August 28, 2024, South
The ultimate goal is to sincerely feel love. What will that be like? What is love? What does love feel like?
What does love feel like? It should always start with family. This works for 99% of the Earth’s population. For the 1% or less, they need to keep reaching for love until they find it and when they do, they will be able to share very valuable lessons.
Just as Abraham Hicks shared, going from one emotion to the next best emotion is like a ship going through the Panama Canal. There are locks there for a reason. The process of moving up from a lower level to a higher level does not happen in an instant. It takes time. It is over time that one learns to trust. The steps of trust are like rungs on a ladder. You take just one small step at a time, and when you feel your footing is firm, then you reach out with one leg to the next rung, while the other leg remains firm in the previous knowledge. When the leg forward acknowledges it is on a firm rung, then the other leg takes its footing off the lower rung and joins the other leg on the same rung. When they feel firm, steady, and happy with the new perspective, then they move on. There are limitless places, as far as the humans know, to venture off to.
Graham knew what he was creating. It was a world where people knew that they didn’t know everything but all of those people were also living their dreams. They were feeling the dream emotions and sharing with others who found the dream emotions.
They were all in the middle of a wonderful song and they all swayed to the same rhythm.
Graham listened again to Ashes of Time. As he did, he imagined seeing millions of others writing their dreams and asking questions about the infinite nature of our universe. He wondered if they found the same emotions.
Despite beliefs to the contrary, men do have emotions. They are in there but usually concealed. A man will often trust his wife to convey the emotions. His wife is like the connection to Mother Earth and all the other mothers. We know that mothers only want the best for their children, as do fathers. Men feel and express their emotions in a different way than women. It is usually very subtle, but they do have the entire range of emotions, including all the dream emotions; it’s just that they wont express them the same way as women do, most of the time. These are all learned behaviors. What visions do men have for their children? Now, with Dream Story Live and similar versions, we have the chance to hear of the vision of men from all corners of the world.
Graham wanted to join the following of people who connected with their dreams on a daily basis. They were all explorers, exploring the unknown, adding personal dreams and sharing dreams of others.
At the end of the day, Graham had a call with SolGuruz to discuss the completion date. They were looking at the middle of October 2024. Graham already had a growing list of tasks for SolGuruz, for the next phase, after the app is released. He smiled when he knew it wouldn’t be long till he heard the dreams from folks from all around the world.
August 28, 2024, South
The ultimate goal is to sincerely feel love. What will that be like? What is love? What does love feel like?
What does love feel like? It should always start with family. This works for 99% of the Earth’s population. For the 1% or less, they need to keep reaching for love until they find it and when they do, they will be able to share very valuable lessons.
Just as Abraham Hicks shared, going from one emotion to the next best emotion is like a ship going through the Panama Canal. There are locks there for a reason. The process of moving up from a lower level to a higher level does not happen in an instant. It takes time. It is over time that one learns to trust. The steps of trust are like rungs on a ladder. You take just one small step at a time, and when you feel your footing is firm, then you reach out with one leg to the next rung, while the other leg remains firm in the previous knowledge. When the leg forward acknowledges it is on a firm rung, then the other leg takes its footing off the lower rung and joins the other leg on the same rung. When they feel firm, steady, and happy with the new perspective, then they move on. There are limitless places, as far as the humans know, to venture off to.
Graham knew what he was creating. It was a world where people knew that they didn’t know everything but all of those people were also living their dreams. They were feeling the dream emotions and sharing with others who found the dream emotions.
They were all in the middle of a wonderful song and they all swayed to the same rhythm.
Graham listened again to Ashes of Time. As he did, he imagined seeing millions of others writing their dreams and asking questions about the infinite nature of our universe. He wondered if they found the same emotions.
Despite beliefs to the contrary, men do have emotions. They are in there but usually concealed. A man will often trust his wife to convey the emotions. His wife is like the connection to Mother Earth and all the other mothers. We know that mothers only want the best for their children, as do fathers. Men feel and express their emotions in a different way than women. It is usually very subtle, but they do have the entire range of emotions, including all the dream emotions; it’s just that they wont express them the same way as women do, most of the time. These are all learned behaviors. What visions do men have for their children? Now, with Dream Story Live and similar versions, we have the chance to hear of the vision of men from all corners of the world.
Graham wanted to join the following of people who connected with their dreams on a daily basis. They were all explorers, exploring the unknown, adding personal dreams and sharing dreams of others.
At the end of the day, Graham had a call with SolGuruz to discuss the completion date. They were looking at the middle of October 2024. Graham already had a growing list of tasks for SolGuruz, for the next phase, after the app is released. He smiled when he knew it wouldn’t be long till he heard the dreams from folks from all around the world.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025