July 26, 2024, South
Graham woke up with a renewed excitement. Why not start the live story? Why not charge $1000 for 30 pages with a possibility to fulfill those pages in 60 days? Why not explore the mystery. He realized he was giving the gift of not knowing. There’s a lot of people who say they don’t know everything, but it seems most people know everything. Graham hoped he was wrong. His students would become master storytellers and learn how to tell their stories live.
Graham met his neighbor Sam for coffee and he presented his storytelling idea to him. His
neighbor consults with businesses for their development. He gave Graham many good ideas. He was a good bouncing board. Graham told him about Hirsch’s curriculum and the difference between that and the common core standards and how most elementary literature standards are completely void of content. It was up to each school to provide the content. He told him that he urged schools and parents to have a fun discussion about how Hirsch's Core Curriculum compared to their children's school's literature standards. He would ask the parents and schools, what is the purpose of education. What do you want your child to know?
Sam and Graham talked of neighbors, life, and told stories.
Graham felt at peace. He felt like his time had finally come to get up on the stage. He felt like jello. He didn’t want to write, read, or think about storytelling. He decided to watch the Netflix series about Osho. Sam mentioned it. Graham took the clue. There were six parts. It would be the perfect way to spend his afternoon. It was the thing for jello to do.
It was 4:40 p.m. and Graham received a message from the principal at Garfield. They wanted him for an interview on page 127. Just as he had worked out the whole storytelling scenario, he gets another interview with a school. What if they gave him an offer? What would he do? He knew he just needed to keep jumping.
Graham’s notes started during his meditation. It was 9:56 pm and he was writing:
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I am a live storyteller
I am a live storyteller
I am a live storyteller
One of the goals of the Master Storytellers is to give time and attention to awesome people, like Boyan Slat, so they may continue to be successful in their endeavors. Dream Story is a kind of pay it forward site.
All my actions are based on my dreams, visions and bucket lists.
It was a stormy night. Graham watched the lightning outside his window and was pleased to hear the thunder. He had to spend some time in nature up on the balcony of their royal castle where he was surrounded by nature. He left his Dream Studio to go up on the balcony and without any technology. He would run down to the studio once in a while to capture a thought, as described by Gilbert in Big Magic.
July 26, 2024, South
Graham woke up with a renewed excitement. Why not start the live story? Why not charge $1000 for 30 pages with a possibility to fulfill those pages in 60 days? Why not explore the mystery. He realized he was giving the gift of not knowing. There’s a lot of people who say they don’t know everything, but it seems most people know everything. Graham hoped he was wrong. His students would become master storytellers and learn how to tell their stories live.
Graham met his neighbor Sam for coffee and he presented his storytelling idea to him. His
neighbor consults with businesses for their development. He gave Graham many good ideas. He was a good bouncing board. Graham told him about Hirsch’s curriculum and the difference between that and the common core standards and how most elementary literature standards are completely void of content. It was up to each school to provide the content. He told him that he urged schools and parents to have a fun discussion about how Hirsch's Core Curriculum compared to their children's school's literature standards. He would ask the parents and schools, what is the purpose of education. What do you want your child to know?
Sam and Graham talked of neighbors, life, and told stories.
Graham felt at peace. He felt like his time had finally come to get up on the stage. He felt like jello. He didn’t want to write, read, or think about storytelling. He decided to watch the Netflix series about Osho. Sam mentioned it. Graham took the clue. There were six parts. It would be the perfect way to spend his afternoon. It was the thing for jello to do.
It was 4:40 p.m. and Graham received a message from the principal at Garfield. They wanted him for an interview on page 127. Just as he had worked out the whole storytelling scenario, he gets another interview with a school. What if they gave him an offer? What would he do? He knew he just needed to keep jumping.
Graham’s notes started during his meditation. It was 9:56 pm and he was writing:
Buy DreamStory.live and Dreamstory.love on GoDaddy.com
I am a live storyteller
I am a live storyteller
I am a live storyteller
One of the goals of the Master Storytellers is to give time and attention to awesome people, like Boyan Slat, so they may continue to be successful in their endeavors. Dream Story is a kind of pay it forward site.
All my actions are based on my dreams, visions and bucket lists.
It was a stormy night. Graham watched the lightning outside his window and was pleased to hear the thunder. He had to spend some time in nature up on the balcony of their royal castle where he was surrounded by nature. He left his Dream Studio to go up on the balcony and without any technology. He would run down to the studio once in a while to capture a thought, as described by Gilbert in Big Magic.
Banner Photo by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto : https://www.pexels.com/photo/three-brown-tiles-on-gray-surface-1154775/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025