August 23, 2024, South
You have no idea what you carry, but you can get a very good idea. You may have some idea, but once you start piecing the story together, the joints at the pieces fuse and the colors and images blend. There's a story of you and your mom getting vegetables at the store. There's the story of your first bicycle, your first pet. There are many dreams, emotions, personality traits, and experiences.
Yesterday Graham added a small paragraph on the Dream Story home page. He put in only a small paragraph, probably controversial, about consummating a marriage. This topic, my friends, is a slippery slippery slope because it is connected back to Adam and Eve. Much time and energy can be spent on this topic. Dream Story Live is not for a discussion of this topic. This is left to families and other platforms.
In addition to the “Let’s Sea" story, there are many who are eager to tell about all their dreams and most importantly, what they have done. Most of these good stories will be told in public. Children will tell their dreams and what they are doing to make their dreams come true. They will tell their parents first. They will talk about what they told their parents and the reaction of their parents. Parents will say something like, “That’s an Amazing Dream. We like when you tell us about the people you meet and tell them your dream. We like seeing you make art work, poetry, and songs about your dream. We love that you are asking your teachers what you will need to make your dream come true.
He made a note to post the research of his 3rd grade students. They had documented, in 2024, the amount of garbage that was in the seas and how long it would take for plastics to decompose. While the principal was grateful for their research, he wondered what others would think. Would they believe 3rd graders? Did all the adults and politicians have better data on the trash in the seas or is it all fake news? Since there was so much fake, biased, and agenda based news, he wondered how children would ever know the truth. He had a very simple and most practical advice for that. He would always say, “Trust your family.” If they don’t have advice or know the answer, they can always say “That’s an excellent question, let us research and think about that. The child may listen to many pieces of advice. They make decisions along their path, using their hearts, the advice given, and a big vision board of dreams, full of dream emotions, and family dreams.
Graham loved writing because when it was his storytime; he would just write. He never had a plan about what he was going to say, but the focus was always on the dreams. What came to mind after doing this for several years were the emotions that were carried over days, months, and years. What was he going to do on the next page to drive his story forward? What new dreams was he able to listen to today?
Graham didn’t mind publishing his first drafts to each page. He wanted to experiment with the ideas that were given to him. It wasn’t his dream to be a published writer, but maybe there would be someone crazy enough out there to fix up all his rough drafts. He was perfectly capable of correcting his own mistakes after having taught English for 10 years, Including 3 years at the American University of Sharjah and two years at Sultan Qaboos University, 3 years at a Saudi Electric company, and 2 years at a Petrochemical company also in Saudi Arabia. He taught English is foreign lands because he was there to learn about their culture, truth, and most importantly their dreams and their actions. He found them to be generous and joyful people. Graham loved learning, exploring, and writing. He could easily decide to go back and spend a lot of time editing his own work, but he didn’t want to spend the time. His number one dream was picking up momentum.
The CEO at SolGuruz let him know that he was going to be in New York Sept 14-29. Graham had been working with them since Feb. 2024 and he liked what he was learning from them. He liked seeing their work. Would they complete it by the end of September or would it take longer. Graham was developing his trust with them because they had been working together for over 150 pages.
Graham was continuing to juggle finances. From his past, he learned how to make things work out and the last time he checked his credit score it was at 812, and he was happy with that. He experienced what was great debt for him at one time and he never wanted that for himself or for anyone. It took away all his freedom. He had to put a lot more time and energy into paying off his debts which means his debts enslaved him. He was like a slave to debt. It was his fault and he did everything he could to get out of debt, including working on Saturday and Sunday for three years in addition to his regular more than full time principal job. He had to make difficult decisions with his things, his time, and energy. He vowed to himself that he would never go in great debt again. He didn’t want his children or anyone to have to go into great debt, and now with a lesson learned but a greater passion for hearing the dreams from all around the world as soon as possible, Graham looked into taking out a loan to pay for the app completion and living expenses for a few months.
Graham at least wanted to post everything since page 1 in 2024 until page Page 1 of 2025. He wanted to show, involve others and let them know this is all they had to do to keep their dreams alive. All they had to do was to keep a big streak and then in 361 pages, you will see the growth. We hope that “Get out of debt asap” is one of your big dreams. We hope that you will be able to spend as much time as possible working in the Mystery, side by side others who are on the same page, many different paths and stories, but also some shared stories, like how all the people from all over the world came together to clean up the seas. This focus then had an incredible ripple effect throughout the families, countries, and world. And the Sun shone down on the Earth with its unconditional energy, and the one who is known by 1000 names, including “The Great Mystery, and the one whose name in some circles not saying a name other than, “the name” because they learned that naming God by any name puts on limits to the idea of God when God, as far as we know, is Infinite.
Every day Graham worked on Dream Story Live. Over and over and over again, it worked on all the levels needed including the path into the Great Mystery. It started when people started telling their dreams or listening and thinking about new and improved paths. The people began to feel the dream emotions. They understood vulnerability from Brown. They thanked her and decided to move on, to be Relentless from Hamish Brewer, and all the men learned the Haka dance from Hamish and they read his dreams and they too were inspired by Hamish.
Graham was a listener for many years, 62 to be exact. He was slow to learn or wanted to learn too much. He was taking his time. It was time for him to change. Did he have to switch roles and be a storyteller instead of a listener. He loved hearing all the stories people told of their lives. He never ran out of questions, because as they spoke he would build a picture in his imagination of where the person was, who they were talking to and the emotions that resulted in their story. He always wondered if they remained relentless. He learned how to do both. By day, he would listen to the dreams and then each day, he would also tell his own story. It was the same as all the other 8 billion stories. It was unique.
August 23, 2024, South
You have no idea what you carry, but you can get a very good idea. You may have some idea, but once you start piecing the story together, the joints at the pieces fuse and the colors and images blend. There's a story of you and your mom getting vegetables at the store. There's the story of your first bicycle, your first pet. There are many dreams, emotions, personality traits, and experiences.
Yesterday Graham added a small paragraph on the Dream Story home page. He put in only a small paragraph, probably controversial, about consummating a marriage. This topic, my friends, is a slippery slippery slope because it is connected back to Adam and Eve. Much time and energy can be spent on this topic. Dream Story Live is not for a discussion of this topic. This is left to families and other platforms.
In addition to the “Let’s Sea" story, there are many who are eager to tell about all their dreams and most importantly, what they have done. Most of these good stories will be told in public. Children will tell their dreams and what they are doing to make their dreams come true. They will tell their parents first. They will talk about what they told their parents and the reaction of their parents. Parents will say something like, “That’s an Amazing Dream. We like when you tell us about the people you meet and tell them your dream. We like seeing you make art work, poetry, and songs about your dream. We love that you are asking your teachers what you will need to make your dream come true.
He made a note to post the research of his 3rd grade students. They had documented, in 2024, the amount of garbage that was in the seas and how long it would take for plastics to decompose. While the principal was grateful for their research, he wondered what others would think. Would they believe 3rd graders? Did all the adults and politicians have better data on the trash in the seas or is it all fake news? Since there was so much fake, biased, and agenda based news, he wondered how children would ever know the truth. He had a very simple and most practical advice for that. He would always say, “Trust your family.” If they don’t have advice or know the answer, they can always say “That’s an excellent question, let us research and think about that. The child may listen to many pieces of advice. They make decisions along their path, using their hearts, the advice given, and a big vision board of dreams, full of dream emotions, and family dreams.
Graham loved writing because when it was his storytime; he would just write. He never had a plan about what he was going to say, but the focus was always on the dreams. What came to mind after doing this for several years were the emotions that were carried over days, months, and years. What was he going to do on the next page to drive his story forward? What new dreams was he able to listen to today?
Graham didn’t mind publishing his first drafts to each page. He wanted to experiment with the ideas that were given to him. It wasn’t his dream to be a published writer, but maybe there would be someone crazy enough out there to fix up all his rough drafts. He was perfectly capable of correcting his own mistakes after having taught English for 10 years, Including 3 years at the American University of Sharjah and two years at Sultan Qaboos University, 3 years at a Saudi Electric company, and 2 years at a Petrochemical company also in Saudi Arabia. He taught English is foreign lands because he was there to learn about their culture, truth, and most importantly their dreams and their actions. He found them to be generous and joyful people. Graham loved learning, exploring, and writing. He could easily decide to go back and spend a lot of time editing his own work, but he didn’t want to spend the time. His number one dream was picking up momentum.
The CEO at SolGuruz let him know that he was going to be in New York Sept 14-29. Graham had been working with them since Feb. 2024 and he liked what he was learning from them. He liked seeing their work. Would they complete it by the end of September or would it take longer. Graham was developing his trust with them because they had been working together for over 150 pages.
Graham was continuing to juggle finances. From his past, he learned how to make things work out and the last time he checked his credit score it was at 812, and he was happy with that. He experienced what was great debt for him at one time and he never wanted that for himself or for anyone. It took away all his freedom. He had to put a lot more time and energy into paying off his debts which means his debts enslaved him. He was like a slave to debt. It was his fault and he did everything he could to get out of debt, including working on Saturday and Sunday for three years in addition to his regular more than full time principal job. He had to make difficult decisions with his things, his time, and energy. He vowed to himself that he would never go in great debt again. He didn’t want his children or anyone to have to go into great debt, and now with a lesson learned but a greater passion for hearing the dreams from all around the world as soon as possible, Graham looked into taking out a loan to pay for the app completion and living expenses for a few months.
Graham at least wanted to post everything since page 1 in 2024 until page Page 1 of 2025. He wanted to show, involve others and let them know this is all they had to do to keep their dreams alive. All they had to do was to keep a big streak and then in 361 pages, you will see the growth. We hope that “Get out of debt asap” is one of your big dreams. We hope that you will be able to spend as much time as possible working in the Mystery, side by side others who are on the same page, many different paths and stories, but also some shared stories, like how all the people from all over the world came together to clean up the seas. This focus then had an incredible ripple effect throughout the families, countries, and world. And the Sun shone down on the Earth with its unconditional energy, and the one who is known by 1000 names, including “The Great Mystery, and the one whose name in some circles not saying a name other than, “the name” because they learned that naming God by any name puts on limits to the idea of God when God, as far as we know, is Infinite.
Every day Graham worked on Dream Story Live. Over and over and over again, it worked on all the levels needed including the path into the Great Mystery. It started when people started telling their dreams or listening and thinking about new and improved paths. The people began to feel the dream emotions. They understood vulnerability from Brown. They thanked her and decided to move on, to be Relentless from Hamish Brewer, and all the men learned the Haka dance from Hamish and they read his dreams and they too were inspired by Hamish.
Graham was a listener for many years, 62 to be exact. He was slow to learn or wanted to learn too much. He was taking his time. It was time for him to change. Did he have to switch roles and be a storyteller instead of a listener. He loved hearing all the stories people told of their lives. He never ran out of questions, because as they spoke he would build a picture in his imagination of where the person was, who they were talking to and the emotions that resulted in their story. He always wondered if they remained relentless. He learned how to do both. By day, he would listen to the dreams and then each day, he would also tell his own story. It was the same as all the other 8 billion stories. It was unique.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025