EOP 158
August 30/31
2024, South
Graham went to an interview at eCademy. He liked the interview team and their program. How many students do you have coming to the school?”
“Zero. All are online”
How do you do the schedule for 1000 students?”
“We don’t have a program or excel. We do it all by hand to ensure students are getting the classes they need.”
Graham liked being super busy and learning new things. eCademy seemed to be an ideal setting and only 20 minutes from home. Would he get the job?
Would Solguruz be done by in 6 weeks? Should he wait it out?
Should he start telling his story to family? He knew it wouldn’t take long to tell family. During his meditations, it seemed to be a good idea to start telling family, but when he got back into the 3D, it seemed wise to wait until the app was ready. He wanted to see the app explode with excitement like a doorway being opened with explosives and then seeing a new path into infinity.
Jupiter, their rooster, stayed inside their coup all day. He yelled at it. “How long do you have to live? 7 years? You want to spend your whole day in the coup. Go out and do something. Engage with the other chickens, plan an escape. That’s what Graham wanted to do. He wanted to plan an escape with others. Just as his koi were confined to a small pond and the chickens confined to their backyard, he knew that he was confined from seeing beyond the limits ordinary life. He knew there was much more, except he didn’t know how to go there, other than through his creations, his vision. He wanted to learn how others imagined their futures and what they were doing about it.
Graham was trying to figure out his 3D self and the spirit self. The 3D side would almost forget about the spirit side as he went on with daily business - feeding pets, doing wash, going to work, going to the store, driving, and at times, even being with family and friends seemed like a routine, but his inner spirit was shouting and it was often hard for it to be heard in the 3D. On the spirit side is where all the optimistic hopeful emotions were and he lived those out during his meditations and it was the best thing he had ever seen, but then 3D life kicked in and it seemed like he forgotten all he saw and felt during his long meditations and doing so day after day. How could he keep up the emotions, the hope. This is where he needed others. Cleaning the seas was an impossible job by one person, but together they would share their efforts, music, art, and smiles and that would always be easy to plug back into.
How does he keep those memories alive? He wasn’t the only one keeping his memories alive. When he shared his personal dreams, the others listened and anticipated how his or her dream story worked out. Would the dream come true, evolve, or go in a completely different direction? He began to listen to all the other dreams and he would smile.
If he were to hear them say, “Your dreams are crazy,” and he would respond, “And what are yours?” He realized that the more people he told his story to, the more that would be wondering where this live story is heading to.
Does anyone else want to come out and play and help us clean the oceans, rivers, and lakes? You know our stories. What are yours? And as the day passed, they would fill up their page with the story they were creating, and their dreams came true, took a new direction, or evolved, and they all had many readers who were helping them keep their dreams alive.
Once upon a time, in the small town of Bethlehem, a principal, Mr. Mond, asked his teachers if they would like to co-create a beautiful story. Four teachers showed up after school ready to listen. He drew a picture of a single musical note. "This note, he said, is part of a beautiful song. By itself, it doesn't convey the feeling of the song but put together with all they other notes and the song is magical. It is the same with this story, one page each day doesn't mean much, but when you put all the pages together, it makes an incredible story.
He drew a pictures of two circles and a single small horizontal line between them and asked, "Guess what this is a drawing of."
Graham went to an interview at eCademy. He liked the interview team and their program. How many students do you have coming to the school?”
“Zero. All are online”
How do you do the schedule for 1000 students?”
“We don’t have a program or excel. We do it all by hand to ensure students are getting the classes they need.”
Graham liked being super busy and learning new things. eCademy seemed to be an ideal setting and only 20 minutes from home. Would he get the job?
Would Solguruz be done by in 6 weeks? Should he wait it out?
Should he start telling his story to family? He knew it wouldn’t take long to tell family. During his meditations, it seemed to be a good idea to start telling family, but when he got back into the 3D, it seemed wise to wait until the app was ready. He wanted to see the app explode with excitement like a doorway being opened with explosives and then seeing a new path into infinity.
Jupiter, their rooster, stayed inside their coup all day. He yelled at it. “How long do you have to live? 7 years? You want to spend your whole day in the coup. Go out and do something. Engage with the other chickens, plan an escape. That’s what Graham wanted to do. He wanted to plan an escape with others. Just as his koi were confined to a small pond and the chickens confined to their backyard, he knew that he was confined from seeing beyond the limits ordinary life. He knew there was much more, except he didn’t know how to go there, other than through his creations, his vision. He wanted to learn how others imagined their futures and what they were doing about it.
Graham was trying to figure out his 3D self and the spirit self. The 3D side would almost forget about the spirit side as he went on with daily business - feeding pets, doing wash, going to work, going to the store, driving, and at times, even being with family and friends seemed like a routine, but his inner spirit was shouting and it was often hard for it to be heard in the 3D. On the spirit side is where all the optimistic hopeful emotions were and he lived those out during his meditations and it was the best thing he had ever seen, but then 3D life kicked in and it seemed like he forgotten all he saw and felt during his long meditations and doing so day after day. How could he keep up the emotions, the hope. This is where he needed others. Cleaning the seas was an impossible job by one person, but together they would share their efforts, music, art, and smiles and that would always be easy to plug back into.
How does he keep those memories alive? He wasn’t the only one keeping his memories alive. When he shared his personal dreams, the others listened and anticipated how his or her dream story worked out. Would the dream come true, evolve, or go in a completely different direction? He began to listen to all the other dreams and he would smile.
If he were to hear them say, “Your dreams are crazy,” and he would respond, “And what are yours?” He realized that the more people he told his story to, the more that would be wondering where this live story is heading to.
Does anyone else want to come out and play and help us clean the oceans, rivers, and lakes? You know our stories. What are yours? And as the day passed, they would fill up their page with the story they were creating, and their dreams came true, took a new direction, or evolved, and they all had many readers who were helping them keep their dreams alive.
Once upon a time, in the small town of Bethlehem, a principal, Mr. Mond, asked his teachers if they would like to co-create a beautiful story. Four teachers showed up after school ready to listen. He drew a picture of a single musical note. "This note, he said, is part of a beautiful song. By itself, it doesn't convey the feeling of the song but put together with all they other notes and the song is magical. It is the same with this story, one page each day doesn't mean much, but when you put all the pages together, it makes an incredible story.
He drew a pictures of two circles and a single small horizontal line between them and asked, "Guess what this is a drawing of."
Banner photo by Mo Eid: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-photo-of-watercraft-3337216/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025