July 25, 2024, South
Graham felt like he was at a crossroads. Should he pursue taking a safe job at a school, or should he go 100 mph with The Master Storytellers workshop?
He sat down at his computer and began typing up the outline of the workshop. He had the pages, he was quite familiar with the mystery. He had already been on the journey and tried it out for a few years and he was convinced it works. It was time to share this discovery with others.
He would meet Charey, the owner of Together Source and discuss rental possibilities and attend a workshop.
When he thought about doing the workshops, he was very excited. He felt passionate about going into the mystery, about creating this feeling of wonder again in the world. He felt the energy. It felt like going 100 mph or more. He could see all things falling in place.
Would he decide to hold workshops? Who would be the first to attend? What would their dreams and stories be all about?
After his meeting with Charey, he felt disappointed. He figured how much he would need to charge folks from his living expenses. She asked about his following. “I have none,” He wondered if he was being too naive. He so badly wanted to teach. Was it to start more slowly than he imagined? He wanted to teach, to go 1000 mph in the direction of the great mystery. He found the path and he only wanted to share it. Was it just the great mystery path or was it also the energy of the sun? To him, everything seemed new.
When he heard the stories of others, it seemed they were all in some kind of social funk. They weren’t like his elementary students who were full of curiosity. By the end of the day, he was reminded that it would be better to start on this path when the app was ready. Now it was time to continue to Jump, as recommended by Osho.
He reread the example of jumping. He liked it. He knew he had to keep jumping and he would. He had determination and he trusted The One who is known by 1000 names. He wanted to see people thrive, to enjoy life, to be healthy, to see smiles on their faces.
The more he thought about the lecture series, the more he was intrigued. He felt happy and had a smile on his face because what he realized for the two hour class is he would be 99% living in the mystery and the others would get to experience it too. Could they continue once they got home?
Can he play the game for 30 days? Who would be his first co-contributor? Could it double every day? Could they meet in a park or someone’s house, or at Together Source?
Graham began to listen to some lectures on Mind Valley. The first thing he liked was a quote by Steve Jobs, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
Then he started to listen to the lesson on intuition by Sonia. She was saying the same thing. By the end of the page, Graham was back to liking the idea of storytelling. The more he felt the excitement of live storytelling, the disappointment faded and was almost gone.
Could Charey be the third co-creator?
"Have fun with telling the story," he listened to the thoughts. "I don’t know but somehow we will figure a way out how to monetize this story. Maybe it’s a matter of having them do the homework, like making their dream and writing about it every day. How did they help move the story. This live story?"
The people would like a story. Everyone likes a good story. Graham felt like it was time for him to finally begin telling his story, not only his story, but the story of the fascinating adventure into the unknown, The Great Mystery.
A lot of this story depended on how much time one spent with it.
Before he went to sleep, Graham read Osho’s story about jumping. (from Osho's "SILENCE; the message of your being")
“A poor man once asked a millionaire, “How did you become a millionaire?”
He replied, “I always waited for an opportunity and whenever one came, I worked hard. That’s how I became a millionaire.”
The poor man said, “That’s understandable, whenever an opportunity appeared you worked hard, and that’s how you became a millionaire. I also want to work hard, but when will an opportunity appear?”
The millionaire said, “Whenever it comes, just ride on it at once. That is what I did.”
The poor man said, “That’s also understandable, but the question remains; when it comes, how will I know? - because by the time I become aware of it, it may have passed.”
The millionaire said, “Just keep jumping all the time; whenever it appears, you are jumping, and you will ride on it instantly. If you sit down and wait, thinking whenever it arrives you jump on it, you will miss. The opportunity passes so fast that it will pass before you are ready to jump. Just keep Jumping, whenever it arrives you should be found jumping; that’s the only way you can ride on it.”
July 25, 2024, South
Graham felt like he was at a crossroads. Should he pursue taking a safe job at a school, or should he go 100 mph with The Master Storytellers workshop?
He sat down at his computer and began typing up the outline of the workshop. He had the pages, he was quite familiar with the mystery. He had already been on the journey and tried it out for a few years and he was convinced it works. It was time to share this discovery with others.
He would meet Charey, the owner of Together Source and discuss rental possibilities and attend a workshop.
When he thought about doing the workshops, he was very excited. He felt passionate about going into the mystery, about creating this feeling of wonder again in the world. He felt the energy. It felt like going 100 mph or more. He could see all things falling in place.
Would he decide to hold workshops? Who would be the first to attend? What would their dreams and stories be all about?
After his meeting with Charey, he felt disappointed. He figured how much he would need to charge folks from his living expenses. She asked about his following. “I have none,” He wondered if he was being too naive. He so badly wanted to teach. Was it to start more slowly than he imagined? He wanted to teach, to go 1000 mph in the direction of the great mystery. He found the path and he only wanted to share it. Was it just the great mystery path or was it also the energy of the sun? To him, everything seemed new.
When he heard the stories of others, it seemed they were all in some kind of social funk. They weren’t like his elementary students who were full of curiosity. By the end of the day, he was reminded that it would be better to start on this path when the app was ready. Now it was time to continue to Jump, as recommended by Osho.
He reread the example of jumping. He liked it. He knew he had to keep jumping and he would. He had determination and he trusted The One who is known by 1000 names. He wanted to see people thrive, to enjoy life, to be healthy, to see smiles on their faces.
The more he thought about the lecture series, the more he was intrigued. He felt happy and had a smile on his face because what he realized for the two hour class is he would be 99% living in the mystery and the others would get to experience it too. Could they continue once they got home?
Can he play the game for 30 days? Who would be his first co-contributor? Could it double every day? Could they meet in a park or someone’s house, or at Together Source?
Graham began to listen to some lectures on Mind Valley. The first thing he liked was a quote by Steve Jobs, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”
Then he started to listen to the lesson on intuition by Sonia. She was saying the same thing. By the end of the page, Graham was back to liking the idea of storytelling. The more he felt the excitement of live storytelling, the disappointment faded and was almost gone.
Could Charey be the third co-creator?
"Have fun with telling the story," he listened to the thoughts. "I don’t know but somehow we will figure a way out how to monetize this story. Maybe it’s a matter of having them do the homework, like making their dream and writing about it every day. How did they help move the story. This live story?"
The people would like a story. Everyone likes a good story. Graham felt like it was time for him to finally begin telling his story, not only his story, but the story of the fascinating adventure into the unknown, The Great Mystery.
A lot of this story depended on how much time one spent with it.
Before he went to sleep, Graham read Osho’s story about jumping. (from Osho's "SILENCE; the message of your being")
“A poor man once asked a millionaire, “How did you become a millionaire?”
He replied, “I always waited for an opportunity and whenever one came, I worked hard. That’s how I became a millionaire.”
The poor man said, “That’s understandable, whenever an opportunity appeared you worked hard, and that’s how you became a millionaire. I also want to work hard, but when will an opportunity appear?”
The millionaire said, “Whenever it comes, just ride on it at once. That is what I did.”
The poor man said, “That’s also understandable, but the question remains; when it comes, how will I know? - because by the time I become aware of it, it may have passed.”
The millionaire said, “Just keep jumping all the time; whenever it appears, you are jumping, and you will ride on it instantly. If you sit down and wait, thinking whenever it arrives you jump on it, you will miss. The opportunity passes so fast that it will pass before you are ready to jump. Just keep Jumping, whenever it arrives you should be found jumping; that’s the only way you can ride on it.”
Banner Photo by Alex: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-posing-while-standing-in-a-lake-12419069/
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025