We start telling the stories of our dreams. What emotions do these dreams have? These are very good emotions and personality traits. These are powerful. So powerful that they could shift the direction of consciousness of the planet, towards a much more positive outlook.
It is actually a very easy thing to do. Monitor what you are talking about. How much time and energy are you giving to whoever and whatever? This is part of who you become. This is what I have learned, and so, I am giving a lot of time and energy to the mystery, filling in each page with beauty and awesome. What will it be like when a billion people are filling in each day with beauty and awesome?
The news at that time showed all the negative in the world, as if that is the way it is, but they are missing all these other incredible stories. Now with Dream Story Live and similar applications, the people started listening to the dreams of others and the shared dreams and that is when the magic started to happen.
The principal shared the four kinds of dreams with his teachers and asked them, What are you dreaming about? One teacher said she would like to see her children succeed in school, another teacher said he would like to write a book, and yet another teacher said she would love to see people taking care of the planet. The principal said, "I would love to see seas clean of garbage all over the world.
Banner Photo by Chris F: https://www.pexels.com/photo/smooth-round-colorful-shapes-with-wavy-edges-6664375/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025