Earth Orbit Page (EOP) 1
March 21
EOP 1, East
Page 4313
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Graham woke up at 3:45 a.m. to continue the story with his Queen.
Dear Aurora,
Yesterday was a rough day. I got into work by 6:30 a.m. to get caught up on emails and Teams messages, prepare a schedule for a coach consultant to work with our teachers and then we had about 4 hours of meetings from a dozen folks from the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). They were there to audit our program. By the end of the day I felt I caught something. I think it was just a stress cold. I have a big 12 year story ahead of us and there is so much to be done and so little time.
There was some point on my 4 minute walk back to my home that I thought, “Why don’t we postpone this project for another year.” I only entertained that question, that doubt, for about a minute and I said to myself, “No way. I’m not postponing this time. I’ve postponed it so many times already but I felt I needed to then. There were still components that had to be added. It feels like it is time to go forward with this project.
This project is something I think about every day. I’ve been doing this for many years. I have visualized it and felt it all that time and it works. It is a time where people are working together on shared dreams and often individual dreams. It is a time where students, teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents work on their evolving dreams.
I am working on my 99+ dream list, just like the list my hero principal, Hamish Brewer, has, and I can’t wait to work on the shared dream of cleaning the oceans. Just wait to see the good positive impact that will have on our Spaceship Earth.
The momentum is building. This is the 7th day of the story and soon others will begin focusing on their dreams and then, one day, perhaps in 2035, we will look back and wonder how we every got ourselves into the pollution and national debt mess.
I have a dream that one day, all schools and companies will be having a focused shared dream. Perhaps a company like Amazon will say, “Our dream, is to revive the Amazon Rain Forest.” Who will be that first employee to donate a dollar to help the Amazon? And just as the janitor at NASA replied when President Kennedy asked about his role at NASA, he replied, “Well Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.” I have a dream that one day, every school and company and maybe even families will take on a shared dream, and when, for example, you ask a shareholder, customer, or employee at, what their role is with, they will also reply, “I’m helping to revive the Amazon rain forest.”
How is this all going to happen? The ISG is an Amazing focus mechanism. It is basically blank numbered pages. It is there for schools, companies, families, and individuals to record their dreams and heroes. I have it in Excel format and uploaded it so individuals can download it and do you know what? We can all be on the same page working towards page 1, March 14, 2035. One dream is that we will move to an Excel spread sheet to a subscriber based platform and we will be able to see the dreams of many from all around the world and we will have fun with our shared dreams.
What I have created is merely numbered pages to a wonderful story that we, young and old, are telling about our Earth Spaceship. It is in no way some kind of new religion or movement. It is not about rebelling against our established institution. It is merely a shift in focus, one page at a time.
My next steps are to get caught up with my writing and pictures since March 14, 2023, then finalize the ISG, work on the website prototype, and then begin sharing this story with others. I would like to complete all that in 30 days, but it may take me 60 days, but even if it takes me a year, I won’t give up. The dream is the most beautiful I have ever seen. It’s time for the great give away as my teacher Alberto Villoldo explains.
Page 4313
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Graham woke up at 3:45 a.m. to continue the story with his Queen.
Dear Aurora,
Yesterday was a rough day. I got into work by 6:30 a.m. to get caught up on emails and Teams messages, prepare a schedule for a coach consultant to work with our teachers and then we had about 4 hours of meetings from a dozen folks from the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). They were there to audit our program. By the end of the day I felt I caught something. I think it was just a stress cold. I have a big 12 year story ahead of us and there is so much to be done and so little time.
There was some point on my 4 minute walk back to my home that I thought, “Why don’t we postpone this project for another year.” I only entertained that question, that doubt, for about a minute and I said to myself, “No way. I’m not postponing this time. I’ve postponed it so many times already but I felt I needed to then. There were still components that had to be added. It feels like it is time to go forward with this project.
This project is something I think about every day. I’ve been doing this for many years. I have visualized it and felt it all that time and it works. It is a time where people are working together on shared dreams and often individual dreams. It is a time where students, teachers, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents work on their evolving dreams.
I am working on my 99+ dream list, just like the list my hero principal, Hamish Brewer, has, and I can’t wait to work on the shared dream of cleaning the oceans. Just wait to see the good positive impact that will have on our Spaceship Earth.
The momentum is building. This is the 7th day of the story and soon others will begin focusing on their dreams and then, one day, perhaps in 2035, we will look back and wonder how we every got ourselves into the pollution and national debt mess.
I have a dream that one day, all schools and companies will be having a focused shared dream. Perhaps a company like Amazon will say, “Our dream, is to revive the Amazon Rain Forest.” Who will be that first employee to donate a dollar to help the Amazon? And just as the janitor at NASA replied when President Kennedy asked about his role at NASA, he replied, “Well Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.” I have a dream that one day, every school and company and maybe even families will take on a shared dream, and when, for example, you ask a shareholder, customer, or employee at, what their role is with, they will also reply, “I’m helping to revive the Amazon rain forest.”
How is this all going to happen? The ISG is an Amazing focus mechanism. It is basically blank numbered pages. It is there for schools, companies, families, and individuals to record their dreams and heroes. I have it in Excel format and uploaded it so individuals can download it and do you know what? We can all be on the same page working towards page 1, March 14, 2035. One dream is that we will move to an Excel spread sheet to a subscriber based platform and we will be able to see the dreams of many from all around the world and we will have fun with our shared dreams.
What I have created is merely numbered pages to a wonderful story that we, young and old, are telling about our Earth Spaceship. It is in no way some kind of new religion or movement. It is not about rebelling against our established institution. It is merely a shift in focus, one page at a time.
My next steps are to get caught up with my writing and pictures since March 14, 2023, then finalize the ISG, work on the website prototype, and then begin sharing this story with others. I would like to complete all that in 30 days, but it may take me 60 days, but even if it takes me a year, I won’t give up. The dream is the most beautiful I have ever seen. It’s time for the great give away as my teacher Alberto Villoldo explains.
Photo above by Pablo Agreda:
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025