August 22, 2024, South
Graham was thinking out loud. “Maybe because I learned a lot, I learned that there is so much that I don’t know. Maybe I am the one who knows he doesn’t know tons. What I know is like the size of one feather off the tail of a chicken. What I don’t know is tons and tons and that is what I am pursing, everything that I don’t know. I want to grow a lot of new feathers. As far as I have seen, knowledge is infinite, but I don’t know that for sure. As far as I know, God is infinite. I don’t know who or what God is, but I believe God is something like the Sun, providing unconditional love like the Sun giving us unconditional energy. It feels good when I say the one who is known by 1000 names starts with unconditional love and lets us figure out, or put together as many pieces as possible, for some reason.
I don’t know who I am, other than my 3D identities. Who does my thinking, how does my heart just keep on beating, what is my soul, why am I here, how can i move up to the next perspectives, how can I know what truth is? At almost 100 years old, I have learned that the answer to those questions is I don’t know. But what I do know is we can create, and I have been fortunate enough to be given many ideas. I took those ideas and tried them out in 3D to see if they work. And when they were all flowing well, over a period of 61 years, I put them together and SolGuruz is building my dream. It is the most beautiful app I have ever seen. It stores my dreams and I get to write about my dreams every day, and after I finish 90 pages, it will print out page 1-90, then 91 to 180, then 180 to 270 and 271 to 360, and in one year, 360 pages, 365 days, I am a published author.
Best of all, do you know what I found in my dreams and the dreams of other people I met from all around the world? I found great beauty. I have found the feeling of optimism. We all have optimism no matter what identities we have. Optimism is felt and known, even when times get tough. We can choose to be relentless and evolve. What happens if our thinking evolves? Another good word for that is grow. Our conscious understanding of this mysterious world grows. Growth is a positive word. You will continue to grow until the day your body turns off, and it is my belief that our spirt lives on having learned many valuable lessons on Earth, but I don’t know that for sure. After I transition from my body, I believe I will meet my Maker, but I don’t know that for sure.”
Graham was beginning to identify with the mystery. It is a mystery because there, all you have is questions. You can carry all your knowledge with you. These are the things you have learned along the way. As he spent more time, 2-3 hours a day in the mystery, he spent time and energy and felt through the ideas that were given to him. He had time, energy, ideas, and feelings during his meditation/writing/imagining/listening sessions. Most things he couldn’t touch, but he learned how to better identify with the mystery each day and he enjoyed spending time with it. The ideas that were given to him were fun.
In dreams he found gold. In dreams he found joy, freedom, empowerment, eagerness, happiness, optimism, belief, positivity, passion, enthusiasm, hopefulness, and contentment. When he listened to the dreams of others he could feel their dream feelings. There was a lot of good energy there and it was contagious, in a very good way.
Both Graham and The Princess were dreamers. They loved telling their dreams to each other and they loved to listen to the dreams of others. On page 150, 2024, he had 61 dreams listed and he knew the list would continue to grow along with the list of dreams that have come true. There were also dreams that took him to the next level and with a new perspective, they changed direction, for the better, for a new path of growth.
There was no way in hell that Graham was going to let his number one dream die. His number one dream is to be able to listen to all the dreamers around the world on Dream Story Live or a similar platform. We all had feathers of knowledge, but what was even bigger is the paradise of not knowing. There is so much to learn in there and as you do this with other dreamers, you never want to go back. You want to spend more time in there, but you have to go back to your chores and jobs in the 3D. It is something everyone must do. Enjoy your time in the mystery, with your questions of life, whether it be for 10 minutes or 3 hours, but don’t be excessive. You have a lot of chores to do but as you do them, tell your story if you are so bold. Remember, there are many who are still putting pieces together and they are eager to listen to what you have learned, so never criticize anyone for listening because they are trying to figure it all out. Listeners, when they are ready, some are at the age of 5 and some are at 62 years old, will share their pieces of the puzzle.
The dream feelings are all of those found in the upper spiral. For the dreamers, you will find them there, even in the tough men of the world. The men will always want to protect their families. Protection is also in the upper spiral and comes with great responsibility. In the upward spiral, there is respect. Respect what others have learned. Respect their dreams. Respect their families. Listen to the families. Share your dreams and hold on tight as the waves of upward spiral emotions rock the world and the masks come off and we see the smiles again.
May your dream feelings transcend
and go around every bend
may you feel again hope
may it be a fun slippery slope
like a slide in the rain
may it wash away all of your pain
When the dreams are written they are like gold
Yes, one could feel vulnerable which is neutral
and with neutrality it is a time to think and choose a direction
What happens after vulnerability
What if one chooses to go in the direction of his or her dreams
and the decision is made that he or she doesn’t care what others say
because he or she is moving on to the next level.
Perhaps I won't get a job. Perhaps I have gone too far into the mystery. I found the dream feelings there and I ain’t never going back again. No thank you. My wish for you is for what I found. I have been down many paths in my life, and this one is the best. It is the best I have ever felt and imagined. It works on paper, in my imagination, in my heart.
Anticipation of a dream coming true. If it is a dream, it is unknown. Which means it is in the dream mystery and that is also where the upward spiral dream emotions exist.
Graham enjoyed spending time in the mystery. It was there he could play out all the interactions, social custorms he learned from all over the world. He listened to everyone. He believed 100% with all his heart in the God of the Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Shamans and the one who is know by 1000 names. And at last, the ship changed course as they began to focus on the dreams from people all over the world who began telling their Dream Story Live.
What would I write to my children?
To My Dear Children,
Life is really weird. As a father, I wanted to be one of those old wise men you would listen to and you would take my advice and the advice or your mother so that you would move up in life and learn from our mistakes, but until now I don’t know what life is really all about, at the deeper level. The best wisdom I can pass on is the same feeling given by Socrates, thousands of years ago. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” When I spend the time in the mystery for 2 or 3 hours a day, if I can find that time, I realize I do know nothing, but I am given ideas to create. I love these ideas. I feel them out. I play with them and I have fun piecing all the pieces together, and then I learned that one thing I am is a creator of some sort. Of course, not The Creator of all things, but just a minor creator role, a piecer togetherer, and this is all that I have pieced together so far. It is essentially a map into the mystery. It is beautiful there, all you have to do is to be relentless in telling your Dream Story. I love you guys. May you be relentless in pursuing your dreams and find all the good dream emotions, and always remember what Prophet Mohammed said about mothers.
August 22, 2024, South
Graham was thinking out loud. “Maybe because I learned a lot, I learned that there is so much that I don’t know. Maybe I am the one who knows he doesn’t know tons. What I know is like the size of one feather off the tail of a chicken. What I don’t know is tons and tons and that is what I am pursing, everything that I don’t know. I want to grow a lot of new feathers. As far as I have seen, knowledge is infinite, but I don’t know that for sure. As far as I know, God is infinite. I don’t know who or what God is, but I believe God is something like the Sun, providing unconditional love like the Sun giving us unconditional energy. It feels good when I say the one who is known by 1000 names starts with unconditional love and lets us figure out, or put together as many pieces as possible, for some reason.
I don’t know who I am, other than my 3D identities. Who does my thinking, how does my heart just keep on beating, what is my soul, why am I here, how can i move up to the next perspectives, how can I know what truth is? At almost 100 years old, I have learned that the answer to those questions is I don’t know. But what I do know is we can create, and I have been fortunate enough to be given many ideas. I took those ideas and tried them out in 3D to see if they work. And when they were all flowing well, over a period of 61 years, I put them together and SolGuruz is building my dream. It is the most beautiful app I have ever seen. It stores my dreams and I get to write about my dreams every day, and after I finish 90 pages, it will print out page 1-90, then 91 to 180, then 180 to 270 and 271 to 360, and in one year, 360 pages, 365 days, I am a published author.
Best of all, do you know what I found in my dreams and the dreams of other people I met from all around the world? I found great beauty. I have found the feeling of optimism. We all have optimism no matter what identities we have. Optimism is felt and known, even when times get tough. We can choose to be relentless and evolve. What happens if our thinking evolves? Another good word for that is grow. Our conscious understanding of this mysterious world grows. Growth is a positive word. You will continue to grow until the day your body turns off, and it is my belief that our spirt lives on having learned many valuable lessons on Earth, but I don’t know that for sure. After I transition from my body, I believe I will meet my Maker, but I don’t know that for sure.”
Graham was beginning to identify with the mystery. It is a mystery because there, all you have is questions. You can carry all your knowledge with you. These are the things you have learned along the way. As he spent more time, 2-3 hours a day in the mystery, he spent time and energy and felt through the ideas that were given to him. He had time, energy, ideas, and feelings during his meditation/writing/imagining/listening sessions. Most things he couldn’t touch, but he learned how to better identify with the mystery each day and he enjoyed spending time with it. The ideas that were given to him were fun.
In dreams he found gold. In dreams he found joy, freedom, empowerment, eagerness, happiness, optimism, belief, positivity, passion, enthusiasm, hopefulness, and contentment. When he listened to the dreams of others he could feel their dream feelings. There was a lot of good energy there and it was contagious, in a very good way.
Both Graham and The Princess were dreamers. They loved telling their dreams to each other and they loved to listen to the dreams of others. On page 150, 2024, he had 61 dreams listed and he knew the list would continue to grow along with the list of dreams that have come true. There were also dreams that took him to the next level and with a new perspective, they changed direction, for the better, for a new path of growth.
There was no way in hell that Graham was going to let his number one dream die. His number one dream is to be able to listen to all the dreamers around the world on Dream Story Live or a similar platform. We all had feathers of knowledge, but what was even bigger is the paradise of not knowing. There is so much to learn in there and as you do this with other dreamers, you never want to go back. You want to spend more time in there, but you have to go back to your chores and jobs in the 3D. It is something everyone must do. Enjoy your time in the mystery, with your questions of life, whether it be for 10 minutes or 3 hours, but don’t be excessive. You have a lot of chores to do but as you do them, tell your story if you are so bold. Remember, there are many who are still putting pieces together and they are eager to listen to what you have learned, so never criticize anyone for listening because they are trying to figure it all out. Listeners, when they are ready, some are at the age of 5 and some are at 62 years old, will share their pieces of the puzzle.
The dream feelings are all of those found in the upper spiral. For the dreamers, you will find them there, even in the tough men of the world. The men will always want to protect their families. Protection is also in the upper spiral and comes with great responsibility. In the upward spiral, there is respect. Respect what others have learned. Respect their dreams. Respect their families. Listen to the families. Share your dreams and hold on tight as the waves of upward spiral emotions rock the world and the masks come off and we see the smiles again.
May your dream feelings transcend
and go around every bend
may you feel again hope
may it be a fun slippery slope
like a slide in the rain
may it wash away all of your pain
When the dreams are written they are like gold
Yes, one could feel vulnerable which is neutral
and with neutrality it is a time to think and choose a direction
What happens after vulnerability
What if one chooses to go in the direction of his or her dreams
and the decision is made that he or she doesn’t care what others say
because he or she is moving on to the next level.
Perhaps I won't get a job. Perhaps I have gone too far into the mystery. I found the dream feelings there and I ain’t never going back again. No thank you. My wish for you is for what I found. I have been down many paths in my life, and this one is the best. It is the best I have ever felt and imagined. It works on paper, in my imagination, in my heart.
Anticipation of a dream coming true. If it is a dream, it is unknown. Which means it is in the dream mystery and that is also where the upward spiral dream emotions exist.
Graham enjoyed spending time in the mystery. It was there he could play out all the interactions, social custorms he learned from all over the world. He listened to everyone. He believed 100% with all his heart in the God of the Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Shamans and the one who is know by 1000 names. And at last, the ship changed course as they began to focus on the dreams from people all over the world who began telling their Dream Story Live.
What would I write to my children?
To My Dear Children,
Life is really weird. As a father, I wanted to be one of those old wise men you would listen to and you would take my advice and the advice or your mother so that you would move up in life and learn from our mistakes, but until now I don’t know what life is really all about, at the deeper level. The best wisdom I can pass on is the same feeling given by Socrates, thousands of years ago. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” When I spend the time in the mystery for 2 or 3 hours a day, if I can find that time, I realize I do know nothing, but I am given ideas to create. I love these ideas. I feel them out. I play with them and I have fun piecing all the pieces together, and then I learned that one thing I am is a creator of some sort. Of course, not The Creator of all things, but just a minor creator role, a piecer togetherer, and this is all that I have pieced together so far. It is essentially a map into the mystery. It is beautiful there, all you have to do is to be relentless in telling your Dream Story. I love you guys. May you be relentless in pursuing your dreams and find all the good dream emotions, and always remember what Prophet Mohammed said about mothers.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025