July 30/31, 2024, South
With a list of dreams in one’s album, it carries the hope that “this too will come true.” It’s not just 1 dream; some have 10, 30, or 100+.
He spent a lot of time in his meditation feeling into the scenario of a special group of storytellers emerging to tell this live story. The storytellers have a huge part in telling the story of how the world can become a better place. Moms, Grandmas, we need your help to clean the oceans. Can you work with your husbands so they may use their warrior/protector modes to to help us figure out how we can clean up Spaceship Earth.
Graham didn’t hear back from Garfield. All day long thoughts were racing through his mind about how he could conduct a Master Storytellers workshop. He told himself that if he didn’t hear from Garfield by 4:30, he would just go forward with his own workshops. Over the past couple of pages, Graham was receiving the thought of going forward with his ideas at 100 mph. What would that feel like? He carried so much excitement with this other perspective of Dreams and mystery, through Dream Story. It would help folks to understand their present, but understanding the past, by knowing the knowledge that came before, and then feeling that good energy as one enters the Mystery that is based on all of one’s visions, bucket list, dream list, identities, and hundreds of stories, all one human being, but juggling many connections and responsibilities.
He received a call from another school. Another interview at 2:30 p.m., also on page 128,
July 31, 2024
Graham was talking to “Spirits,” as he does often. He called them spirits just so he could have a name for them. He didn’t know how many were around him. He couldn’t feel their presence. He didn’t hear or see them. There were no puffs of air or objects mysteriously moved. He just believed they were there and as aware as a mother walking behind her two year old child, looking out for her child’s safety as the child explores the new world around him or her. He was like the two year old child speaking to his mother, but without being able to see her; he just knew that she was there. “I don’t know what to do. On the one hand, in my imagination, you have shown me how this could work by telling the story to a small group of people. If that happened, there would be no going back and I like that idea. On the other hand, an assistant principal job seems like a smooth transition till the app comes out.” Most normal people would think he was crazy. Maybe it wasn’t even spirits he was talking to, maybe it was God.
As he continued in his meditation, random thoughts came to him and he recorded them. It was part of the Big Magic.
He wants to hear the dreams of all the people. He definitely doesn’t want to deal with all the necessary business aspects of the business. He would look forward to building the team who would help him with Dream Story Live.
He is ready to go solo for a bit and just start telling the story, and then one becomes the story that one is telling. The goal is to let everyone see the vision and then continue to write that story.
This introductory class is backwards because the first hour is getting to know the participants, and then he would begin to tell the story, for an hour.
He would tell the participants that Graham will go home and write about his experience into the mystery with others on his DreamStory.org website until the app was ready with DreamStoryLive.com.
For the second cohort to begin, all the students must have read at least the previous 30 pages so they understand how they are entering the story.
One of the stories is about the Princess and the Principal.
Graham often tells the story that it could even be understood by kindergarten students because he wants them to understand that they also have a big part to play in this story.
He agreed with Osho. We are only acquainted with knowledge, and we have many many acquaintances, and even with that, we want to explore the infinite, the One who is know by 1000 names.
The power is in just starting the story. Momentum is powerful, especially when it is based on intentions to find out more about truth and the Infinite, and of course the seas.
You are where everything starts to become new again. You are the one we have been waiting for.
He kept wondering, for a reason, when Jesus said he had much more to tell the people. What did he mean by that? Is that open to interpretation? Would Jesus say that He, His Father and the Holy Spirit are infinite?
Graham had spent 45 minutes in his meditation imagining and feeling of what it would be like to be a storyteller, a professional storyteller and teacher. He wants all his students to know how to be a live storyteller and to comfortably journey through the Great Mystery.
Watch what happens when we are all on the same page. Participants will all have a role in the story, even if at the least, they are mentioned by name.
You may be kept in suspension at the end of each class, because it will be the end of the page for that day, but tomorrow’s page is always blank. What will happen? What dreams will be driven, experimented with?
The vision of The Master Storytellers is for every person in the world to be able to tell the story of their dreams. How were your bucket/dream list and visions created? How did they evolve? Did you live out your dreams? Did you get caught up in your dreams, which is a good thing because you know your good intentions each day. You follow your vision and your shared dreams each day.
Graham thought about making a meetup page early on the next page. Perhaps it would be a good time to write a rough draft. Throughout his meditation, Graham noticed that he didn’t feel reluctant at all with telling the story, in fact he enjoyed it. The only difference was that he realized there was no going back, unless no one signed up. In that case he would be able to spend more time working on the story.
The farmer boy from Poway used to spend time lying in the grass full of wonder when looking at the sky, the plants, animals, and people. He never minded spending time listening to stories, from books, movies, but the stories he enjoyed the most were from other people. To him, each person held a fascinating book inside of himself or herself and he liked to ask questions to hear their stories.
Every page, talk about the Seas. Any new heroes? Scientific assessments? Trash disposal? Protected Areas. Any updates from Boyan?
Graham went to Walmart and bought a Samsung Trac Phone for $40. He needed to download the app that SolGuruz developed onto an Android. He could try it out over their home WiFi. He had an iPhone.
The Dream Story Live is not just about achieving dreams and visions but it is also about learning of the Great Mystery.
July 30/31, 2024, South
With a list of dreams in one’s album, it carries the hope that “this too will come true.” It’s not just 1 dream; some have 10, 30, or 100+.
He spent a lot of time in his meditation feeling into the scenario of a special group of storytellers emerging to tell this live story. The storytellers have a huge part in telling the story of how the world can become a better place. Moms, Grandmas, we need your help to clean the oceans. Can you work with your husbands so they may use their warrior/protector modes to to help us figure out how we can clean up Spaceship Earth.
Graham didn’t hear back from Garfield. All day long thoughts were racing through his mind about how he could conduct a Master Storytellers workshop. He told himself that if he didn’t hear from Garfield by 4:30, he would just go forward with his own workshops. Over the past couple of pages, Graham was receiving the thought of going forward with his ideas at 100 mph. What would that feel like? He carried so much excitement with this other perspective of Dreams and mystery, through Dream Story. It would help folks to understand their present, but understanding the past, by knowing the knowledge that came before, and then feeling that good energy as one enters the Mystery that is based on all of one’s visions, bucket list, dream list, identities, and hundreds of stories, all one human being, but juggling many connections and responsibilities.
He received a call from another school. Another interview at 2:30 p.m., also on page 128,
July 31, 2024
Graham was talking to “Spirits,” as he does often. He called them spirits just so he could have a name for them. He didn’t know how many were around him. He couldn’t feel their presence. He didn’t hear or see them. There were no puffs of air or objects mysteriously moved. He just believed they were there and as aware as a mother walking behind her two year old child, looking out for her child’s safety as the child explores the new world around him or her. He was like the two year old child speaking to his mother, but without being able to see her; he just knew that she was there. “I don’t know what to do. On the one hand, in my imagination, you have shown me how this could work by telling the story to a small group of people. If that happened, there would be no going back and I like that idea. On the other hand, an assistant principal job seems like a smooth transition till the app comes out.” Most normal people would think he was crazy. Maybe it wasn’t even spirits he was talking to, maybe it was God.
As he continued in his meditation, random thoughts came to him and he recorded them. It was part of the Big Magic.
He wants to hear the dreams of all the people. He definitely doesn’t want to deal with all the necessary business aspects of the business. He would look forward to building the team who would help him with Dream Story Live.
He is ready to go solo for a bit and just start telling the story, and then one becomes the story that one is telling. The goal is to let everyone see the vision and then continue to write that story.
This introductory class is backwards because the first hour is getting to know the participants, and then he would begin to tell the story, for an hour.
He would tell the participants that Graham will go home and write about his experience into the mystery with others on his DreamStory.org website until the app was ready with DreamStoryLive.com.
For the second cohort to begin, all the students must have read at least the previous 30 pages so they understand how they are entering the story.
One of the stories is about the Princess and the Principal.
Graham often tells the story that it could even be understood by kindergarten students because he wants them to understand that they also have a big part to play in this story.
He agreed with Osho. We are only acquainted with knowledge, and we have many many acquaintances, and even with that, we want to explore the infinite, the One who is know by 1000 names.
The power is in just starting the story. Momentum is powerful, especially when it is based on intentions to find out more about truth and the Infinite, and of course the seas.
You are where everything starts to become new again. You are the one we have been waiting for.
He kept wondering, for a reason, when Jesus said he had much more to tell the people. What did he mean by that? Is that open to interpretation? Would Jesus say that He, His Father and the Holy Spirit are infinite?
Graham had spent 45 minutes in his meditation imagining and feeling of what it would be like to be a storyteller, a professional storyteller and teacher. He wants all his students to know how to be a live storyteller and to comfortably journey through the Great Mystery.
Watch what happens when we are all on the same page. Participants will all have a role in the story, even if at the least, they are mentioned by name.
You may be kept in suspension at the end of each class, because it will be the end of the page for that day, but tomorrow’s page is always blank. What will happen? What dreams will be driven, experimented with?
The vision of The Master Storytellers is for every person in the world to be able to tell the story of their dreams. How were your bucket/dream list and visions created? How did they evolve? Did you live out your dreams? Did you get caught up in your dreams, which is a good thing because you know your good intentions each day. You follow your vision and your shared dreams each day.
Graham thought about making a meetup page early on the next page. Perhaps it would be a good time to write a rough draft. Throughout his meditation, Graham noticed that he didn’t feel reluctant at all with telling the story, in fact he enjoyed it. The only difference was that he realized there was no going back, unless no one signed up. In that case he would be able to spend more time working on the story.
The farmer boy from Poway used to spend time lying in the grass full of wonder when looking at the sky, the plants, animals, and people. He never minded spending time listening to stories, from books, movies, but the stories he enjoyed the most were from other people. To him, each person held a fascinating book inside of himself or herself and he liked to ask questions to hear their stories.
Every page, talk about the Seas. Any new heroes? Scientific assessments? Trash disposal? Protected Areas. Any updates from Boyan?
Graham went to Walmart and bought a Samsung Trac Phone for $40. He needed to download the app that SolGuruz developed onto an Android. He could try it out over their home WiFi. He had an iPhone.
The Dream Story Live is not just about achieving dreams and visions but it is also about learning of the Great Mystery.
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025