July 27, 2024, South
Graham was playing with the idea of the slogan for a few days, ever since the idea visited him. He changed it twice. Now he thinks it was perfect. “Where your history meets The Great Mystery.”
He looked up the definition of history on the internet and liked the one that said, “the whole series of past events connected with someone or something.” As he read more definitions, he thought it would be fun to write his own definition of history, but that would have to wait. He had too many other things on his checklist for the day. One explanation said there are three types of history - ancient, medieval, and modern. Graham’s definition would include a fourth category which is “live” history. This would be the record of the connections of significant events for the individual, company, or nation, that happened in one’s past while that person, company or nation is still alive. It would only take one day for the present day to turn into history. The Master Storytellers would be intent on making a phenomenal positive history as they set out to see the world in a new light.
The fun part of Dream story is creating the vision and jumping into the Great Mystery, powered by the unconditional energy of the Sun.
Keep the focus of the oceans every day. How quickly can that effort be solved? Where is the movie about Boyan. He is a living Superhero. Do we give our attention to Boyan or a president? What is the political leader doing about the Oceans, the plastics? What would a president’s team say about how long it takes plastics to decompose? What are they doing about it?
It’s all about focus and maintaining that focus. Maintaining it means you’re spending more time and energy on your visions and questions. Keep track of your time and energy, it’s easy to do. Rate your energy on a scale of 1 t0 10 each day. Start with a 5. The next day ask, “Is my energy better or worse than yesterday? If it is worse, put down a 4. If it is better put down a 6. Don’t worry about being right or wrong. Over time you will have a better feel of how your energy from the Sun works. What stories are you writing? We hope you are writing the one where you took 100% control of your life, learned to work with others, especially your family, and how you started jumping.
Write down all your dreams, visions, or bucket list, knowing that these things may likely evolve as you continue learning about the world. Then each day, project how you would like to see the world, what you saw was beautiful or amazing. Write down your thoughts spending that time in the unknown and smile and also revel in all that you have learned in your life and be thankful, always be thankful to your parents. They are your first teachers. Your family, religious leaders, school teachers, neighbors, co-workers, and even politicians are your other teachers. Look at all the good that they are doing. Do their actions match their own visions? What are their dreams?
The Master Storytellers take 100% responsibility for their lives and they work very hard at it and they write a very colorful history, and all their history is what they found in The Great Mystery.
When one lives in The Great Mystery and in their vision, it may feel like a different world as you see in your mind's eye all the wonderful possibilities and you play that story out every day. That is another stream of consciousness. If it works for you, experiment with it. It should always feel good to you, truthful. If it makes you feel bad, then question it and leave that direction until you find those thought patters that work on paper. Even if you are deep into the mystery, at a split second, one can use their mind to live amongst others - know the rules, history, literature, movies and you will be able to operate. If the speed limit says 35, it is for a reason and a lot of thought time and energy went in the decision. The cool thing about America is if you want a law changed, you can change it, it just takes a lot of time.
We are here to shine a light on others. This is a pay it forward kind of site. We won’t stop until the oceans are considered clean and we have a way to deal with waste like Pyrogenesis and PlastiKgas.
Graham was happy. Today he looked up the domain DreamStory.live on Godaddy. It was available, but Godaddy also suggested DreamStoryLive.com. It was available for 12 bucks. He took it. He was ecstatic. He learned from SolGuruz that a .com site would be better for search engines. The name couldn’t be better. This way he could continue telling the story on DreamStory.org and there would be no interruption when the new site was put up.
July 27, 2024, South
Graham was playing with the idea of the slogan for a few days, ever since the idea visited him. He changed it twice. Now he thinks it was perfect. “Where your history meets The Great Mystery.”
He looked up the definition of history on the internet and liked the one that said, “the whole series of past events connected with someone or something.” As he read more definitions, he thought it would be fun to write his own definition of history, but that would have to wait. He had too many other things on his checklist for the day. One explanation said there are three types of history - ancient, medieval, and modern. Graham’s definition would include a fourth category which is “live” history. This would be the record of the connections of significant events for the individual, company, or nation, that happened in one’s past while that person, company or nation is still alive. It would only take one day for the present day to turn into history. The Master Storytellers would be intent on making a phenomenal positive history as they set out to see the world in a new light.
The fun part of Dream story is creating the vision and jumping into the Great Mystery, powered by the unconditional energy of the Sun.
Keep the focus of the oceans every day. How quickly can that effort be solved? Where is the movie about Boyan. He is a living Superhero. Do we give our attention to Boyan or a president? What is the political leader doing about the Oceans, the plastics? What would a president’s team say about how long it takes plastics to decompose? What are they doing about it?
It’s all about focus and maintaining that focus. Maintaining it means you’re spending more time and energy on your visions and questions. Keep track of your time and energy, it’s easy to do. Rate your energy on a scale of 1 t0 10 each day. Start with a 5. The next day ask, “Is my energy better or worse than yesterday? If it is worse, put down a 4. If it is better put down a 6. Don’t worry about being right or wrong. Over time you will have a better feel of how your energy from the Sun works. What stories are you writing? We hope you are writing the one where you took 100% control of your life, learned to work with others, especially your family, and how you started jumping.
Write down all your dreams, visions, or bucket list, knowing that these things may likely evolve as you continue learning about the world. Then each day, project how you would like to see the world, what you saw was beautiful or amazing. Write down your thoughts spending that time in the unknown and smile and also revel in all that you have learned in your life and be thankful, always be thankful to your parents. They are your first teachers. Your family, religious leaders, school teachers, neighbors, co-workers, and even politicians are your other teachers. Look at all the good that they are doing. Do their actions match their own visions? What are their dreams?
The Master Storytellers take 100% responsibility for their lives and they work very hard at it and they write a very colorful history, and all their history is what they found in The Great Mystery.
When one lives in The Great Mystery and in their vision, it may feel like a different world as you see in your mind's eye all the wonderful possibilities and you play that story out every day. That is another stream of consciousness. If it works for you, experiment with it. It should always feel good to you, truthful. If it makes you feel bad, then question it and leave that direction until you find those thought patters that work on paper. Even if you are deep into the mystery, at a split second, one can use their mind to live amongst others - know the rules, history, literature, movies and you will be able to operate. If the speed limit says 35, it is for a reason and a lot of thought time and energy went in the decision. The cool thing about America is if you want a law changed, you can change it, it just takes a lot of time.
We are here to shine a light on others. This is a pay it forward kind of site. We won’t stop until the oceans are considered clean and we have a way to deal with waste like Pyrogenesis and PlastiKgas.
Graham was happy. Today he looked up the domain DreamStory.live on Godaddy. It was available, but Godaddy also suggested DreamStoryLive.com. It was available for 12 bucks. He took it. He was ecstatic. He learned from SolGuruz that a .com site would be better for search engines. The name couldn’t be better. This way he could continue telling the story on DreamStory.org and there would be no interruption when the new site was put up.
Photo by Johannes Plenio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/winding-road-photography-1133505/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025