143 August 15,2024, South
This was a huge day for Graham. It was a completely new focus. It wasn’t about the Princess and the Principal, or the principal’s diary. It was about the seas. It was his focus, and one he declared to take to his point of transition if needed.
Every day, he would get up and look at who shared the dream of cleaning the seas, and this is supposed to serve as a beautiful example. This means every day Graham’s whole focus is to see millions of people to share in this dream. He was going to start including them in his story. This would be the story. It is about all of these schools and families wanting to join the live dream of helping to clean the seas. like the ___________ school, the ___________ family, the ____________ school, the ________ family, the _________ company, etc. Who will we fill in the blanks with? When it is a family, it is the great grandparents with stories of ancestors, parent(s), sons and daughter, and honorable mention for brothers and sisters and so on. For school, how many students? For companies, how many employees. Just like any good movie, he had a credits page, with many categories on TheMasterStorytellers.com. How could he possibly include everyone there. They all deserved credit. He hoped other schools and organizations would recognize those who are making an effort, and at the same time, he hoped those who are making an effort feel best, by recognizing all that they are doing to visualize and put in time and energy to make the world a better place.
Every day he is looking at his email or chat for new messages and of course the app. How many people are joining the dream to clean up the oceans, and all the families, schools, and companies, not only have this shared dream in common and on the same page, but have ____ of our own dreams. We, in a sense, are living many dreams, day to day. They don’t disappear overnight. They may evolve but they are never forgotten because those dreams are what helped one to get to the next level.
The real story is the seas. It is a relatively harmless example and and it is a project that requires people of all ages, of all religions, of all families, of all colors, of all identities. We stopped asking who is to blame. We are doing. Can you help us?
Graham felt really good when they found others to join the shared dream. This was just one shared dream for him. He had over 50 personal dreams. They were something that were shared, but could only learn from it from his own experience, something that can be imagined and felt a bit by others, but not as well as doing it oneself, like being able to hire a company to successfully build an app, or learning to play a song on the piano.
The story we are telling is called, “Let's Sea” This is just one shared story, each person who shares this main story has _______ other dreams and typically growing, but they manage to spend time and energy in this story and the are learning together as they go along, they all are learning about imagining, it is just as simple as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. One will put a little perspiration in or a lot, into the seas, but we may put even more time and energy into our family and listening to their dreams and their thoughts of what they are learning in the infinite puzzle.
It looks like all the pieces in the future are blank, they don’t even look like pieces, some of these spirals are pure purple, or pink, brown, black, white and all of them look like pure color but as soon as the Sun rises, and the dream takes on mass, a piece of the spiral turns into something that looks like a puzzle piece and if one ever looks behind, they will see the trail they left each day, was it of freaor of beauty? We pray you choose beauty.
Graham felt tremendous relief when he shifted his focus to the seas, and he made a kind of dramatized action of clearing his throat and spitting it out on the ground. He was happy to not have the focus on him all the time. He did it to himself. Why did he think he ever had to explain himself? He spit again and began writing. He will call Sam for an early morning coffee and tell him the updates and then go to the interview. Would Graham tell them the story or just try to answer the questions with what he thought they wanted to hear. So far, that wasn’t working out too well.
Random Thoughts
not Rock Stars, but “Sea Stars”
From his meditation the main growth in this session was huge because he spent time and energy imagining what it would be like to shine on those who are giving a lot of time and energy to cleaning the Seas. Other schools and companies are free to give even more time and energy to other good causes. Act local, think Global. He liked that sayings.
He felt into what it would be like giving attention to the Sea Stars, the Pioneers in preserving our Spaceship Mother Earth.
This is a time for learning what happens when you give your time and energy to all of your dreams, not just the shared dreams. There are a lot of good feelings in beauty, truth, and family. You can discover them or rediscover on any page.
Its about the art, the music, the poets, the literature, their stories, how did they participate in the seas shared dream? What did they learn about their personal dreams?
Graham realized that his driving dream shifted. He got Dream Story Live in motion. It was originally intended for all people to list their shared dreams. He was still trying to figure that out. How could this be done? He driving dream was shifting from completing the app to cleaning the oceans. How would BotBuilders.com respond to that story? Would they play a part in the clean up of the seas and provide us with more pieces of this beautiful clean up?
This was a huge day for Graham. It was a completely new focus. It wasn’t about the Princess and the Principal, or the principal’s diary. It was about the seas. It was his focus, and one he declared to take to his point of transition if needed.
Every day, he would get up and look at who shared the dream of cleaning the seas, and this is supposed to serve as a beautiful example. This means every day Graham’s whole focus is to see millions of people to share in this dream. He was going to start including them in his story. This would be the story. It is about all of these schools and families wanting to join the live dream of helping to clean the seas. like the ___________ school, the ___________ family, the ____________ school, the ________ family, the _________ company, etc. Who will we fill in the blanks with? When it is a family, it is the great grandparents with stories of ancestors, parent(s), sons and daughter, and honorable mention for brothers and sisters and so on. For school, how many students? For companies, how many employees. Just like any good movie, he had a credits page, with many categories on TheMasterStorytellers.com. How could he possibly include everyone there. They all deserved credit. He hoped other schools and organizations would recognize those who are making an effort, and at the same time, he hoped those who are making an effort feel best, by recognizing all that they are doing to visualize and put in time and energy to make the world a better place.
Every day he is looking at his email or chat for new messages and of course the app. How many people are joining the dream to clean up the oceans, and all the families, schools, and companies, not only have this shared dream in common and on the same page, but have ____ of our own dreams. We, in a sense, are living many dreams, day to day. They don’t disappear overnight. They may evolve but they are never forgotten because those dreams are what helped one to get to the next level.
The real story is the seas. It is a relatively harmless example and and it is a project that requires people of all ages, of all religions, of all families, of all colors, of all identities. We stopped asking who is to blame. We are doing. Can you help us?
Graham felt really good when they found others to join the shared dream. This was just one shared dream for him. He had over 50 personal dreams. They were something that were shared, but could only learn from it from his own experience, something that can be imagined and felt a bit by others, but not as well as doing it oneself, like being able to hire a company to successfully build an app, or learning to play a song on the piano.
The story we are telling is called, “Let's Sea” This is just one shared story, each person who shares this main story has _______ other dreams and typically growing, but they manage to spend time and energy in this story and the are learning together as they go along, they all are learning about imagining, it is just as simple as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. One will put a little perspiration in or a lot, into the seas, but we may put even more time and energy into our family and listening to their dreams and their thoughts of what they are learning in the infinite puzzle.
It looks like all the pieces in the future are blank, they don’t even look like pieces, some of these spirals are pure purple, or pink, brown, black, white and all of them look like pure color but as soon as the Sun rises, and the dream takes on mass, a piece of the spiral turns into something that looks like a puzzle piece and if one ever looks behind, they will see the trail they left each day, was it of freaor of beauty? We pray you choose beauty.
Graham felt tremendous relief when he shifted his focus to the seas, and he made a kind of dramatized action of clearing his throat and spitting it out on the ground. He was happy to not have the focus on him all the time. He did it to himself. Why did he think he ever had to explain himself? He spit again and began writing. He will call Sam for an early morning coffee and tell him the updates and then go to the interview. Would Graham tell them the story or just try to answer the questions with what he thought they wanted to hear. So far, that wasn’t working out too well.
Random Thoughts
not Rock Stars, but “Sea Stars”
From his meditation the main growth in this session was huge because he spent time and energy imagining what it would be like to shine on those who are giving a lot of time and energy to cleaning the Seas. Other schools and companies are free to give even more time and energy to other good causes. Act local, think Global. He liked that sayings.
He felt into what it would be like giving attention to the Sea Stars, the Pioneers in preserving our Spaceship Mother Earth.
This is a time for learning what happens when you give your time and energy to all of your dreams, not just the shared dreams. There are a lot of good feelings in beauty, truth, and family. You can discover them or rediscover on any page.
Its about the art, the music, the poets, the literature, their stories, how did they participate in the seas shared dream? What did they learn about their personal dreams?
Graham realized that his driving dream shifted. He got Dream Story Live in motion. It was originally intended for all people to list their shared dreams. He was still trying to figure that out. How could this be done? He driving dream was shifting from completing the app to cleaning the oceans. How would BotBuilders.com respond to that story? Would they play a part in the clean up of the seas and provide us with more pieces of this beautiful clean up?
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025