August 25, 2024, South
Why did he write every day? It was because these were the thoughts on his mind. The thoughts were mostly about hearing the dreams, visions, and bucket lists of the people in the world and then there was the deeper level of exploring the mystery, of learning, and learning not to be afraid of the unknown. He could see hearts and eyes lighting up all over the world because it made sense. It rang true.
Religions give us guidance on day to day living and as their leaders spend time and energy every day learning about the infinite one who is known by 1000 names, and working with others piecing together with others who spend time exploring the Great mystery and when they come to the pulpit, they tell of all the pieces they have put together from listening to parishioners. And the community looks forward to going to their place of worship because they get to hear about the new pieces, and the progress of people all over the world.
In strange times, who can one trust? It should be one’s family. Learn to trust your family. Go out and listen and bring back what you heard to your family and see if they agree that it seems honest and true and a good possible path or puzzle piece. One or one’s family can go down multiple paths simultaneously. Every single path is anchored in the 3D. They all have a common meeting point. It is each Gregorian day. Some programs like Dream Story Live links each of its page numbers to a Gregorian date. Why Gregorian? What part does the Sun play in this Great Mystery?
Families, when you are together, remember that just as all religious leaders and spiritual guides and politicians do not have all the answers, none of your family members know all the answers, but elders deserve the respect to be listened to. Listen to them first and weigh all the other answers against theirs, connect. If you ever feel lost or worried, then go back to the Sun, even if it is just in your imagination and this is how you shall remain centered. Once you feel centered again, then jump up and back into those dream emotions. You will never be alone. There are billions of people all around the world who want to help. Share their dreams and when you do that you will also share those dream emotions.
Every day Graham had to question himself. Maybe I should just be a greeter at Walmart. It would be a chance to give my sincerest welcoming and friendship emotion and I would get to do that all day and get paid for it? That would be my kind of job. Sometimes he thinks he must be crazy and maybe it would be better not to share his dream at all.
There was another great benefit to cleaning the seas, something that made it very healthy for humans, for a bit of time each day, as they carried this growing story, they would share the good dream emotions. They would start spending more time and energy in the good dream emotions, and they started to glow and their glow lit up the Great Path, the Path into the Great Mystery of Life. It is what we want for our children. Putting a caring focus outside of one’s self is a health benefit.
We write every day because it keeps our stories alive. We don’t even have to write. We can just take a picture in the direction of our questions, the beauty we see when we are sharing the dream emotions. Don’t be afraid to dream and wonder about the infinite. What he has learned is not to give the infinite a name because it puts limits, so The One Who is Known by 1000 names is obscure enough for now. We tried the abbreviation of that by calling it TOwikb1n, but it didn’t stick. Don’t try to figure out who The One Who is Known by 1000 names. If you do that you also separate yourself from the One Who is Known by 1000 names. If you ask questions about the Great Mystery, then you engage with the One Who is Known by 1000 names. It is fun to engage and learn and get to the next level and you start finding more and more people at the Dream Story Live level.
Remember, you are all creators. Enjoy your gifts.
The people were for too long locked into a “my way is better way” mentality. There are so many ways into the infinite. The best way is to listen to your family and go, then check in, then go and keep checking in every day with your pages. Tell them what you are learning and your dream story updates. And look at their writing, pictures, and videos. Share your updates on the Seas, lakes, and rivers. Allow yourself to break free of others thoughts and accelerate with all the other dreamers. The daily journey and journal is fun because each day gets you one page closer to your dream.
While “Let’s Sea” is a very good name, and can certainly be a name of a chapter or volume, perhaps, at this time, it is better to call it a “Principal’s Dairy.” He created something that was not based on his knowledge at all. He merely designed a platform, a space of empty pages waiting to be filled with one’s dreams because in dreams he found, all the good dream emotions and the most trying dreams are the best in the end because those are the ones who defeat fear and found communities that would support their dreams and worked together to make the world a better place.
August 25, 2024, South
Why did he write every day? It was because these were the thoughts on his mind. The thoughts were mostly about hearing the dreams, visions, and bucket lists of the people in the world and then there was the deeper level of exploring the mystery, of learning, and learning not to be afraid of the unknown. He could see hearts and eyes lighting up all over the world because it made sense. It rang true.
Religions give us guidance on day to day living and as their leaders spend time and energy every day learning about the infinite one who is known by 1000 names, and working with others piecing together with others who spend time exploring the Great mystery and when they come to the pulpit, they tell of all the pieces they have put together from listening to parishioners. And the community looks forward to going to their place of worship because they get to hear about the new pieces, and the progress of people all over the world.
In strange times, who can one trust? It should be one’s family. Learn to trust your family. Go out and listen and bring back what you heard to your family and see if they agree that it seems honest and true and a good possible path or puzzle piece. One or one’s family can go down multiple paths simultaneously. Every single path is anchored in the 3D. They all have a common meeting point. It is each Gregorian day. Some programs like Dream Story Live links each of its page numbers to a Gregorian date. Why Gregorian? What part does the Sun play in this Great Mystery?
Families, when you are together, remember that just as all religious leaders and spiritual guides and politicians do not have all the answers, none of your family members know all the answers, but elders deserve the respect to be listened to. Listen to them first and weigh all the other answers against theirs, connect. If you ever feel lost or worried, then go back to the Sun, even if it is just in your imagination and this is how you shall remain centered. Once you feel centered again, then jump up and back into those dream emotions. You will never be alone. There are billions of people all around the world who want to help. Share their dreams and when you do that you will also share those dream emotions.
Every day Graham had to question himself. Maybe I should just be a greeter at Walmart. It would be a chance to give my sincerest welcoming and friendship emotion and I would get to do that all day and get paid for it? That would be my kind of job. Sometimes he thinks he must be crazy and maybe it would be better not to share his dream at all.
There was another great benefit to cleaning the seas, something that made it very healthy for humans, for a bit of time each day, as they carried this growing story, they would share the good dream emotions. They would start spending more time and energy in the good dream emotions, and they started to glow and their glow lit up the Great Path, the Path into the Great Mystery of Life. It is what we want for our children. Putting a caring focus outside of one’s self is a health benefit.
We write every day because it keeps our stories alive. We don’t even have to write. We can just take a picture in the direction of our questions, the beauty we see when we are sharing the dream emotions. Don’t be afraid to dream and wonder about the infinite. What he has learned is not to give the infinite a name because it puts limits, so The One Who is Known by 1000 names is obscure enough for now. We tried the abbreviation of that by calling it TOwikb1n, but it didn’t stick. Don’t try to figure out who The One Who is Known by 1000 names. If you do that you also separate yourself from the One Who is Known by 1000 names. If you ask questions about the Great Mystery, then you engage with the One Who is Known by 1000 names. It is fun to engage and learn and get to the next level and you start finding more and more people at the Dream Story Live level.
Remember, you are all creators. Enjoy your gifts.
The people were for too long locked into a “my way is better way” mentality. There are so many ways into the infinite. The best way is to listen to your family and go, then check in, then go and keep checking in every day with your pages. Tell them what you are learning and your dream story updates. And look at their writing, pictures, and videos. Share your updates on the Seas, lakes, and rivers. Allow yourself to break free of others thoughts and accelerate with all the other dreamers. The daily journey and journal is fun because each day gets you one page closer to your dream.
While “Let’s Sea” is a very good name, and can certainly be a name of a chapter or volume, perhaps, at this time, it is better to call it a “Principal’s Dairy.” He created something that was not based on his knowledge at all. He merely designed a platform, a space of empty pages waiting to be filled with one’s dreams because in dreams he found, all the good dream emotions and the most trying dreams are the best in the end because those are the ones who defeat fear and found communities that would support their dreams and worked together to make the world a better place.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025