August 12,2024, South
Dream Story Live would be a pay it forward kind of platform which means that when someone experiences a good product, they add it to their story. It is a way to give attention to all the employees of that company and tell them they are doing a great job.
As much as he wanted to start telling the story, he came to the conclusion, again, that he should wait until the app is out and then he could start telling the story with all the enthusiasm as the dreams starts to come true.
He later made an inquiry of a teaching position and filled out the application on the Santa Fe website for administrators. Could his app really be ready in 3 or 4 weeks or will it be several months? He would need some work to carry him over the waiting-for-the-app-to-be-completed period. What job would he have next or will he continue not to find anything until the app came out, but even then, would the app be successful? Would marketing be more difficult than he thought? He liked the idea of starting with just one person and then seeing readers double every day and seeing those readers turn into Master Storytellers, more visionaries, dreamers, and bucketeers. Together they would go into the where they would find Love and all of its avenues of experiences.
Graham thought about the purpose of education, again. “Our school welcomes you here. Our school is here to give you the tools and knowledge for you to create from your imagination, write your ideas on paper or the computer, and then turn those thoughts into action. What are the dreams of your parents, grandparents, and your close family?
Graham began to play with the idea of not saying anything, not telling the story to anyone until Dream Story Live is live. Wouldn’t that be fun he asked himself? The goal is to find the love all over the world. It is a very good and fun energy he felt when he imagined the story.
So much of Graham’s story, at this point, hinged on SolGuruz being able to put it out there for the market in an expedient time. What would happen if by some strange thing it wouldn’t be ready for 3 years? Would there be any way Graham could wait that long? Should he be prepared to wait that long? Graham considered himself a patient man, but there was no way he could wait that long. The consciousness of world leaders was not going down the best path. The world needed, and quickly, a big injection of hope from all the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers.
In his Dream Studio, Graham debated an idea that was contradictory to his previous conclusion. The previous conclusion said, “Before telling anyone the story, wait until the app comes out,” and that idea seemed good. How long could he wait to tell the story, 3 weeks or three years? The new idea took a 180 degree direction. “I want to feel that I am myself. I want to share all my dreams. I want to show that old people still dream. I want to tell this story. I want them to know it is important to use imagination. This is where it all starts. Can you imagine all of us working together to clean the seas? We didn’t care if someone was of any religion, political party, or identity. Those things weren’t discussed when on the project, the greatest project that ever existed, to clean our Seas in record time.
The newest idea asked, a simple question, “Don’t you want to be yourself, to start telling your story? Graham was reminded that all the world is a stage, and it was finally time for him to go on the stage. When he saw the love, it was the best thing he had ever seen in his life, and he couldn’t wait to tell the story to others. Using his emotions, Graham felt good with the idea. He wanted to see the DreamStoryLive idea in action. He could see others finding the beauty down that path of Mystery. All the Storytellers were on the same page, but on different paths at the same time. “In a way, we are all explorers and we tell the story of our journey, live. We have one foot in the 3D and one foot in the questions, the great Mystery and we can go back and forth between these two realities in the wink of an eye. I drive, walk, ride my bike or take the bus to the store, I follow the laws, buy things, and I go home. When I shut my door, I dance. I dance with my mother, my father, and we sing cansiones, songs, for the love and mystery, and the artists paint, the poets feel, and the storytellers tell the stories of dreamers from all around the world telling their dream stories.
Graham weighed in on the new idea, “What if I started telling about the app now, not knowing if it is going to take 3 weeks or 3 years? What if someone from SolGuruz started reading the story every day? He could see the story expanding. Those who began to read the story imagined writing down all their dreams or recording them somehow, and after much contemplation, and experimentation, they will find their driving dream, and we will get to watch them fill with love and excitement as they find all the other dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers as they start spending more and more time and energy in the Great Mystery. They would be able to record their journeys into the dream, the beauty, the awesome, on the DreamStoryLive app. Dream Story Live is about all the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers. They have learned to travel into the Mystery and they share in each other's excitement.
Graham felt like the sentiment in the quote of Anais Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
August 12,2024, South
Dream Story Live would be a pay it forward kind of platform which means that when someone experiences a good product, they add it to their story. It is a way to give attention to all the employees of that company and tell them they are doing a great job.
As much as he wanted to start telling the story, he came to the conclusion, again, that he should wait until the app is out and then he could start telling the story with all the enthusiasm as the dreams starts to come true.
He later made an inquiry of a teaching position and filled out the application on the Santa Fe website for administrators. Could his app really be ready in 3 or 4 weeks or will it be several months? He would need some work to carry him over the waiting-for-the-app-to-be-completed period. What job would he have next or will he continue not to find anything until the app came out, but even then, would the app be successful? Would marketing be more difficult than he thought? He liked the idea of starting with just one person and then seeing readers double every day and seeing those readers turn into Master Storytellers, more visionaries, dreamers, and bucketeers. Together they would go into the where they would find Love and all of its avenues of experiences.
Graham thought about the purpose of education, again. “Our school welcomes you here. Our school is here to give you the tools and knowledge for you to create from your imagination, write your ideas on paper or the computer, and then turn those thoughts into action. What are the dreams of your parents, grandparents, and your close family?
Graham began to play with the idea of not saying anything, not telling the story to anyone until Dream Story Live is live. Wouldn’t that be fun he asked himself? The goal is to find the love all over the world. It is a very good and fun energy he felt when he imagined the story.
So much of Graham’s story, at this point, hinged on SolGuruz being able to put it out there for the market in an expedient time. What would happen if by some strange thing it wouldn’t be ready for 3 years? Would there be any way Graham could wait that long? Should he be prepared to wait that long? Graham considered himself a patient man, but there was no way he could wait that long. The consciousness of world leaders was not going down the best path. The world needed, and quickly, a big injection of hope from all the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers.
In his Dream Studio, Graham debated an idea that was contradictory to his previous conclusion. The previous conclusion said, “Before telling anyone the story, wait until the app comes out,” and that idea seemed good. How long could he wait to tell the story, 3 weeks or three years? The new idea took a 180 degree direction. “I want to feel that I am myself. I want to share all my dreams. I want to show that old people still dream. I want to tell this story. I want them to know it is important to use imagination. This is where it all starts. Can you imagine all of us working together to clean the seas? We didn’t care if someone was of any religion, political party, or identity. Those things weren’t discussed when on the project, the greatest project that ever existed, to clean our Seas in record time.
The newest idea asked, a simple question, “Don’t you want to be yourself, to start telling your story? Graham was reminded that all the world is a stage, and it was finally time for him to go on the stage. When he saw the love, it was the best thing he had ever seen in his life, and he couldn’t wait to tell the story to others. Using his emotions, Graham felt good with the idea. He wanted to see the DreamStoryLive idea in action. He could see others finding the beauty down that path of Mystery. All the Storytellers were on the same page, but on different paths at the same time. “In a way, we are all explorers and we tell the story of our journey, live. We have one foot in the 3D and one foot in the questions, the great Mystery and we can go back and forth between these two realities in the wink of an eye. I drive, walk, ride my bike or take the bus to the store, I follow the laws, buy things, and I go home. When I shut my door, I dance. I dance with my mother, my father, and we sing cansiones, songs, for the love and mystery, and the artists paint, the poets feel, and the storytellers tell the stories of dreamers from all around the world telling their dream stories.
Graham weighed in on the new idea, “What if I started telling about the app now, not knowing if it is going to take 3 weeks or 3 years? What if someone from SolGuruz started reading the story every day? He could see the story expanding. Those who began to read the story imagined writing down all their dreams or recording them somehow, and after much contemplation, and experimentation, they will find their driving dream, and we will get to watch them fill with love and excitement as they find all the other dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers as they start spending more and more time and energy in the Great Mystery. They would be able to record their journeys into the dream, the beauty, the awesome, on the DreamStoryLive app. Dream Story Live is about all the dreamers, visionaries, and bucketeers. They have learned to travel into the Mystery and they share in each other's excitement.
Graham felt like the sentiment in the quote of Anais Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025