August 2,2024, South
Graham looked at the Meetup he had posted on the previous page and that was to be held at 10:00 a.m. on page 131. He knew there wasn’t much time to give folks notice, but the point of the exercise was that there was no turning back. He was to have his dream fulfilled of being a storyteller. His name would be Graham and his vision was to see that all parents and children around the world posting their dreams and visions and telling their stories on a daily basis if needed, and they would all be on the same page helping to clean the oceans. Who would be the first rich person to buy a PyroGenesis or PlastiKgas machine for some country or island in need of it? What do these Islands do with all their garbage?
Perhaps instead of a meetup, he could start communicating on social media. After all these years, he could finally start telling his story. What would it take to develop a following? Would there be others out there ready to explore the great mystery?
The Master Storytellers would not be issuing certificates of “Master Storyteller.” Being a Master Storyteller is a knowing that one has when he or she takes 100% responsibility for his or her life and tells the story of where they have been and where they are going.
August 2,2024, South
Graham looked at the Meetup he had posted on the previous page and that was to be held at 10:00 a.m. on page 131. He knew there wasn’t much time to give folks notice, but the point of the exercise was that there was no turning back. He was to have his dream fulfilled of being a storyteller. His name would be Graham and his vision was to see that all parents and children around the world posting their dreams and visions and telling their stories on a daily basis if needed, and they would all be on the same page helping to clean the oceans. Who would be the first rich person to buy a PyroGenesis or PlastiKgas machine for some country or island in need of it? What do these Islands do with all their garbage?
Perhaps instead of a meetup, he could start communicating on social media. After all these years, he could finally start telling his story. What would it take to develop a following? Would there be others out there ready to explore the great mystery?
The Master Storytellers would not be issuing certificates of “Master Storyteller.” Being a Master Storyteller is a knowing that one has when he or she takes 100% responsibility for his or her life and tells the story of where they have been and where they are going.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025