August 9,2024, South
I’m having a hard time holding in the enthusiasm and it is making my thoughts go wild. I don’t even know where to start and so a good place for me is to just start thinking out loud and I can do that in my Dream Studio where I have many things that are precious to me and there is silence in there. When I close my door, I am shut off from the rest of the world and it is only me, and of course the others. Who are the others? I think they are something like spirits, but I can’t see them, hear them, feel them in any way. I just sense a presence and I believe they are here to help guide me and I love that quiet time where the thoughts and good scenes will come into my mind. They usually only come during this quiet time and that’s how I can tell they are new thoughts. I know how my brain works after all these years and the usual stream of thoughts. I hear them all day long. They are not bad. They are a kind of operator thoughts, about how to do certain tasks, but then there are also the backend thoughts. This is what I have been using to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. These thoughts are going every day, thinking about the project. I haven’t really brought them to the frontend for discussion because the design wasn’t complete. Now, finally the design is complete and time for me to begin writing, telling and publishing this story.
You know about Graham. I write about him a lot because somehow writing him in 3rd person helps a lot. I can write anything for Graham. In addition to being married soon and living in their castle, Graham is slowly learning how to become a Storyteller, and not just a Storyteller, but a Master Storyteller. He considered his writing a masterpiece because he was writing while in this much larger dream. He learned how to write from inside the dreams. The people shared a common reality that consisted of social customs, laws, rules, and history. What they didn’t share was an understanding of how to go into the Mystery of life. If necessity is the mother of invention, then Graham hit the jackpot. He played with the new ideas. Would they work in this 3D reality? He wrote them down almost every day. The ideas were adding to themselves. The trick, he overcame fear, and when he got his miracle, he kind of broke through to the other side and saw what he thought must have been infinity.
August 9,2024, South
I’m having a hard time holding in the enthusiasm and it is making my thoughts go wild. I don’t even know where to start and so a good place for me is to just start thinking out loud and I can do that in my Dream Studio where I have many things that are precious to me and there is silence in there. When I close my door, I am shut off from the rest of the world and it is only me, and of course the others. Who are the others? I think they are something like spirits, but I can’t see them, hear them, feel them in any way. I just sense a presence and I believe they are here to help guide me and I love that quiet time where the thoughts and good scenes will come into my mind. They usually only come during this quiet time and that’s how I can tell they are new thoughts. I know how my brain works after all these years and the usual stream of thoughts. I hear them all day long. They are not bad. They are a kind of operator thoughts, about how to do certain tasks, but then there are also the backend thoughts. This is what I have been using to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. These thoughts are going every day, thinking about the project. I haven’t really brought them to the frontend for discussion because the design wasn’t complete. Now, finally the design is complete and time for me to begin writing, telling and publishing this story.
You know about Graham. I write about him a lot because somehow writing him in 3rd person helps a lot. I can write anything for Graham. In addition to being married soon and living in their castle, Graham is slowly learning how to become a Storyteller, and not just a Storyteller, but a Master Storyteller. He considered his writing a masterpiece because he was writing while in this much larger dream. He learned how to write from inside the dreams. The people shared a common reality that consisted of social customs, laws, rules, and history. What they didn’t share was an understanding of how to go into the Mystery of life. If necessity is the mother of invention, then Graham hit the jackpot. He played with the new ideas. Would they work in this 3D reality? He wrote them down almost every day. The ideas were adding to themselves. The trick, he overcame fear, and when he got his miracle, he kind of broke through to the other side and saw what he thought must have been infinity.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025