EOP 163
September 5
Graham spent the morning editing and posting some previous writings. It was his diary. It was what he was thinking. He wanted to experience for himself how his consciousness would grow, his understanding of the Great Mystery over the years. How would the creation of Dream Story Live help the world? He also wrote another letter to his children to share his perspective of what he learned about life.
To My Children,
I always wanted to be one of those fathers who would sit back and tell his children all the things he learned of the world. I didn’t do that much because I was still learning a lot myself. I didn’t have all the answers, especially to the deeper meaning of truth and what I call, the Great and Fascinating Mystery of life.
If one tries to find answers to the question of Who am I? It is not easy and one can spend a lot of time reading books, talking to people, listening to lectures, and watching YouTube videos, but in the end, I found the answer to be, “I don’t know.” I don’t know who I am. I traveled down that path for so long until it looked like I saw the infinite in front of me. There was no end to the questions and answers.
One can spend his or her entire life searching for answers to the big questions of “Who am I, What am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? The answer to these questions is always, “I don’t know.” The philosopher Osho in his book “Silence” helped to reinforce this notion. Religions and cultural traditions provide some guidance to these questions, but which is correct? Socrates even said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” The more that you study, the more that you realize there is so much more out there that you don’t know.
You will see in my writing that I make a distinction between 3D and the Soul level. 3D is about the things in what is usually referred to as the physical plane, and in that plane, we have many identities. I am a son, father, brother, nephew, cousin, neighbor to many, friend, school principal, Dream Story Live app designer, architectural draftsman, teacher, student pilot, user of a Lenovo Thinkpad, frequent visitor to Chipotle, and so many more identities. I know who I am in 3D. I could easily talk about all those identities, but in the Soul World, I don’t even know where to start. Also at the 3D level, there are a lot of things that we do know so we can function in every day life. We know laws, history, languages, social expectations, how to drive a car, use a computer, how to play sports, etc, so in our physical world, we do know many things.
I gave up on labeling and stopped asking a lot of questions about who I am because I realized it is an endless path and I wanted to do something else to help make the world a better place. I did a kind of about face. One thing I learned is that I can create. Any human is an amazing creator. We have seen tremendous creations in music, art, film, housing, technology, businesses, medical advances, and so on. Humans have this amazing thing called an imagination. It is truly amazing. We can imagine something and then go do that thing. It seems that many people have given up on using it, especially older folks. What is it that they dream of? Maybe they still dream, but their dreams aren’t making headlines, at this time. Young people still enthusiastically use their imaginations and ask questions about life. I’ve seen it over and over. Do you know I have been a school principal for 20 years now?
So, I may never figure out who I am at the Soul level, but I do know I am a creator, just like you all. I can now announce that after 62 years I was able to create an app called, “Dream Story Live.” Do you know why I gave it that title?
It seems to be my duty as a father to tell you about the truth of life. I’m just saying, in truth, these are the lessons I learned. What I wish for you is that you learn as much as you can, from anyone you can, and especially your family. We, the elders, are passing the torch to you. This is what we learned, take what you can from it and continue in your creations, your dreams, your goals, and most of all we hope you experience and share those dream feelings with others. What are dream feelings? Those are also on my website.
Your crazy dad, father, principal, American, Pops.
I’m starting to tell a story with Pictures too. It will be an amazing story. I have already imagined it like a little movie. Here is the first picture.
Graham spent the morning editing and posting some previous writings. It was his diary. It was what he was thinking. He wanted to experience for himself how his consciousness would grow, his understanding of the Great Mystery over the years. How would the creation of Dream Story Live help the world? He also wrote another letter to his children to share his perspective of what he learned about life.
To My Children,
I always wanted to be one of those fathers who would sit back and tell his children all the things he learned of the world. I didn’t do that much because I was still learning a lot myself. I didn’t have all the answers, especially to the deeper meaning of truth and what I call, the Great and Fascinating Mystery of life.
If one tries to find answers to the question of Who am I? It is not easy and one can spend a lot of time reading books, talking to people, listening to lectures, and watching YouTube videos, but in the end, I found the answer to be, “I don’t know.” I don’t know who I am. I traveled down that path for so long until it looked like I saw the infinite in front of me. There was no end to the questions and answers.
One can spend his or her entire life searching for answers to the big questions of “Who am I, What am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? The answer to these questions is always, “I don’t know.” The philosopher Osho in his book “Silence” helped to reinforce this notion. Religions and cultural traditions provide some guidance to these questions, but which is correct? Socrates even said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” The more that you study, the more that you realize there is so much more out there that you don’t know.
You will see in my writing that I make a distinction between 3D and the Soul level. 3D is about the things in what is usually referred to as the physical plane, and in that plane, we have many identities. I am a son, father, brother, nephew, cousin, neighbor to many, friend, school principal, Dream Story Live app designer, architectural draftsman, teacher, student pilot, user of a Lenovo Thinkpad, frequent visitor to Chipotle, and so many more identities. I know who I am in 3D. I could easily talk about all those identities, but in the Soul World, I don’t even know where to start. Also at the 3D level, there are a lot of things that we do know so we can function in every day life. We know laws, history, languages, social expectations, how to drive a car, use a computer, how to play sports, etc, so in our physical world, we do know many things.
I gave up on labeling and stopped asking a lot of questions about who I am because I realized it is an endless path and I wanted to do something else to help make the world a better place. I did a kind of about face. One thing I learned is that I can create. Any human is an amazing creator. We have seen tremendous creations in music, art, film, housing, technology, businesses, medical advances, and so on. Humans have this amazing thing called an imagination. It is truly amazing. We can imagine something and then go do that thing. It seems that many people have given up on using it, especially older folks. What is it that they dream of? Maybe they still dream, but their dreams aren’t making headlines, at this time. Young people still enthusiastically use their imaginations and ask questions about life. I’ve seen it over and over. Do you know I have been a school principal for 20 years now?
So, I may never figure out who I am at the Soul level, but I do know I am a creator, just like you all. I can now announce that after 62 years I was able to create an app called, “Dream Story Live.” Do you know why I gave it that title?
It seems to be my duty as a father to tell you about the truth of life. I’m just saying, in truth, these are the lessons I learned. What I wish for you is that you learn as much as you can, from anyone you can, and especially your family. We, the elders, are passing the torch to you. This is what we learned, take what you can from it and continue in your creations, your dreams, your goals, and most of all we hope you experience and share those dream feelings with others. What are dream feelings? Those are also on my website.
Your crazy dad, father, principal, American, Pops.
I’m starting to tell a story with Pictures too. It will be an amazing story. I have already imagined it like a little movie. Here is the first picture.
A fifth teacher joined the group this day. "This story," the principal said, "is a story of dreaming about the kind of world we want to live in. He shared the 100 dreams of his favorite principal, Hamish Brewer. They were as simple as paying for the groceries for someone in line and as big as "Peace."
A fifth teacher joined the group this day. "This story," the principal said, "is a story of dreaming about the kind of world we want to live in. He shared the 100 dreams of his favorite principal, Hamish Brewer. They were as simple as paying for the groceries for someone in line and as big as "Peace."
Banner Photo by Keith Lobo: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-man-standing-on-beach-during-sunset-3956523/
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