August 27, 2024, South
Graham wondered who Harry B. Joseph is. He kept seeing his videos pop up on Youtube. He was a man putting pieces of the Great Mystery together. He was a man after Graham’s heart. Graham wanted to read his material because Mr. Joseph had a lot of pieces to offer. Graham looked for Harry B Joseph on Amazon but couldn’t find his hard copy books. After some searching Graham resigned to downloading his books off etsy. Graham found a bundle deal of 4 books, two of them by Mr. Joseph, Book of Wisdom, v1, and Human Health Guide. The other two books were Alkaline Awakening and The Path to Source and Sacred Geometry.
Graham realized that no matter what he would appear to find out about The One Who is Known by 1000 names, he would never have all the answers. “Isn’t it better to spend one’s time in creating?” Graham wondered. There, in the creation, steps could be made to accomplish a creation. It came down to
Balance. There was a point in Graham’s life where he spent most of his free time trying to find out about the One Who is Known by 1000 names, that was, until he came up with his conclusion, “I don’t know.” And he strongly believed that in the remainder of his human lifetime that he would not know God and all the answers to his many questions. However, he concluded, I can create something amazing, and he listened to the guidance. And over years he put together the ideas of what would become Dream Story Live. He just put many ideas together and he could tell where he got the ideas from, his many teachers.
Religious leaders are fortunate because they get to spend more time and energy in the mystical, piecing together the infinite number of pieces of the One Who is Known by 1000 names. It is literally an endless job. There is no end in sight in this route, but it does allow one to have a different perspective, always searching for the highest good of mankind. They know that peace is much better than war. They know that the one who is known by 1000 names is infinite. They know that they are human and that all humans are extremely limited in their knowledge. And those who know that chase to find the next piece in the puzzle. It is what they talk about. It is their fascination. They live in awe of the creation - Earth, Earth’s solar system, the galaxies, the universe.
For the elephant shoot, it can still be called the infinite Mastodon. The six blindfolded are each going to touch a part of the Infinite,, but they had to understand that they were each given a piece of the puzzle and it was up to them to put the pieces together. This would be their main task, and if they needed more time, they were to express their thoughts. As soon as the 6 blindfolded got together, they were eager to hear what the others had felt, and then they would piece together the pieces, and when they still didn’t know, they went out again and felt for more pieces, and they listened to others. They never knew what was next, but when they looked behind them, even in their last 90 pages, it was a beautiful collage.
August 27, 2024, South
Graham wondered who Harry B. Joseph is. He kept seeing his videos pop up on Youtube. He was a man putting pieces of the Great Mystery together. He was a man after Graham’s heart. Graham wanted to read his material because Mr. Joseph had a lot of pieces to offer. Graham looked for Harry B Joseph on Amazon but couldn’t find his hard copy books. After some searching Graham resigned to downloading his books off etsy. Graham found a bundle deal of 4 books, two of them by Mr. Joseph, Book of Wisdom, v1, and Human Health Guide. The other two books were Alkaline Awakening and The Path to Source and Sacred Geometry.
Graham realized that no matter what he would appear to find out about The One Who is Known by 1000 names, he would never have all the answers. “Isn’t it better to spend one’s time in creating?” Graham wondered. There, in the creation, steps could be made to accomplish a creation. It came down to
Balance. There was a point in Graham’s life where he spent most of his free time trying to find out about the One Who is Known by 1000 names, that was, until he came up with his conclusion, “I don’t know.” And he strongly believed that in the remainder of his human lifetime that he would not know God and all the answers to his many questions. However, he concluded, I can create something amazing, and he listened to the guidance. And over years he put together the ideas of what would become Dream Story Live. He just put many ideas together and he could tell where he got the ideas from, his many teachers.
Religious leaders are fortunate because they get to spend more time and energy in the mystical, piecing together the infinite number of pieces of the One Who is Known by 1000 names. It is literally an endless job. There is no end in sight in this route, but it does allow one to have a different perspective, always searching for the highest good of mankind. They know that peace is much better than war. They know that the one who is known by 1000 names is infinite. They know that they are human and that all humans are extremely limited in their knowledge. And those who know that chase to find the next piece in the puzzle. It is what they talk about. It is their fascination. They live in awe of the creation - Earth, Earth’s solar system, the galaxies, the universe.
For the elephant shoot, it can still be called the infinite Mastodon. The six blindfolded are each going to touch a part of the Infinite,, but they had to understand that they were each given a piece of the puzzle and it was up to them to put the pieces together. This would be their main task, and if they needed more time, they were to express their thoughts. As soon as the 6 blindfolded got together, they were eager to hear what the others had felt, and then they would piece together the pieces, and when they still didn’t know, they went out again and felt for more pieces, and they listened to others. They never knew what was next, but when they looked behind them, even in their last 90 pages, it was a beautiful collage.
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