July 28, 2024, South
What do you carry in all of those dreams? Is it the hope of something good to come? More wealth, more time, a better direction, an understanding, an experience of consciously exploring the mystery? Carry that hope, the expectation of good things to come every day and tell that story.
What do you feel when you wait for the first morning light of the Sun? That can only be known by experience. Go out and wait a few moments for the Sun to rise, till you see that first glimmer of light. What feeling comes up for you? This can only be known by experience. Don't rely on the experiences of others. Try things yourself. You have a relatively short life on Earth. Dream and work to make your dreams come true. Find out what it takes to turn your dreams into realities.
Graham would go out every morning a few minutes before the Sun arose over the horizon, waiting to see that first glimmer of light. The wait for those few minutes always brought a good feeling of anticipation. “Thank you Sun for your unconditional energy. Could you be God disguised in the middle of our solar system, in the middle of our galaxy in the middle of the universe, but who made you?
Graham attended another workshop at the Source. He liked hearing different perspectives.
He was feeling some kind of nervousness when he arrived home. His interview was on the next page. He didn’t just want to go in and answer the standard questions. He wanted to not only answer those but to elaborate with his passion of telling stories. “My goal is to see not only your children, but your parents also to become master storytellers,” he imagined himself saying to the interview team. Perhaps they would think he was crazy.
The time you spend imagining is a break from the group consciousness you have learned. When one imagines, he or she suspends life and imagines something even better. But imagination is not the only thing at play. A whole range of emotions are ready to accompany the direction of the imagination. When it doesn’t feel good any more in an imagination journey, one can make a decision about what to do next, continue on this journey or take a new thought path. “Do I take the new job at the school or become a full time storyteller?”
July 28, 2024, South
What do you carry in all of those dreams? Is it the hope of something good to come? More wealth, more time, a better direction, an understanding, an experience of consciously exploring the mystery? Carry that hope, the expectation of good things to come every day and tell that story.
What do you feel when you wait for the first morning light of the Sun? That can only be known by experience. Go out and wait a few moments for the Sun to rise, till you see that first glimmer of light. What feeling comes up for you? This can only be known by experience. Don't rely on the experiences of others. Try things yourself. You have a relatively short life on Earth. Dream and work to make your dreams come true. Find out what it takes to turn your dreams into realities.
Graham would go out every morning a few minutes before the Sun arose over the horizon, waiting to see that first glimmer of light. The wait for those few minutes always brought a good feeling of anticipation. “Thank you Sun for your unconditional energy. Could you be God disguised in the middle of our solar system, in the middle of our galaxy in the middle of the universe, but who made you?
Graham attended another workshop at the Source. He liked hearing different perspectives.
He was feeling some kind of nervousness when he arrived home. His interview was on the next page. He didn’t just want to go in and answer the standard questions. He wanted to not only answer those but to elaborate with his passion of telling stories. “My goal is to see not only your children, but your parents also to become master storytellers,” he imagined himself saying to the interview team. Perhaps they would think he was crazy.
The time you spend imagining is a break from the group consciousness you have learned. When one imagines, he or she suspends life and imagines something even better. But imagination is not the only thing at play. A whole range of emotions are ready to accompany the direction of the imagination. When it doesn’t feel good any more in an imagination journey, one can make a decision about what to do next, continue on this journey or take a new thought path. “Do I take the new job at the school or become a full time storyteller?”
Banner Photo by Garon Piceli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-wearing-white-top-852793/
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