August 24, 2024, South
Seek out the dream emotions. Play with them. Different dream stories have different emotions associated with them. One story may be about the joy that is present from reuniting with a family member or members. Another story may be about the enthusiasm you feel for starting a new class and the anticipation of how this will prepare you for the next level. These are only two examples and yet you have multiple stories that you carry out simultaneously. Your stories are continuous from day to day, yet they all get different time and attention. Which good emotions would you prefer to play with? You can feel all the good dream emotions and stay there for a long time.
There were a lot of uncertainties for Graham regarding his job, his loan, his finances, the release of the app. How was he going to work it all out? Although there existed big uncertainties, he had confidence that everything was going to work out. This is what he learned after almost 100 years of living and so it was more like a smooth ride of uncertainty on the back for passion, clean seas, hope, and good music, art, and writing about the new era. All the Master Storytellers would be creating the world anew, all different stories, all on the same page, all doing their part to help and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
One thing many people carried with them, day after day, was the belief and love for The One Who is Known by 1000 names, but at the same time, they shared the hope of seeing the oceans cleaned in their very own lifetime. They shared their fascination of what seemed to be the infinite nature of the one who is known by 1000 names, which means they shared questions, and they found a new love in listening to the puzzle pieces of others and putting them all together.
August 24, 2024, South
Seek out the dream emotions. Play with them. Different dream stories have different emotions associated with them. One story may be about the joy that is present from reuniting with a family member or members. Another story may be about the enthusiasm you feel for starting a new class and the anticipation of how this will prepare you for the next level. These are only two examples and yet you have multiple stories that you carry out simultaneously. Your stories are continuous from day to day, yet they all get different time and attention. Which good emotions would you prefer to play with? You can feel all the good dream emotions and stay there for a long time.
There were a lot of uncertainties for Graham regarding his job, his loan, his finances, the release of the app. How was he going to work it all out? Although there existed big uncertainties, he had confidence that everything was going to work out. This is what he learned after almost 100 years of living and so it was more like a smooth ride of uncertainty on the back for passion, clean seas, hope, and good music, art, and writing about the new era. All the Master Storytellers would be creating the world anew, all different stories, all on the same page, all doing their part to help and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
One thing many people carried with them, day after day, was the belief and love for The One Who is Known by 1000 names, but at the same time, they shared the hope of seeing the oceans cleaned in their very own lifetime. They shared their fascination of what seemed to be the infinite nature of the one who is known by 1000 names, which means they shared questions, and they found a new love in listening to the puzzle pieces of others and putting them all together.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025