Dream Story
"Where your Colorful history meets
The Great Mystery"
The Great Mystery"
What is Dream Story Live? It is a piece of this huge mysterious, and infinite, for all we know, puzzle we all simultaneously inhabit. It is a piece, an attempt, to create worldwide visions of the kind of world we would like to have for, not only ourselves, but our children, great grandchildren, and many generations to follow.
They, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will say one day, “It was our ancestors who, in 2024, started to write down and work their butts off to see the their dreams realized. They all started with cleaning the seas. At that time, they documented how much waste was in their oceans and how it was affecting them. Our seas are completely rejuvenated and pure now. We have them to thank. They did this by focusing on the dreams of many, and when they did that they found all the fun emotions.” The people not only bonded on the same shared dreams, but also on mutual feelings of joy, passion, love, enthusiasm and more.
What emotions are dreams tied to? Where can they be found? If two people feel the same enthusiasm and optimism of having the dream of working to save the seas, will bonds, emotional connections, be created and shared? The chart below is from cexperiences.com. The emotional guidance scale was created by Abraham-Hicks. Where are dreams on the emotional guidance scale?
They, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will say one day, “It was our ancestors who, in 2024, started to write down and work their butts off to see the their dreams realized. They all started with cleaning the seas. At that time, they documented how much waste was in their oceans and how it was affecting them. Our seas are completely rejuvenated and pure now. We have them to thank. They did this by focusing on the dreams of many, and when they did that they found all the fun emotions.” The people not only bonded on the same shared dreams, but also on mutual feelings of joy, passion, love, enthusiasm and more.
What emotions are dreams tied to? Where can they be found? If two people feel the same enthusiasm and optimism of having the dream of working to save the seas, will bonds, emotional connections, be created and shared? The chart below is from cexperiences.com. The emotional guidance scale was created by Abraham-Hicks. Where are dreams on the emotional guidance scale?
What is Dream Story Live? This can be understood more in our slogan, “Where your history meets The Great Mystery.” Everyone has a history. It can even be one’s events from yesterday. You know your past. This includes all the knowledge you have gained, laws you know, social expectations, your many connections to family, friends, and acquaintances, your many identities and personality traits, and so much more.
While we, as humans, have learned a lot, there is so much more that we don’t know. We would like to make a distinction between our physical selves and physical reality which we refer to as a 3D reality, and compare that to our soul or spirit selves, which we will call “mystery” for now. One may ask, “Who am I?” In the 3D world, this can easily be answered by describing ourselves in relation to our family, surroundings, and identities. “My name is __________. My parents are ______ and ________. My brothers and sisters are ____________, _________, and ___________. We are a religious family. We attend our place of worship regularly as a family. We are originally from the town of _________ but we moved and now we live in _________. My hobbies are _______, _______, and ___________. I’m interested in ______, _____, and ________. For a career I have been working as a __________ but my dream job is _________. I am the owner of a ________ car. I am the user of a _________ computer. I have/don’t have a handicap. I like pizza. The shoes I wear are ______. My favorite movies are ___, ____, and _____. etc. My favorite sports teams are _____, _____, and _____. My favorite songs are ______, _____, and _____. However, on a soul level, the only answer, so far, to “Who am I?” is “I don’t know.”
The same is true for questions like, “What am I?” “Where have I come from?” and “Where am I going?” Answer can easily be given from the 3D perspective, but from the mystery self perspective, the answer, so far, is “I don’t know.”
When one enters the mystery, he or she is not going alone. No human being has all the answers, so in a sense, we are all trying to navigate the great mystery together, but until now, it hasn’t been spoken about much. As we enter the journey of The Great Mystery of Life, we are not going in without knowledge. We enter with everything we know, and we use all of our knowledge, skills, and abilities to navigate and further piece together the grand puzzle of life.
What is truth? This is a big question. The philosopher Osho states that we have no real knowledge but we are only acquainted with knowledge. Einstein is quoted as saying, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of gods.” In Dan Brown’s book, “Origin,” he says, “When a computer is asked the two fundamental questions, ‘Where do we come from?’ and ‘Where are we going?’ the computer comes back with ‘insufficient data’ yet when humans are asked, all kinds of religious doctrines and images are given for the answer.” For humans, he says, “any answer is better than no answer.” The philosopher Socrates is quoted as saying, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Physicist Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson is quoted as saying that scientist live every day in the mystery. If our religious leaders also serve an infinite God and teach what they are learning about the infinite God, a new piece of the puzzle, do they not also live in the mystery every day?
As we enter the Great Mystery of Life, again, we are not alone and we are equipped with good knowledge which helps us to interpret our findings. In The Great Mystery, we are full of curiosity and wonder and we find joy in exchanging ideas and building upon our knowledge as we go forward. We also know that we may never find the ultimate truth while our bodies are in the 3D reality, but we can have great fun piecing together the puzzle with others.
If we don’t have the answers and may never know the answers to the questions, at the soul level, of “Who am I?” What am I?, Where have I come from? and “Where am I going?, then what? What are we to do as humans? One thing we can always do is create. We are made with the abilities to create and learn in the 3D world. Any creation always starts in one’s imagination and from there the non-physical idea can become physical as soon as that idea is put down onto paper or on an app like Dream Story Live.
Dream Story Live is about how all the users put down their ideas on paper or the Dream Story Live app to list their dreams, visions, or bucket lists and then work to make those ideas come true. What kind of world do we want to create for future generations, one without toxins, garbage in our seas, and where people are debt free? One where people are free to explore the mysteries of life in a legal manner? Why not tell one’s story, dreams, every day? Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” In the same way, it is important to keep focused and keep one’s dreams alive and the way this is done is by telling one’s Dream Story every day. Each day is a page closer to one’s dreams manifesting, coming true, or moving one to the next level, a new perspective.
On the Dream Story Live app, there is a place for one’s “Dream List.” A place to list one’s dreams, visions, and/or bucket list. This is for our Dreamers, Visionaries, and Bucketeers of the world. We believe that every person has the ability to demonstrate genius according to Thomas Edison’s definition, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” In other words, on can easily imagine and then work hard to put their genius to work.
We have found there are mainly 5 kinds of dreams:
What if one is living their dreams? Couldn’t we then say one’s life is but a dream or made of many simultaneous dreams? If one has the dream of becoming a teacher and then 10 years later finds himself or herself in the classroom teaching, couldn’t we say the teacher is living one of his or her dreams? Couldn’t we say the dream is live? Miquel Ruiz is quoted as saying, “Life is nothing but a dream, and if we are artists, then we can create our life with Love, and our dream becomes a masterpiece of art.”
We have found that most people don’t have just one dream, but several. We have also found that most people have positive dreams about the world they are living in, always for a better future. Dream Story Live is intended to be that stage where folks from all over the world have the ability to project and inject their positivity into the world for themselves, their families, and future generations. Dream Story Live is a place to keep your dreams alive. It is also an exploration into the Great Mystery. We may have an idea about what we will do tomorrow, the next week, month, or year, but no one know for sure what will happen. It’s a mystery.
Dream Story Live is a “pay it forward” kind of site, like in the “Pay It Forward” 2000 movie. Not only is it a place to list one’s dreams and tell the story about them, but it is also to give attention to those who are making a difference in the world. It’s a way of saying, I would like to see more people like this, like Boyan Slat who is working tirelessly with the team he has assembled to clean the seas. It’s to shine light on people like the principal Hamish Brewer who is injecting love into public educations, along with modeling and telling others about his 100 dreams, inspiring others to do the same. It’s about companies like Pyrogenesis and PlastiKgas who are providing effective solutions to deal with the garbage and plastic crisis. It’s to give the spotlight on companies like Arbor which produces sports equipment. From equipment that is bought from them, they contribute to preserving the Koa forests of Hawaii. The company Nutiva has given “over $5.5 million back into the ecosystems and communities that are connected locally and globally.”
Dreams Story Live attempts to bring people together to learn more about the Great Mystery. A big part of the Great Mystery is God. We prefer the way that Alberto Villoldo refers to God as “The One who is known by 1000 names. There is a good story from the Peace Corps website that beautifully illustrates how we may be able to go forward into the Great Mystery together with an attitude of piecing together rather than arguing over “truth.”
“Long ago six old men lived in a village in India. Each was born blind. The other villagers loved the old men and kept them away from harm. Since the blind men could not see the world for themselves, they had to imagine many of its wonders. They listened carefully to the stories told by travelers to learn what they could about life outside the village.
The men were curious about many of the stories they heard, but they were most curious about elephants. They were told that elephants could trample forests, carry huge burdens, and frighten young and old with their loud trumpet calls. But they also knew that the Rajah's daughter rode an elephant when she traveled in her father's kingdom. Would the Rajah let his daughter get near such a dangerous creature?
The old men argued day and night about elephants. "An elephant must be a powerful giant," claimed the first blind man. He had heard stories about elephants being used to clear forests and build roads.
"No, you must be wrong," argued the second blind man. "An elephant must be graceful and gentle if a princess is to ride on its back."
"You're wrong! I have heard that an elephant can pierce a man's heart with its terrible horn," said the third blind man.
"Please," said the fourth blind man. "You are all mistaken. An elephant is nothing more than a large sort of cow. You know how people exaggerate."
"I am sure that an elephant is something magical," said the fifth blind man. "That would explain why the Rajah's daughter can travel safely throughout the kingdom."
"I don't believe elephants exist at all," declared the sixth blind man. "I think we are the victims of a cruel joke."
Finally, the villagers grew tired of all the arguments, and they arranged for the curious men to visit the palace of the Rajah to learn the truth about elephants. A young boy from their village was selected to guide the blind men on their journey. The smallest man put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The second blind man put his hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to walk safely behind the boy who would lead them to the Rajah's magnificent palace.
When the blind men reached the palace, they were greeted by an old friend from their village who worked as a gardener on the palace grounds. Their friend led them to the courtyard. There stood an elephant. The blind men stepped forward to touch the creature that was the subject of so many arguments.
The first blind man reached out and touched the side of the huge animal. "An elephant is smooth and solid like a wall!" he declared. "It must be very powerful."
The second blind man put his hand on the elephant's limber trunk. "An elephant is like a giant snake," he announced.
The third blind man felt the elephant's pointed tusk. "I was right," he decided. "This creature is as sharp and deadly as a spear."
The fourth blind man touched one of the elephant's four legs. "What we have here," he said, "is an extremely large cow."
The fifth blind man felt the elephant's giant ear. "I believe an elephant is like a huge fan or maybe a magic carpet that can fly over mountains and treetops," he said.
The sixth blind man gave a tug on the elephant's coarse tail. "Why, this is nothing more than a piece of old rope. Dangerous, indeed," he scoffed.
The gardener led his friends to the shade of a tree. "Sit here and rest for the long journey home," he said. "I will bring you some water to drink."
While they waited, the six blind men talked about the elephant.
"An elephant is like a wall," said the first blind man. "Surely we can finally agree on that."
"A wall? An elephant is a giant snake!" answered the second blind man.
"It's a spear, I tell you," insisted the third blind man.
"I'm certain it's a giant cow," said the fourth blind man.
"Magic carpet. There's no doubt," said the fifth blind man.
"Don't you see?" pleaded the sixth blind man. "Someone used a rope to trick us."
Their argument continued and their shouts grew louder and louder.
"Wall!" "Snake!" "Spear!" "Cow!" "Carpet!" "Rope!"
"Stop shouting!" called a very angry voice.
It was the Rajah, awakened from his nap by the noisy argument.
"How can each of you be so certain you are right?" asked the ruler.
The six blind men considered the question. And then, knowing the Rajah to be a very wise man, they decided to say nothing at all.
"The elephant is a very large animal," said the Rajah kindly. "Each man touched only one part. Perhaps if you put the parts together, you will see the truth. Now, let me finish my nap in peace."
When their friend returned to the garden with the cool water, the six men rested quietly in the shade, thinking about the Rajah's advice.
"He is right," said the first blind man. "To learn the truth, we must put all the parts together. Let's discuss this on the journey home."
The first blind man put his hand on the shoulder of the young boy who would guide them home. The second blind man put a hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to travel together.”
(https://www.peacecorps.gov/educators-and-students/educators/resources/blind-men-and-elephant/story-blind-men-and-elephant/ )
Can we piece together that parts of the Great Mystery we have come across?
Dreams Evolve. Kindergarteners often say that when they grow up they want to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, baker, doctor, or nurse, and this is often because these are the folks they see in their young picture of the world, but as they learn more about the life they were born into, they find out that there are so many more possibilities and so their dreams evolve. This doesn’t happen only to young people, but to old people too. There’s always the “What if…” thought and this begins the discussion of a new idea, the experimenting with the new idea. If it catches, great, if it doesn’t, then it’s back to the drawing board. Another word for evolve is grow. With the Dream Story Live app and website, one can see the growth of their dreams as it is based on a spiral pattern. For example, with frequent entries, one will be able to see one’s own growth from year to year. If there is an entry on March 14 of 2028, on the same page, one can see what was written or what pictures one uploaded on March 14th of 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024 and so on.
In this Dream Story Live, we ask many questions: How many dreams do you have? What adventures did you have today? Did you meet anyone new? Did you get together with family and/or friends? Did you tell anyone your story? Did they know what Dream Story is? For how many pages have they been recording their Dream Story? When did they first hear about Dream Story? Did anything out of the ordinary happen today? Are you feeling like you are not alone in this Story? Have you connected with others with your shared dreams? Any new ideas today? Are we progressing in cleaning up the seas? What are you learning about love, life, and the universe? What kind of world to you want to create for yourself, your family, and your friends?
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman
Dream Story is just another path in the consciousness of humans. It is just a story. The pages are tied to the existing Gregorian calendar. Going down this path takes time and energy and as you are on this path, we hope you will find the fun in exploring the mystery of life, in putting the pieces of this grand puzzle together, and in meeting new friends who have started their journey down the same pages. There are many paths that help one understand the Great Mystery of life. The danger is in when individuals claim that they have the only path. There is no such thing as a singular path in infinity. One doesn’t even have to know about Dream Story Live to explore the many paths of life. One can also go down the paths of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism and create their dreams, whether they record their dreams in Dream Story Live or not. These religions and philosophies are also valuable in providing guidance in navigating the 3D.
Some religions regard marriage as sacred. They teach that the best path in leading up to marriage is to wait until after the wedding ceremony to consummate the marriage. This can be a beautiful path to take and should be respected. Others have many other ideas about love, and as long as these ideas are lawful, they too should be respected. This topic has taken up volumes through history and will continue to do so.
Politicians in the United States are public servants. They listen to what the people are dreaming about and Americans need them to do the hard work of making those things happen because it requires a lot of time and energy and people don’t want to spend their free time doing paperwork. There is this notion in the United States of “The American Dream.” What is that exactly? Do we need politicians to define the American dream or should this be done by individual U.S. citizens? One can be absolutely certain that all Americans don’t have the same dreams, but there are some dreams they share. If you ask 100 politicians, “What is the American Dream?” one may receive 100 different answers. The American people need to trust their public servants to get their jobs done, like getting rid of the national debt. If public servants are ineffective, there is a process. The people can vote them out of office. Were the politicians effective in balancing the budget and reducing the debt? How much are Americans paying each year to just interest on their national debt? Who is collecting these interest payments? What are the visions of our politicians and political parties? Where are their stories? Most importantly, what are their accomplishments? What have they been able to do to make their country a better place?
In their free time, people want to spend their time charting their dreams, meeting others, and putting all the pieces together. Dream Story Live includes both the good and what some call the bad. The bad things are acts like murder, stealing, or harming a child, which are against the law in most societies. How much time do you spend on observing the bad things that are quickly brought to the forefront by many news stations? One could spend his or her entire day learning about a murder. What feelings would this bring? The United States of America and it is a free country. Individuals are free to spend their free time and energy however they chose. We have learned that there are many good people to help deal with people who have committed murder, stolen, and harmed a child. We trust them in their jobs and this allows us to move on to the big picture. We have learned that the focus on these issues can not only bring negative emotions and slow one down in the creation process. It is therefore important to find the right balance. One doesn’t have to ignore the negativity. It is highly recommended to be aware of where you spend your time and energy. You can turn your focus, your time and energy to anything. This is your decision. There are many folks and companies out there competing for your time and energy. Remain in control of your time and energy.
There are different levels of energy down different paths. How do you want to feel? What personality traits do you like? What kind of relationships do you want to have with your family and friends? Who are your heroes?
The laws, knowledge, and social customs of one’s country help to anchor us to this 3D world. Laws are important to follow because they help us all to be orderly and civilized. This is important because when we have calm, it allows us to spend more time and energy on our creations. Things like war, corruption, scandals, and pandemics may always be around, but they slow down human progress. It is likely one will experience some kinds of events such as these in his or her own lifetime, but even in the worst of times, don’t forget your dreams, visions, and bucket list. Dream Story Live and similar sites will help you to remain focused, on track. Your story will likely evolve over time, but don’t ever give up on your dreams.
Dream Story Live is providing an easy way for you to create, record, and share your dreams. Because your dreams are on-going, so is Dream Story Live which means that your dreams are live. While this is not the first “live story,” it is the first story to be recorded, created, and told live by millions of people.
Your Dream Story Live is created one page, typically, one day at a time. Each page is like a frame on a motion picture or a note in the middle of a song. What will your dream story look like when all the pages are connected together like the frames on an old film or the notes in a beautiful song? Your Dream Story Live doesn’t finish at night when you go to sleep. It will be there waiting for you, greeting you with hope and positive anticipation as soon as you wake up. What if every day you put down a quote that rang true for you, uploaded a picture of something amazing and/or beautiful, wrote down a few thoughts from inside the mystery? What if you did this for 7 years and then all of a sudden you looked back? What would you see in your spiral history? How much have you grown? What connections have you made? What dreams came true or evolved to the next level?
While we could have gone with a page numbering system that had 365 pages. Dream Story Live has 360 pages. There is something mysterious and magical about 360 as best explained in the YouTube video “Sonic Geometry.” Each page of Dream Story Live corresponds to a date(s) in the Gregorian calendar. If one looks at most timelines in history books, they will show you a straight line. Some timelines stretch back 4.5 billion years, others 220 million years, some 6000 years, and some only 300 years. What all these timelines have in common is that they are represented as straight lines. The Dream Story timeline is not a straight line, but rather a spiral. If one were to look at the front of a spiral, as looking down at a slinky toy, one would see the 360 degree circle. If one were to stretch out the slinky, then one would see the spiral and this is what our Spaceship Earth and Dream Story Live does; it assigns one page to each degree of the 360 degrees of the circle of this spiral. The spiral is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun and the Sun’s path around our galaxy. This spiral pattern is represented well in the videos below illustrating how our solar system travels through space.
Dream story is non-denominational, non-religious, non-racial, non-orientation of any kind. All Dream Story Live pages in the future are blank, neutral, but full of potential and waiting for you to breathe life into them. Tomorrow's page is blank, but it's waiting to be filled in with your story, your journey into the Great Mystery, your progress with your creations. As you write each day, you leave your history. Be kind to yourself. What kind of world do you want for yourself, your family, your city, your country, your world? The blank pages are ready to listen. You are what you give your time and energy to. You can give 1% of your time to your Dream Story Live, or 99%. It's up to you to find the balance that works with the life you are creating.
Dream story Live is intended as family story, such that even a kindergarten student could understand and parents wouldn’t mind their child hearing the story. We ask our participants to keep the content clean so that parents will not squirm if their young child were to see something he or she may not be ready for. The internet is full of millions of other sites for adult discussions and if you want to discuss adult topics, you are strongly encourage to discuss them on other platforms.
If anyone were to make a similar Dream Story Live site, he or she has permission from The Master Storytellers, LLC and is encouraged to use the same page numbering system so that we may all be on the same page.
On behalf of The Master Storytellers, I would like to thank all of my family, friends, and teachers who got me to this level. I would like to thank SolGuruz for helping to bring my dream to life by building the app. For the authors, artists, and song writers, I heard what you were saying and you gave me the encouragement to go on. Please continue with your art so millions may benefit.
We hope you will find the fun in exploring the mystery of life, in putting the pieces of this grand puzzle together, and in meeting new friends who have started their journeys down the same pages. We pray that you may always keep your dreams alive.
While we, as humans, have learned a lot, there is so much more that we don’t know. We would like to make a distinction between our physical selves and physical reality which we refer to as a 3D reality, and compare that to our soul or spirit selves, which we will call “mystery” for now. One may ask, “Who am I?” In the 3D world, this can easily be answered by describing ourselves in relation to our family, surroundings, and identities. “My name is __________. My parents are ______ and ________. My brothers and sisters are ____________, _________, and ___________. We are a religious family. We attend our place of worship regularly as a family. We are originally from the town of _________ but we moved and now we live in _________. My hobbies are _______, _______, and ___________. I’m interested in ______, _____, and ________. For a career I have been working as a __________ but my dream job is _________. I am the owner of a ________ car. I am the user of a _________ computer. I have/don’t have a handicap. I like pizza. The shoes I wear are ______. My favorite movies are ___, ____, and _____. etc. My favorite sports teams are _____, _____, and _____. My favorite songs are ______, _____, and _____. However, on a soul level, the only answer, so far, to “Who am I?” is “I don’t know.”
The same is true for questions like, “What am I?” “Where have I come from?” and “Where am I going?” Answer can easily be given from the 3D perspective, but from the mystery self perspective, the answer, so far, is “I don’t know.”
When one enters the mystery, he or she is not going alone. No human being has all the answers, so in a sense, we are all trying to navigate the great mystery together, but until now, it hasn’t been spoken about much. As we enter the journey of The Great Mystery of Life, we are not going in without knowledge. We enter with everything we know, and we use all of our knowledge, skills, and abilities to navigate and further piece together the grand puzzle of life.
What is truth? This is a big question. The philosopher Osho states that we have no real knowledge but we are only acquainted with knowledge. Einstein is quoted as saying, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of gods.” In Dan Brown’s book, “Origin,” he says, “When a computer is asked the two fundamental questions, ‘Where do we come from?’ and ‘Where are we going?’ the computer comes back with ‘insufficient data’ yet when humans are asked, all kinds of religious doctrines and images are given for the answer.” For humans, he says, “any answer is better than no answer.” The philosopher Socrates is quoted as saying, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Physicist Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson is quoted as saying that scientist live every day in the mystery. If our religious leaders also serve an infinite God and teach what they are learning about the infinite God, a new piece of the puzzle, do they not also live in the mystery every day?
As we enter the Great Mystery of Life, again, we are not alone and we are equipped with good knowledge which helps us to interpret our findings. In The Great Mystery, we are full of curiosity and wonder and we find joy in exchanging ideas and building upon our knowledge as we go forward. We also know that we may never find the ultimate truth while our bodies are in the 3D reality, but we can have great fun piecing together the puzzle with others.
If we don’t have the answers and may never know the answers to the questions, at the soul level, of “Who am I?” What am I?, Where have I come from? and “Where am I going?, then what? What are we to do as humans? One thing we can always do is create. We are made with the abilities to create and learn in the 3D world. Any creation always starts in one’s imagination and from there the non-physical idea can become physical as soon as that idea is put down onto paper or on an app like Dream Story Live.
Dream Story Live is about how all the users put down their ideas on paper or the Dream Story Live app to list their dreams, visions, or bucket lists and then work to make those ideas come true. What kind of world do we want to create for future generations, one without toxins, garbage in our seas, and where people are debt free? One where people are free to explore the mysteries of life in a legal manner? Why not tell one’s story, dreams, every day? Zig Ziglar is quoted as saying, People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” In the same way, it is important to keep focused and keep one’s dreams alive and the way this is done is by telling one’s Dream Story every day. Each day is a page closer to one’s dreams manifesting, coming true, or moving one to the next level, a new perspective.
On the Dream Story Live app, there is a place for one’s “Dream List.” A place to list one’s dreams, visions, and/or bucket list. This is for our Dreamers, Visionaries, and Bucketeers of the world. We believe that every person has the ability to demonstrate genius according to Thomas Edison’s definition, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” In other words, on can easily imagine and then work hard to put their genius to work.
We have found there are mainly 5 kinds of dreams:
- Imagining the dream – this is the easiest and most fun part of the dream. This is the 1% inspiration.
- Working towards the dream, like going to school to become a teacher, a veterinarian, or an artist. This is the 99% perspiration.
- Living the dream – when one is living the life as a teacher, a veterinarian, or an artist.
- The Driving Dream – this is the main dream that keeps one focused in his or her life. It’s the dream that one works towards daily. In the driving dream, the dreamer is relentless. It is a great blessing for an individual if he or she finds their driving dream.
- The sleep dream – These are the mysterious movie like images that pass through one’s mind while sleeping. Some folks are inspired and motivated by what they see in their sleep and convey their dreams in art, action, and more.
What if one is living their dreams? Couldn’t we then say one’s life is but a dream or made of many simultaneous dreams? If one has the dream of becoming a teacher and then 10 years later finds himself or herself in the classroom teaching, couldn’t we say the teacher is living one of his or her dreams? Couldn’t we say the dream is live? Miquel Ruiz is quoted as saying, “Life is nothing but a dream, and if we are artists, then we can create our life with Love, and our dream becomes a masterpiece of art.”
We have found that most people don’t have just one dream, but several. We have also found that most people have positive dreams about the world they are living in, always for a better future. Dream Story Live is intended to be that stage where folks from all over the world have the ability to project and inject their positivity into the world for themselves, their families, and future generations. Dream Story Live is a place to keep your dreams alive. It is also an exploration into the Great Mystery. We may have an idea about what we will do tomorrow, the next week, month, or year, but no one know for sure what will happen. It’s a mystery.
Dream Story Live is a “pay it forward” kind of site, like in the “Pay It Forward” 2000 movie. Not only is it a place to list one’s dreams and tell the story about them, but it is also to give attention to those who are making a difference in the world. It’s a way of saying, I would like to see more people like this, like Boyan Slat who is working tirelessly with the team he has assembled to clean the seas. It’s to shine light on people like the principal Hamish Brewer who is injecting love into public educations, along with modeling and telling others about his 100 dreams, inspiring others to do the same. It’s about companies like Pyrogenesis and PlastiKgas who are providing effective solutions to deal with the garbage and plastic crisis. It’s to give the spotlight on companies like Arbor which produces sports equipment. From equipment that is bought from them, they contribute to preserving the Koa forests of Hawaii. The company Nutiva has given “over $5.5 million back into the ecosystems and communities that are connected locally and globally.”
Dreams Story Live attempts to bring people together to learn more about the Great Mystery. A big part of the Great Mystery is God. We prefer the way that Alberto Villoldo refers to God as “The One who is known by 1000 names. There is a good story from the Peace Corps website that beautifully illustrates how we may be able to go forward into the Great Mystery together with an attitude of piecing together rather than arguing over “truth.”
“Long ago six old men lived in a village in India. Each was born blind. The other villagers loved the old men and kept them away from harm. Since the blind men could not see the world for themselves, they had to imagine many of its wonders. They listened carefully to the stories told by travelers to learn what they could about life outside the village.
The men were curious about many of the stories they heard, but they were most curious about elephants. They were told that elephants could trample forests, carry huge burdens, and frighten young and old with their loud trumpet calls. But they also knew that the Rajah's daughter rode an elephant when she traveled in her father's kingdom. Would the Rajah let his daughter get near such a dangerous creature?
The old men argued day and night about elephants. "An elephant must be a powerful giant," claimed the first blind man. He had heard stories about elephants being used to clear forests and build roads.
"No, you must be wrong," argued the second blind man. "An elephant must be graceful and gentle if a princess is to ride on its back."
"You're wrong! I have heard that an elephant can pierce a man's heart with its terrible horn," said the third blind man.
"Please," said the fourth blind man. "You are all mistaken. An elephant is nothing more than a large sort of cow. You know how people exaggerate."
"I am sure that an elephant is something magical," said the fifth blind man. "That would explain why the Rajah's daughter can travel safely throughout the kingdom."
"I don't believe elephants exist at all," declared the sixth blind man. "I think we are the victims of a cruel joke."
Finally, the villagers grew tired of all the arguments, and they arranged for the curious men to visit the palace of the Rajah to learn the truth about elephants. A young boy from their village was selected to guide the blind men on their journey. The smallest man put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The second blind man put his hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to walk safely behind the boy who would lead them to the Rajah's magnificent palace.
When the blind men reached the palace, they were greeted by an old friend from their village who worked as a gardener on the palace grounds. Their friend led them to the courtyard. There stood an elephant. The blind men stepped forward to touch the creature that was the subject of so many arguments.
The first blind man reached out and touched the side of the huge animal. "An elephant is smooth and solid like a wall!" he declared. "It must be very powerful."
The second blind man put his hand on the elephant's limber trunk. "An elephant is like a giant snake," he announced.
The third blind man felt the elephant's pointed tusk. "I was right," he decided. "This creature is as sharp and deadly as a spear."
The fourth blind man touched one of the elephant's four legs. "What we have here," he said, "is an extremely large cow."
The fifth blind man felt the elephant's giant ear. "I believe an elephant is like a huge fan or maybe a magic carpet that can fly over mountains and treetops," he said.
The sixth blind man gave a tug on the elephant's coarse tail. "Why, this is nothing more than a piece of old rope. Dangerous, indeed," he scoffed.
The gardener led his friends to the shade of a tree. "Sit here and rest for the long journey home," he said. "I will bring you some water to drink."
While they waited, the six blind men talked about the elephant.
"An elephant is like a wall," said the first blind man. "Surely we can finally agree on that."
"A wall? An elephant is a giant snake!" answered the second blind man.
"It's a spear, I tell you," insisted the third blind man.
"I'm certain it's a giant cow," said the fourth blind man.
"Magic carpet. There's no doubt," said the fifth blind man.
"Don't you see?" pleaded the sixth blind man. "Someone used a rope to trick us."
Their argument continued and their shouts grew louder and louder.
"Wall!" "Snake!" "Spear!" "Cow!" "Carpet!" "Rope!"
"Stop shouting!" called a very angry voice.
It was the Rajah, awakened from his nap by the noisy argument.
"How can each of you be so certain you are right?" asked the ruler.
The six blind men considered the question. And then, knowing the Rajah to be a very wise man, they decided to say nothing at all.
"The elephant is a very large animal," said the Rajah kindly. "Each man touched only one part. Perhaps if you put the parts together, you will see the truth. Now, let me finish my nap in peace."
When their friend returned to the garden with the cool water, the six men rested quietly in the shade, thinking about the Rajah's advice.
"He is right," said the first blind man. "To learn the truth, we must put all the parts together. Let's discuss this on the journey home."
The first blind man put his hand on the shoulder of the young boy who would guide them home. The second blind man put a hand on his friend's shoulder, and so on until all six men were ready to travel together.”
(https://www.peacecorps.gov/educators-and-students/educators/resources/blind-men-and-elephant/story-blind-men-and-elephant/ )
Can we piece together that parts of the Great Mystery we have come across?
Dreams Evolve. Kindergarteners often say that when they grow up they want to be a teacher, policeman, fireman, baker, doctor, or nurse, and this is often because these are the folks they see in their young picture of the world, but as they learn more about the life they were born into, they find out that there are so many more possibilities and so their dreams evolve. This doesn’t happen only to young people, but to old people too. There’s always the “What if…” thought and this begins the discussion of a new idea, the experimenting with the new idea. If it catches, great, if it doesn’t, then it’s back to the drawing board. Another word for evolve is grow. With the Dream Story Live app and website, one can see the growth of their dreams as it is based on a spiral pattern. For example, with frequent entries, one will be able to see one’s own growth from year to year. If there is an entry on March 14 of 2028, on the same page, one can see what was written or what pictures one uploaded on March 14th of 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024 and so on.
In this Dream Story Live, we ask many questions: How many dreams do you have? What adventures did you have today? Did you meet anyone new? Did you get together with family and/or friends? Did you tell anyone your story? Did they know what Dream Story is? For how many pages have they been recording their Dream Story? When did they first hear about Dream Story? Did anything out of the ordinary happen today? Are you feeling like you are not alone in this Story? Have you connected with others with your shared dreams? Any new ideas today? Are we progressing in cleaning up the seas? What are you learning about love, life, and the universe? What kind of world to you want to create for yourself, your family, and your friends?
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman
Dream Story is just another path in the consciousness of humans. It is just a story. The pages are tied to the existing Gregorian calendar. Going down this path takes time and energy and as you are on this path, we hope you will find the fun in exploring the mystery of life, in putting the pieces of this grand puzzle together, and in meeting new friends who have started their journey down the same pages. There are many paths that help one understand the Great Mystery of life. The danger is in when individuals claim that they have the only path. There is no such thing as a singular path in infinity. One doesn’t even have to know about Dream Story Live to explore the many paths of life. One can also go down the paths of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism and create their dreams, whether they record their dreams in Dream Story Live or not. These religions and philosophies are also valuable in providing guidance in navigating the 3D.
Some religions regard marriage as sacred. They teach that the best path in leading up to marriage is to wait until after the wedding ceremony to consummate the marriage. This can be a beautiful path to take and should be respected. Others have many other ideas about love, and as long as these ideas are lawful, they too should be respected. This topic has taken up volumes through history and will continue to do so.
Politicians in the United States are public servants. They listen to what the people are dreaming about and Americans need them to do the hard work of making those things happen because it requires a lot of time and energy and people don’t want to spend their free time doing paperwork. There is this notion in the United States of “The American Dream.” What is that exactly? Do we need politicians to define the American dream or should this be done by individual U.S. citizens? One can be absolutely certain that all Americans don’t have the same dreams, but there are some dreams they share. If you ask 100 politicians, “What is the American Dream?” one may receive 100 different answers. The American people need to trust their public servants to get their jobs done, like getting rid of the national debt. If public servants are ineffective, there is a process. The people can vote them out of office. Were the politicians effective in balancing the budget and reducing the debt? How much are Americans paying each year to just interest on their national debt? Who is collecting these interest payments? What are the visions of our politicians and political parties? Where are their stories? Most importantly, what are their accomplishments? What have they been able to do to make their country a better place?
In their free time, people want to spend their time charting their dreams, meeting others, and putting all the pieces together. Dream Story Live includes both the good and what some call the bad. The bad things are acts like murder, stealing, or harming a child, which are against the law in most societies. How much time do you spend on observing the bad things that are quickly brought to the forefront by many news stations? One could spend his or her entire day learning about a murder. What feelings would this bring? The United States of America and it is a free country. Individuals are free to spend their free time and energy however they chose. We have learned that there are many good people to help deal with people who have committed murder, stolen, and harmed a child. We trust them in their jobs and this allows us to move on to the big picture. We have learned that the focus on these issues can not only bring negative emotions and slow one down in the creation process. It is therefore important to find the right balance. One doesn’t have to ignore the negativity. It is highly recommended to be aware of where you spend your time and energy. You can turn your focus, your time and energy to anything. This is your decision. There are many folks and companies out there competing for your time and energy. Remain in control of your time and energy.
There are different levels of energy down different paths. How do you want to feel? What personality traits do you like? What kind of relationships do you want to have with your family and friends? Who are your heroes?
The laws, knowledge, and social customs of one’s country help to anchor us to this 3D world. Laws are important to follow because they help us all to be orderly and civilized. This is important because when we have calm, it allows us to spend more time and energy on our creations. Things like war, corruption, scandals, and pandemics may always be around, but they slow down human progress. It is likely one will experience some kinds of events such as these in his or her own lifetime, but even in the worst of times, don’t forget your dreams, visions, and bucket list. Dream Story Live and similar sites will help you to remain focused, on track. Your story will likely evolve over time, but don’t ever give up on your dreams.
Dream Story Live is providing an easy way for you to create, record, and share your dreams. Because your dreams are on-going, so is Dream Story Live which means that your dreams are live. While this is not the first “live story,” it is the first story to be recorded, created, and told live by millions of people.
Your Dream Story Live is created one page, typically, one day at a time. Each page is like a frame on a motion picture or a note in the middle of a song. What will your dream story look like when all the pages are connected together like the frames on an old film or the notes in a beautiful song? Your Dream Story Live doesn’t finish at night when you go to sleep. It will be there waiting for you, greeting you with hope and positive anticipation as soon as you wake up. What if every day you put down a quote that rang true for you, uploaded a picture of something amazing and/or beautiful, wrote down a few thoughts from inside the mystery? What if you did this for 7 years and then all of a sudden you looked back? What would you see in your spiral history? How much have you grown? What connections have you made? What dreams came true or evolved to the next level?
While we could have gone with a page numbering system that had 365 pages. Dream Story Live has 360 pages. There is something mysterious and magical about 360 as best explained in the YouTube video “Sonic Geometry.” Each page of Dream Story Live corresponds to a date(s) in the Gregorian calendar. If one looks at most timelines in history books, they will show you a straight line. Some timelines stretch back 4.5 billion years, others 220 million years, some 6000 years, and some only 300 years. What all these timelines have in common is that they are represented as straight lines. The Dream Story timeline is not a straight line, but rather a spiral. If one were to look at the front of a spiral, as looking down at a slinky toy, one would see the 360 degree circle. If one were to stretch out the slinky, then one would see the spiral and this is what our Spaceship Earth and Dream Story Live does; it assigns one page to each degree of the 360 degrees of the circle of this spiral. The spiral is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun and the Sun’s path around our galaxy. This spiral pattern is represented well in the videos below illustrating how our solar system travels through space.
Dream story is non-denominational, non-religious, non-racial, non-orientation of any kind. All Dream Story Live pages in the future are blank, neutral, but full of potential and waiting for you to breathe life into them. Tomorrow's page is blank, but it's waiting to be filled in with your story, your journey into the Great Mystery, your progress with your creations. As you write each day, you leave your history. Be kind to yourself. What kind of world do you want for yourself, your family, your city, your country, your world? The blank pages are ready to listen. You are what you give your time and energy to. You can give 1% of your time to your Dream Story Live, or 99%. It's up to you to find the balance that works with the life you are creating.
Dream story Live is intended as family story, such that even a kindergarten student could understand and parents wouldn’t mind their child hearing the story. We ask our participants to keep the content clean so that parents will not squirm if their young child were to see something he or she may not be ready for. The internet is full of millions of other sites for adult discussions and if you want to discuss adult topics, you are strongly encourage to discuss them on other platforms.
If anyone were to make a similar Dream Story Live site, he or she has permission from The Master Storytellers, LLC and is encouraged to use the same page numbering system so that we may all be on the same page.
On behalf of The Master Storytellers, I would like to thank all of my family, friends, and teachers who got me to this level. I would like to thank SolGuruz for helping to bring my dream to life by building the app. For the authors, artists, and song writers, I heard what you were saying and you gave me the encouragement to go on. Please continue with your art so millions may benefit.
We hope you will find the fun in exploring the mystery of life, in putting the pieces of this grand puzzle together, and in meeting new friends who have started their journeys down the same pages. We pray that you may always keep your dreams alive.
BannPhoto by Jonathan Petersson: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sunray-across-green-grass-field-1237107/er
Copyright C The Master Storytellers, LLC 2025